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The Case for Historical New Testament Christianity

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1 The Case for Historical New Testament Christianity
PROVING THE PAGES The Case for Historical New Testament Christianity

2 WHIRLWIND REVIEW The Historic Jesus Contemporary Documentation
Historical Context Acid Test Apostolic Fathers Manuscript Attestation Classical Histories comparison Paleography The Resurrection The Pentecost Phenomenon Change without time & education The Apostles’ Testimony Qualified, Credible, Purposed, Chosen Jesus, the Man of Destiny

3 The Conversion of Saul of Tarsus
FACTS TO CONSIDER Jesus existed & was crucified Saul of Tarsus was a persecutor of the church of Christ This same Saul of Tarsus was converted to Christianity He said he saw Jesus on the road to Damascus

4 The Conversion of Saul of Tarsus
Saul, the man He was PROMINENT, & advanced in the Jew’s religion Societally- born & succeeded as a Pharisee- Phil. 3:5 As a scholar- sat at the feet of Gamaliel- Acts 22:3 In power- seen in persecution- Acts 9:1-2; 26:12 Financially- able to support necessary police force needed for his persecution- Acts 9:1-2

5 The Conversion of Saul of Tarsus
Saul, the Pharisee He was PREJUDICED Exceedingly ZEALOUS for the traditions of his Pharisaical fathers Blinded by Pharisaical interpretations of the Law Prejudice does not always preclude honesty, but is often the lack of knowledge- 1st Tim. 1:13

6 The Conversion of Saul of Tarsus
Saul, the persecutor Persecuted the church BEYOND MEASURE Acts 7:58-8:1- acknowledged as leader of persecution, men laid their garments at his feet Acts 8:1-3- everyone suffered, including women & presumably children Acts 9:1-2- asked & received power for extradition Acts 22:4- persecuted to death Acts 26:9- motivated by hatred Sincere in his intent- Acts 26:9-12 FANATIC!!!!


8 The Conversion of Saul of Tarsus
Paul’s Claims- Galatians 1:11-14 What he was taught was not man-made He didn’t receive it from a man He was not taught it by a man He received it by divine revelation from Jesus Christ Why should we believe this? Paul was a PREJUDICED, PROMINENT, FANATIC until he wasn’t! Who could have done that?!?!?

9 The Conversion of Saul of Tarsus
Ulterior Motives? Wealth? Had it & left it for Christian poverty- Acts 20:33-34; 1st Cor. 4:11-12 Reputation? Had it (Acts 26:24) & left it to become a “fool for Christ” (1st Cor. 4:10,13) Passion/Immorality? Integrity was beyond reproach among Jews AND Christians- 2nd Cor. 1:12; 1st Thess. 2:10 Power? Had it, left it for Christ- Acts 26:1-12

10 The Conversion of Saul of Tarsus
Ulterior Motives? Deceived? Who could have? Friends WOULDN’T have Enemies COULDN’T have Mad? Festus thought so Paul replies he was clear in thought & mind & conscience before and after- Acts 26:9

11 The Conversion of Saul of Tarsus
That Saul of Tarsus was converted speaks to the resurrection of Christ in that it really could only have been Christ who could have converted him! No one else could have or would have, & there is no other reason why a prejudiced, prominent, zealous, religious fanatic would suddenly join the group he was persecuting!

12 How the very thing modern day scholars try to discredit proves itself!
The 1st Century Church How the very thing modern day scholars try to discredit proves itself!

13 The 1st Century Church Modern criticisms of Jesus
He was invented between AD He wasn’t really deity There’s no “real”, viable evidence The church grew into the concept of Jesus as supernatural Doctrine of Uniformity Thought process that the very causes that have always caused events to happen are the same causes that have always caused all events to happen AKA if you don’t see it today it never happened any other time either

14 The 1st Century Church Five Reasons to believe the 1st Century Church
Resurrection of Christ taught BEFORE His Church began John 19:35, John 20: events happened to produce belief Acts 2- Peter says they were all witnesses of Jesus’ resurrection Appearances- Road to Emmaus, disciples, apostles, over 500 (1st Cor. 15:6

15 The 1st Century Church Five Reasons to believe the 1st Century Church
Church BEGAN BECAUSE of the belief Jesus was resurrected Acts 2 Peter refers to miracles & Old Testament scripture for confirmation The crowds eyewitness testimony Church is the group who believe Christ was crucified, buried, & raised again, not the other way around

16 The 1st Century Church Five Reasons to believe the 1st Century Church
Church was persecuted They taught in the name of Jesus They believed already in the supernatural Christ It didn’t take 30 years for them to be persecuted, they believed from the start Why the persecution if everyone knew it was made up?

17 The 1st Century Church Five Reasons to believe the 1st Century Church
The Church Endured the persecution Endured BECAUSE of belief Died rather then deny or give up the NT documents Why would there be persecution anyway if everyone knew Jesus was made up?

18 The 1st Century Church Five Reasons to believe the 1st Century Church
Paul’s Writings Show Belief, not Creation Paul began to write AD Clear the people he was writing to already had a great belief in Jesus & were being baptized into Him Speaks of the supernatural Christ!

19 Perseverance comes FROM faith, it doesn’t lead TO faith
James 1:2- Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Perseverance comes FROM faith, it doesn’t lead TO faith How hard would it be to invent an idea within 10 years so powerful that people would be willing to endure GREAT persecution & die for it?

20 TO SUM UP… Saul was a prominent, prejudiced, zealous fanatic who was converted by someone…he says it was Jesus The claim that the 1st century church made Jesus up & endured still makes no sense due to the timeframe, events, creation, & early documents

21 TO SUM UP… Both of these points provide more evidence to the already ample evidence that Jesus is the Son of God & the Bible is the Word of God.

22 The Dead Sea Scrolls & Copying Methods
A lil’ bit o’ History 586 BC- Jerusalem destroyed by Babylon Temple looted & destroyed 536 BC- Jews allowed to return Ezra had found copy of the Torah & read aloud- Nehemiah 8 Led to a solidifying of copying Scriptural documents

23 The Dead Sea Scrolls & Copying Methods
Jewish Scribes’ Copying Methods Only could use clean animal skins both to write on and bind manuscripts No less than 48 lines & no more than 60 lines per column of writing Must verbalize each word aloud when writing it Were to wipe the pen and wash entire bodies before writing the word Jehovah every time they wrote it Mandatory review within 30 days If 3 or more pages required corrections the entire manuscript was to be redone

24 The Dead Sea Scrolls & Copying Methods
Jewish Scribes’ Copying Methods Letters, words, & paragraphs were counted Document became invalid if two letters anywhere touched Middle paragraph, middle word, & middle letter of the copy had to correspond to the original Documents only stored in sacred places No document containing God’s word was to be destroyed, but stored or buried Why there’s no original copies today

25 The Dead Sea Scrolls & Copying Methods
Jewish Scribes’ Copying Methods Each page could only have a certain number of letters or words Specific way to prepare & dedicate the manuscript material Special & dedicated black ink for copying Vowels were spoken but not written “ll scrptr s nsprd by Gd nd prftbl fr tchng…” Didn’t develop vowel markings until 700 AD

26 The Dead Sea Scrolls & Copying Methods
Old Testament Documents Silver Amulet Scroll Dates 600 BC, but only has a couple verses Nash Papyrus Dates 200 BC, but only a few verses

27 The Dead Sea Scrolls & Copying Methods
Old Testament Documents Codex Aleppo Oldest entire Old Testament Dated 900 AD

28 The Dead Sea Scrolls & Copying Methods
Old Testament Documents Until 1947 oldest full copies of the Old Testament were dated 900 AD

29 The Dead Sea Scrolls & Copying Methods
972 Manuscripts from 11 different caves 1/3 are Biblical Writings with multiple copies (i.e. 25 copies of Deut.) 2/3 are Jewish writings Contains every Old Testament book except Esther

30 The Dead Sea Scrolls & Copying Methods
Significance Dated between 300 BC – before 70 AD When compared to Masoretic Text (copies dated 900 AD) they were virtually the same!!! Over 1000 years the text had barely changed, confirming the modern copies were accurate at least to 300 BC

31 The Dead Sea Scrolls & Copying Methods
Remember We can confirm the Old Testament already due to Jesus’ references to Isaiah- Luke 4:17-19, Matt. 13:14 Genesis- Matt. 19, Mark 10 Jeremiah- Matt. 21:13 Psalms- Matt. 22:43 Daniel- Matt. 24:15 Zechariah- Matt. 26:31 Jonah- Matt. 12:40 Noah- Matt. 24:37 Moses- John 5:46

32 Archeology Links to look up
ember-web-only/biblical-archaeologys-top-ten- discoveries-of-2014.html - Top 10 Biblical archaeological discoveries of the year archaeology-factual-evidence-to-support-the- historicity-of-the-bible/ a005.html More on your handout!

33 Cyrus Cylinder Hezekiah’s Tunnel


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