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HOSPITAL INDEMNITY WITH WELLNESS BENEFIT. Professional benefits management group with over 25 years of experience. Enrolled more than 500 companies. Eligible.

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2 Professional benefits management group with over 25 years of experience. Enrolled more than 500 companies. Eligible Industries Include: WHO ARE WE?  Accounting  Agriculture  Engineering  Food & Beverage  Legal  Hospitality  Manufacturing  Municipal

3 WHAT IS BENE-FIT? Bene-Fit is the only fully insured Group Hospital Indemnity Policy with a state of the art Wellness Program. Indemnity Product  Employee Paid  Voluntary Product  Employee tax savings provide funding for additional benefits Wellness Program  Employer Paid  Only pays for participating employees  Tax savings provide funding for the wellness program Provide Better Benefits – Produce Higher Participation Rates – Generate Immediate ROI

4 HEALTH INSURANCE VS HOSPITAL INDEMNITY  Your Group Health Insurance: expense incurred, meaning the employee is responsible for a portion of the negotiated cost of care.  Hospital Indemnity: occurrence based, meaning if the employee has a specified occurrence, Bene-Fit will pay them a fixed amount regardless of what the employee’s out of pocket expense is.

5 THE INDEMNITY PRODUCT Employees can purchase 1 - 6 units of the indemnity product. Coverage options include EO, EC/ES, or EF. Indemnity BenefitsEO One UnitEO Six Units Daily Hospital Confinement $40 per day$240 per day Daily Intensive Care $60 per day$360 per day Ground Ambulance $100 Air Ambulance $200 Doctor’s Office $10 per visit$60 per visit Wellness Benefit $133 per month$798 per month

6 Employees can choose supplemental coverage:  Whole Life &Term Life  Accident  Cancer  Dental & Vision  Critical Illness  Short Term Disability  GAP  Legal Shield & ID Shield THE ADDITIONAL BENEFITS

7 Unique program that takes advantage of two different types of life insurance policies to maximize employee’s protection and cash value build up. Whole Life + Term Life:  The program allocates 75% of an employee’s life insurance premium to purchase a whole life insurance policy and 25% to purchase a term insurance policy. LIFE INSURANCE

8 Accidental Injury Benefit  Pays the actual charges for medical treatment due to accidental injury up to a certain amount per unit. Accidental Death Benefit  Pays a fixed amount per unit if an insured suffers a fatality as a result of an accident. Ground or Air Ambulance  Pays a fixed amount per day if an insured is hospitalized for an accidental injury. Dismemberment Benefits  Pays a fixed amount per unit if the primary insured suffers dismemberments as a result of accidental injury. ACCIDENT INSURANCE

9 Cancer insurance is meant to manage the risks associated with the cancer disease and its numerous manifestations. Cancer insurance is relatively new trend within the insurance industry at large. It is meant to mitigate the costs of cancer treatment and provide policyholders with a degree of financial support. CANCER INSURANCE

10 Designed to ease the financial pressure by providing a lump sum cash benefit paid directly to the employee upon the diagnosis of a covered illness. CRITICAL ILLNESS INSURANCE

11 Short-term disability insurance pays a percentage of your salary if you become temporarily disabled, meaning that you are not able to work for a short period of time due to sickness or injury (excluding on-the-job injuries, which are covered by workers compensation insurance). Long term disability insurance (LTD) is an insurance policy that protects an employee from loss of income in the event that he or she is unable to work due to illness, injury, or accident for a long period of time. SHORT & LONG TERM INSURANCE

12 Designed as a supplement to the employer’s group major medical/comprehensive coverage to enhance overall benefits for employees and their dependents. Reduce or eliminate the out-of-pocket expenses an employee or his/her dependents may incur. GAP INSURANCE

13 A unique hybrid dental insurance plan combining traditional dental insurance with network provider’s discounts. This plan also pays the non-network provider at the same rate as if they were in their network. As well, the plan works in a joint effort with other providers to provide additional discount products at no additional cost. DENTAL INSURANCE

14 THE WELLNESS PROGRAM The Bene-Fit Wellness Program provides employers and employees with built in components that include:  Biometric screening with a device called a Sudoscan  Data Analytics through our partner Benefits Science  Unlimited personal health coaching  Chronic disease management  Health advocacy & medical resource database

15 1)Sudoscan 2)Health Risk Assessment 3)Health Report highlighting specific areas of concern for the individual 4)Coaching Consultation or Assessment 5)Utilization of online wellness platform provided by Company 6)Interaction with a Wellness Coach 7)Participation in wellness coach guided activity 8)Attendance at onsite wellness event/meeting (with wellness coach or healthcare professional 9)Committing to a qualified fitness, nutrition or stress management program 10)Participation in webinars/online support groups for specific condition groups 11)Participation in educational courses designed to address health risk factors QUALIFYING WELLNESS CLAIMS 12)Data Analytics or Predictive Modeling 13)Blood screenings for Diabetic and/or Cardiovascular conditions 14)Triglycerides 15)Fasting blood glucose test 16)Serum cholesterol test to determine HDL/LDL 17)Stress test 18)Doppler screening for carotid/peripheral vascular disease 19)Cancer Screening 20)Breast Ultrasound, CEA blood test for colon cancer or cervical cancer, HPV, vaccinations or colonoscopy 21)Bone Marrow, PAP test, hemocult stool analysis, mammography or chest X-ray 22)Serum protein electrophoresis 23)Biopsy for skin cancer 24)Flexible sigmoidoscopy

16 EMPLOYEE PAYCHECK EXAMPLE Employee PaycheckCurrent With Bene-Fit Employee Gross Wages$4,000 Employee Pre-Tax Deductions (1 Unit)$0$144.04 Taxable Wages$4,000$3,855.96 Estimated Payroll Taxes (25%)$1,000$963.99 Net Pay$3,000$2,891.97 Eligible Claim Payments from Wellness Benefit $0+ $133.00 Monthly Take Home$3,000$3,024.97 Tax Savings to Fund Additional Benefits$0$24.97 Total Take Home$3,000 Employee Only – 1 Unit – Making $4000/Month

17 EMPLOYEE PAYCHECK EXAMPLE Employee PaycheckCurrent With Bene-Fit Employee Gross Wages$4,000 Employee Pre-Tax Deductions (5 Units) $0$720.20 Taxable Wages$4,000$3,279.80 Estimated Payroll Taxes (25%) $1,000$819.95 Net Pay$3,000$2,459.85 Eligible Claim Payments from Wellness Benefit $0+ $665.00 Monthly Take Home$3,000$3,124.85 Tax Savings to Fund Additional Benefits $0$124.85 Total Take Home$3,000 Employee Only – 5 Units – Making $4000/Month Cafeteria Plan Pre-Tax Options Hospital Indemnity $720.20 GAP$30.00 Accident$15.00 Vision$8.00 Dental$10.00 Total$783.20 Cafeteria Plan Post-Tax Options Life$52.60 Critical Illness$25.00 Total$77.60 Post EnrollmentEmployee Paycheck $4,000Employee Gross Wages $783.20Employee Pre-Tax Deductions (5 Units) $3,216.80Taxable Wages $804.20Estimated Payroll Taxes (25%) $2,412.60Net Pay + $665.00 Eligible Claim Payments from Wellness Benefit $3,077.60Monthly Take Home $77.60Tax Savings to Fund Additional Benefits $3,000Total Take Home

18 PAYROLL PROCESS Sweep Premiums Sweep premiums 72 hours prior to payroll. Verifies employee compliance. File Claims File claims on employee’s behalf. Manages employee compliance through the wellness program. Role of the Employee – We expect employees to interact with their coach once a month to maintain compliance. Role of Bene-Fit Group – Bene-Fit files claims, sweeps premiums and deposits claim payments: Deposit Claim Payment Deposit the claim on employer’s behalf at the same time payroll processes.

19 EMPLOYER SAVINGS CoverageMonthly Pre-Tax Premium Employer Matching SS & MC Monthly Tax Savings Monthly Wellness Program Monthly Net Savings Annual Savings Employee$783.207.65%$59.91$29.95$29.96$359.52 EC/ES$1027.837.65%$78.63$34.95$43.68$524.16 Family$1278.877.65%$97.83$39.95$57.88$694.56 Based On Average Sell of 5 Units

20 BENE-FIT SUMMARY  Makes financial sense for the company through immediate ROI  Makes participation easy and fun to keep them engaged  Improves recruiting and retention with a world class benefit portfolio  Improves attendance and productivity through a healthier workforce  Reduces claims utilization to drive down the cost of your health insurance


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