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TEAM BUILDING Presented By Syed Hassan Askari073605-098 Khawaja Naveed Haider073605-085 Click Here To Go To The Report Of This Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "TEAM BUILDING Presented By Syed Hassan Askari073605-098 Khawaja Naveed Haider073605-085 Click Here To Go To The Report Of This Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 TEAM BUILDING Presented By Syed Hassan Askari073605-098 Khawaja Naveed Haider073605-085 Click Here To Go To The Report Of This Presentation

2 What To Discuss? 1.Introduction 2.Reasons For Team Building 3.Types Of Team 4.Advantages Of Team Building 5.Building A New Team

3 Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships. Michael Jordan

4 Introduction What is Team What is Team Building Importance Of Teamwork

5 Reasons For Team Building Improving communication Making the workplace more enjoyable Motivating a team Getting everyone "onto the same page", including goal setting Helping participants to learn more about themselves (strengths and weaknesses) Improving team productivity Practicing effective collaboration with team members

6 Types Of Teams There are mainly four types of teams which can be found in any organization 1.Problem Solving 2.Cross Functional Team 3.Self Managed Team 4.Virtual Team

7 Types Of Teams Problem Solving Cross Functional Team Self Managed Team Virtual Team Teams created for solving specific problems. Example: How can we raise funds?

8 Types Of Teams Problem Solving Cross Functional Team Self Managed Team Virtual Team Teams created from same hierarchical level. Example: To control product cost. Like people from different department with same hierarchical level set the product cost. Manager of Marketing and Finance.

9 Types Of Teams Problem Solving Cross Functional Team Self Managed Team Virtual Team A group of people working together in their own ways toward a common goal which is defined outside the team. Example: James River manufacture cardboard boxes as defined by executive leadership.

10 Types Of Teams Problem Solving Cross Functional Team Self Managed Team Virtual Team The team which cannot interact physically but on the internet or by digital resources Example: Employees of IBM and Microsoft are virtual team. They interact with their members by Internet

11 Advantages Of Team Building Range Of Options Division Of Work Motivation Help in Decision Making Efficiency

12 Building A New Team Get upper-management support Define the purpose of your team Select team members Share the overall purpose Create the team mission statement and goals Determine core team issues Establish team norms


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