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Reconstruction Era Recovering, Rebuilding, & Regressing in Post-Civil War America.

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1 Reconstruction Era Recovering, Rebuilding, & Regressing in Post-Civil War America

2 Presidential Reconstruction _____________– abolished slavery Lincoln/Johnson Plan – claimed confederate states never ________ Lincoln’s assassination Johnson’s Reconstruction Plan - required former Confederate States to _________________________ ________ ________– provided food, medical care and education to African Americans and __________________ Black Code – gave freed slaves the right to ______, own property, work for wages, and ___________ /denied African Americans the right to ______ or serve on ______, required freed slaves to ______, called for segregation, denied black children ____________

3 Presidential Reconstruction 13 th Amendment – abolished slavery Lincoln/Johnson Plan – claimed confederate states never left the Union Lincoln’s assassination Johnson’s Reconstruction Plan - required former Confederate States to ratify 13 th Amendment Freedman’s Bureau – provided food, medical care and education to African Americans and poor white southerners Black Code – gave freed slaves the right to marry, own property, work for wages, and sue in court /denied African Americans the right to vote or serve on juries, required freed slaves to work, called for segregation, denied black children public education

4 Lincoln-Kennedy “Coincidences” Both presidents were elected to the House of Representatives in '46. Both presidents were elected to the presidency in '60. Lincoln defeated incumbent Vice President John C. Breckenridge for the presidency in 1860; Kennedy defeated incumbent Vice President Richard M. Nixon for the presidency in 1960. Both their predecessors left office in their seventies and retired to Pennsylvania. James Buchanan, whom Lincoln succeeded, retired to Lancaster Township; Dwight D. Eisenhower, whom Kennedy succeeded, retired to Gettysburg. Both their Vice Presidents and successors were Southern Democrats named Johnson who were born in '08. Both presidents were concerned with the problems of black Americans and made their views strongly known in '63. Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation in 1862, which became law in 1863. In 1963, Kennedy presented his reports to Congress on Civil Rights, and the same year was the famous March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. Both presidents were shot in the head. Both presidents were shot from behind. Both presidents were shot on a Friday in the presence of their wives. Both presidents were accompanied by another couple. The male companion of the other couple was wounded by the assassin. Both presidents had a son die during their presidency. Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth at Ford's Theatre; Kennedy was shot by Lee Harvey Oswald in a Lincoln automobile, made by Ford. Lincoln had a secretary named Kennedy who told him not to go to the theatre; Kennedy had a secretary named Evelyn Lincoln who warned him not to go to Dallas. Both presidents' last names have 7 letters. Both presidents have five syllables in their full name (which counts Kennedy's middle initial). There are 6 letters in each Johnson's first name. Booth ran from a theatre to a warehouse; Oswald ran from a warehouse to a theatre. Both Johnsons were succeeded as President in '69 by Republicans whose mothers were named Hannah.

5 Congressional Reconstruction Civil Rights Act of 1866 – freed men are ____ ______with same _____ as whites ____________– made former slaves citizens with full rights ________ _________Act – new states gov’t in former confederate states had to be elected by blacks and whites __________ __________– allowed republicans in congress to pass more radical programs towards full citizenship for African Americans ___________– resulted in increased debt/poverty for freed slaves

6 Congressional Reconstruction Civil Rights Act of 1866 – freed men are full citizens with same rights as whites 14 th Amendment – made former slaves citizens with full rights Military Reconstruction Act – new states gov’t in former confederate states had to be elected by blacks and whites Johnson’s Impeachment – allowed republicans in congress to pass more radical programs towards full citizenship for African Americans Sharecropping – resulted in increased, debt/poverty for freed slaves


8 Southern Reconstruction 15 th Amendment – Right to _____ for all races New State Constitutions – guaranteed the right to _____ to every adult male, ended imprisonment for _____, established ______ _______ in the south African American Officeholders – Blacks made-up _____ of the South’s new officeholders, increased freedman’s representation in the new gov’t Lawless ________ - harassed freedmen and _____________

9 Southern Reconstruction 15 th Amendment – Right to Vote for all races New State Constitutions – guaranteed the right to vote to every adult male, ended imprisonment for debt, established public schools in the south African American Officeholders – Blacks made-up 1/5 th of the South’s new officeholders, increased freedman’s representation in the new gov’t Lawless Vagabonds - harassed freedmen and sympathizers

10 End of Reconstruction ________ Acts – illegal to prevent another person from voting by bribery, force or intimidation Ku Klux Klan – secret society of white supremacists formed to _________________________ _________ Act - permitted former confederate leaders to vote, allowing whites to regain control of the South’s political power ________ __ _____ – removed fed troops from the south to allow republicans to keep control

11 End of Reconstruction Enforcement Acts – illegal to prevent another person from voting by bribery, force or intimidation Ku Klux Klan – secret society of white supremacists formed to keep blacks out of political power Amnesty Act - permitted former confederate leaders to vote, allowing whites to regain control of the South’s political power Compromise of 1877 – removed fed troops from the south to allow republicans to keep control

12 Reconstruction Reversed Poll Tax/Literacy tests – the South’s answer to the _____ ___________, discriminated against freed slaves, ________ _______exempted most whites from paying the tax or passing the literacy test _______ ____ laws– legalized discrimination in former confederate states, lasted from 1876-1965 Plessey v. Fergusson – established constitutionality of “_______________” facilities, black facilities remained inferior to white facilities

13 Reconstruction Reversed Poll Tax/Literacy tests – the South’s answer to the 15 th Amendment, discriminated against freed slaves, grandfather clause exempted most whites from paying the tax or passing the literacy test Jim Crow laws – legalized discrimination in former confederate states, lasted from 1876-1965 Plessey v. Fergusson – established constitutionality of “Separate but Equal” facilities, black facilities remained inferior to white facilities

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