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HMA-T User Management (07-118) Abstract Test Suite Dr Andrew Woolf STFC Rutherford Appleton Lab.

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Presentation on theme: "HMA-T User Management (07-118) Abstract Test Suite Dr Andrew Woolf STFC Rutherford Appleton Lab."— Presentation transcript:

1 HMA-T User Management (07-118) Abstract Test Suite Dr Andrew Woolf ( STFC Rutherford Appleton Lab

2 Abstract Test Suite: overview Authentication test cases: –Federating Entity is request-designated IdP (§ –External Entity is request-designated IdP (§ –Federating Entity resolved as IdP (§ –External Entity resolved as IdP (§ –WS-Security module Encryption (§ Digital signature (§ SAML profile (§6.4.5, 7.1.3) –Failed authentication request (§7.1.4)

3 Abstract Test Suite: overview Authorisation test cases –Synchronous response (§ –Asynchronous response (§ –Failed authorisation module SAML token not supplied (§7.2.3) Invalid SAML token (§7.2.3) Expired SAML token (§7.2.3) Not authorised to use service (§, 7.2.3) Specific request not authorised (§, 7.2.3)

4 Issues HMA-T Phase 2 Testing Policy (IGN) –follows 08-131 OGC-assigned test-case URN identifiers –what convention to use for HMA-T ATS identifiers? test cases related to explicit Requirements –no explicit Requirement statements in 07-118 Core plus Extension conformance classes –restructure 07-118 into Core (e.g. authorisation at Service Provider) plus Extension (e.g. authentication at Identity Provider) ?

5 Issues HMA-T Phase 2 Testing Policy (IGN) –harmonised format for HMA-T ATS need to harmonise STFC, CNR, Infoterra ATS Conformance classes/modules missing from 07-118 –need to develop 07-118 conformance clause?

6 Issues ETS –OGC CITE engine has no SOAP support –Intecs implementing SOAP, but not 1.2 What test harness is available for HMA-T?

7 Summary A draft ATS has been prepared based on the current spec 07-118 The 07-118 spec may need restructuring: –core vs. extension based on deployment considerations (service provider, identity provider)? –need Requirements statements to conform to 08- 131 (and thus HMA Testing Policy) –missing conformance clause/classes ETS implementation may be a problem

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