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FedEO KO 5 June 2007 Slide 1 FedEO Catalogue Session. …

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1 FedEO KO 5 June 2007 Slide 1 FedEO Catalogue Session. …

2 FedEO KO 5 June 2007 Slide 2 Information Viewpoint: Overview  Information Viewpoint main components ISO19115 Collection Metadata ISO 19119 Service Metadata GML Schema for Earth Observation Products

3 FedEO KO 5 June 2007 Slide 3 Information Viewpoint: OGC 06-080 Earth Observation Products  A base schema (hma) with specializations for Optical High Resolution (ohr), Synthetic Aperture Radar (sar), Atmospheric Instruments (atm) and mission specific (e.g. phr)  GML payload aligned with ISO 19115 (19139 schema) and 19115- part II draft  Based on GML observation  Radar Altimetery specialisation currently being added sar.xsdohr.xsdatm.xsd hma.xsd smXML - gmd (ISO 19139) Catalogue metadata for mission type Catalogue metadata for EO products gml Schema/ namespace for radar missions Schema/ namespaces for optical missions Schema/ namespaces for atmospheric missions Generic and geometric catalogue metadata phr.xsd xyz.xsd Catalogue metadata for specific mission

4 FedEO KO 5 June 2007 Slide 4 Information Objectives  Refine GML Application Schema Determine suitability for GEO-Stationary Satellite Data Last Chance to improve the schema before implementation vs. SAR & OHR?  Multi-footprint products – to be modified in the schema (action JGasperi)  Occultation measurements – can be left to later  Others -

5 FedEO KO 5 June 2007 Slide 5 Service Viewpoint: Overview  Overall Goal: a standardized, harmonized set of interfaces that support a service oriented view of the heterogeneous mission ground segments, which can be implemented in a cost-effective manner; enabling the construction of compound / value added services from basic interfaces. Discovery (collection, services) Catalogue (earth observations) Order (archive, subscription, on-line access) Programming (order for acquisitions, mission planning feasibility) Data Access (wcs, Data Portrayal wms) Service Orchestration [ User Management, Monitoring & Control...]

6 FedEO KO 5 June 2007 Slide 6 ISO 19119 Interfaces Overview 19139 GML Appl Schema OGC CAT ISO profile EO profile (ISO) OrderProgramming OGC SPS ISO 19115 part2 ISO 19115 Discovery Catalogue ebRIM profile EO profile (ebRIM) OGC WMS OGC WCS  Intend to depreciate for HMA

7 FedEO KO 5 June 2007 Slide 7 Service Viewpoint: 07-038 Discovery  Use of UDDI for service configuration management, and for COTS tools oriented schema interrogation and service chaining  CSW ISO profile found broadly applicable for collection and service metadata discovery providing association between collection and service providing geographic extent to services  ESA supporting development of ebRIM extension pacakage for 19115/19119 OGC 07-038

8 FedEO KO 5 June 2007 Slide 8 Collection Discovery Prototype

9 FedEO KO 5 June 2007 Slide 9 Discovery Objectives - Refined  Establish Reference Implementation of CIM Beta avail mid July also available to be populated: Mid August Release of IONIC Red Spider Catalogue 3.0 Best effort mid July for Eumetsat  Establish Best Practices for Collection/Service Discovery in light of use of ebRIM Collection Heirarchy representations  FedEO should support both client heirarchy and server heirarchy  Collection metadata needs attributes to allow query / sort by instrument type / mission etc,  Should be able to distinguish leaf and parent collecitons  Should be able to harvest both lead and parent collections  Ionic to see best practice for creating association between product and collection in ebRIM? (can be more than parentIdentifier) Collection and Sensor relationship  Need that the collection has a relation to both a sensor service and a catalogue service  Best practices still needed, perhaps a virtual sensor per collection? Harvesting possibilities for HMA Services (capabilities)  Critical point is link between Service & Collection Metadata: use of consistent (Universal) Unique Identifiers for collection metadata referenced from within service metadata!  How to identify the definitive record vs. a harvested record  Update Client for Collection Discovery  Establish Conformance test for CIM Possibly made available from IGN France (TBC)

10 FedEO KO 5 June 2007 Slide 10  Integrating WMS profile with catalogue for browse evaluation? To be discussed Infoterra/GIM possibly to be documented as a annex in the WMS profile? / suggested best practice for integration

11 FedEO KO 5 June 2007 Slide 11 Service Viewpoint: 06-131 Catalogue  Catalogue Profiles (supporting EO GML schema) have been prototyped in two flavours  EO AP (based on ISO AP) – intended to be depricated  ebRIM extension package – OGC 06-131  Discussion Papers presented to OGC CAT WG to be refined during the FEDEO pilot, intended to become implement specifcations by Dec. latest – requires rapid advancement of ebRIM AP

12 FedEO KO 5 June 2007 Slide 12 Catalogue Prototype Example - Spot - GetRecords

13 FedEO KO 5 June 2007 Slide 13 Catalogue Prototype Spot - GetRecordByID

14 FedEO KO 5 June 2007 Slide 14 Service Viewpoint: 06-131 Catalogue Prototype Conclusions  ebRIM findings: Client complexity - no greater than other profiles Server complexity – slightly more complex but still basic style-sheet translation from e.g. EO GML Supports Legacy Catalogues (Proxy Implementation Architecture prototyped) Rich and extensible for future developements OGC EO CAT OGC EO CAT Proxy Impl. X CAT Legacy Catalog A GetRecords Legacy native query Legacy native response OGC EO CAT Proxy Impl. Y CAT Legacy Catalog B Replicate Catalogue federation Harvest OGC EO CAT Standalone Impl. Z EO GML  request

15 FedEO KO 5 June 2007 Slide 15 Catalogue Objectives  Latest version of the document is EO extension package 0.1.3  Establish reference implementations of ebRIM EO extension package 6-July availability for ebRIM from IONIC proxy framework, including update to WS-DALI Implementation within RED SPIDER catalogue TBC Best effort implementation with EUMETSAT mid-July  Update Client for latest version ebRIM EO extension package Quickly following the implentation of the first reference  Establish Conformance tests for EO extension package Extension of ebRIM AP team script mid-Aug? Schematron validation of EO GML? TBC?

16 FedEO KO 5 June 2007 Slide 16 Technology Objectives  Standard SOAP/HTTP operations for all services e.g. no SOAP attachment for repository objects  Should be addressed to OGC ebRIM-WG  Asynch (ws-addressing) response for federated catalogues? Should be addressed at the OGC-CSW level Hop-count is too naïve (the problem is more complex) An experiment can be performed by Spacebel in context of FedEO

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