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Nicholy Johnson, Program Consultant Ivy Starns, Program Consultant Addressing Kindergarten Grade-Level Expectations Through Portfolio Assessment.

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2 Nicholy Johnson, Program Consultant Ivy Starns, Program Consultant Addressing Kindergarten Grade-Level Expectations Through Portfolio Assessment



5 Contents of a Portfolio  Work samples  Photographs  Audio/Video Entries  Checklists  Screening Tests  Anecdotal Notes

6 Advantages of Portfolio Assessment  Celebrates child’s progress over time  Helps guide instruction  Helps in sharing information with others  Helps children feel ownership and pride

7 Traditional Assessment vs. Portfolio Assessment

8 9/26/03 Marley During small group time, I spread the name cards of six children out on the table. I asked Marley to show me her name. She chose Michael’s name card. I asked her to try again, and she chose her name card. Afterwards, she took markers and paper and attempted to write the letters in her name.

9 Using Portfolio Assessment to Document Progress Toward Accomplishing the Kindergarten Grade-Level Expectations INTRODUCING

10 USING PORTFOLIO ASSESSMENT TO DOCUMENT PROGRESS TOWARD ACCOMPLISHING THE KINDERGARTEN GRADE-LEVEL EXPECTATIONS Child’s Name:______________ ID#: __________________________ Identified Disability (if applicable):___________________________ Year: _______________ School:_____________________________ Teacher: ______________________________________________________ Comments:______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

11 RECORDING KEY Circle the appropriate method of documentation included in the portfolio for each time period. W – Work Sample A – Anecdotal Note/Record P – Photograph O – Other + Indicates the child can do the task - Indicates the child cannot do the task

12 NUMBER OF GLEs ACCOMPLISHED GLE# Items # Accomplished % Accomplished English Language Arts 59 Mathematics24 Science32 Social Studies20

13 MATHEMATICS NUMBER AND NUMBER RELATIONS FallWinterSpring Count by ones to 20 (N-1-E, N-3-E) W A P O + or - W A P O + or - W A P O + or -


15 How to Get Copies of this Document  - Curriculum - Early Childhood Programs - Early Childhood Links - Kindergarten Progress Toward Accomplishing the Grade- Level Expectations  Forms Management


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