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B y J e r e m i a h J o s e P e r 1 Irony is a figurative of speech in which words are used in such a way that their intended meaning is different from.

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2 B y J e r e m i a h J o s e P e r 1

3 Irony is a figurative of speech in which words are used in such a way that their intended meaning is different from the actual meaning of the words. It may also be a situation that may end up in a quite different way than generally anticipated. Ehh What's up Irony

4 1.) Verbal Irony 2.) Dramatic Irony 3.) Situational Irony

5 Irony that involves what one does not mean. When in response to a foolish idea, we will be sarcastic and say that is a good idea. I say I say It’s a good idea

6 Looking at her son’s messy room, mom says “Wow, you could win a award for cleanliness.” This is an example of verbal Irony because the mom said it is a messy room and she was being sarcastic on saying you can win a award on being clean. I mess up the room

7 A small boy doesn’t flush the toilet, and the mother says “I really appreciate when you flush the toilet! Thank you for remembering your manners.” This is an example because the boy does not flush the toilet so the mother was being ironic by thanking her son for remembering to have manners. Flush that toilet

8 On the way to school, the bus gets a flat tire and the bus driver says “ Excellent, this day cant et any better.” Its an example because the bus driver just got a flat tire and he says his day cant get any better, but getting a flat tire isn't good.

9 In the movie Annie, The orphans says that they love Ms. Hannigan who was always mean to them. It is a example because even when Mrs. Hannigan is always mean to them they still say that they love her.

10 Irony that is inherent in speeches or a situation of a drama and is understood by the audience but not grasped by the characters in the play, Movie, or book. Beep

11 In a scary movie, the character walks into a scary house, but the audience knows that there is a killer in the house. This is an example of Dramatic irony because the audience knows what's going happen next which is he is going to be attacked by the killer.

12 Two people are married, but the audience knows that the man is planning to run away with another woman This is Dramatic Irony because the wife isn't expecting the husband to cheat on her, but the audience do.

13 In the movie toy story, The toys move when people are not looking and Buzz light year thinks he is a real space ranger, but everyone knows is that he is just a plastic toy.

14 Irony involving a situation in which actions have an effect that is opposite from what was intended, so that the outcome is contrary to what was expected. Irony your despicable

15 A person who claims he is a vegan and avoids eating meat, but will eat a slice of pepperoni pizza because he is hungry. He says he is a vegan and he try’s to avoid meat but pepperoni is meat.

16 A man who is a traffic cop gets his license expended because of a unpaid parking ticket. This is an example because he’s a traffic cop so he should know what not to do, but he gets a parking ticket

17 In the movie, finding Nemo it best shows Irony in its character. There's a very unfunny clown fish, The carnivorous shark support group, and the pelican being friends with the fish.

18 It will help the class become better reader because it makes the understand on what's happening in the book before it actually happens in the book. Its IRONY SEASON

19 It will help you write better because it adds laughter and excitement to your writing. Lets say it will help you explain what's going to happen before you even get to that part.

20 A. situational Irony B. Verbal Irony C. Dramatic Irony 1.involves what one does not mean. 2. inherent in speeches or a situation of a drama and is understood by the audience. 3. involving a situation in which actions have an effect that is opposite from what was intended

21 I- Tat I saw the Irony I did I did see the Irony


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