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Welcome Back to School! Ms. Griggs 7 th Grade Social Studies.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Back to School! Ms. Griggs 7 th Grade Social Studies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Back to School! Ms. Griggs 7 th Grade Social Studies


3 Directions  Please get out a blank sheet of notebook paper and a pencil. Raise your hand silently if you are missing one of these items.  Write your name, date, and class period in the upper right-hand corner  Title your page: Rules and Procedures Notes  You will only need to copy information written in blue  Keep these notes for the open-note quiz on Friday.

4 Clear Target  I can identify the rules and procedures of Ms. Griggs and Ms. McFarlane’s social studies class.

5 Bellringer 8/1/16 Think about any stereotypes that you may have about other people. (Do not write the stereotypes down) 1)How do these stereotypes affect the way you view people or yourself? 2)How do stereotypes impact the World?

6 Bellringer part 2 3) How has your perception of to World changed since watching the video? If the video did not change your view of the World, Explain why not.

7 Bellringer  Come Up with three class goals and write them down  1.  2.  3.

8 Contact Information  Ms. Griggs  Room 701  Mrs. McFarlane, periods 2 & 3 Homeroom Rm 738

9 What supplies do I need? Absolutely necessary (I will NOT supply these items) 1.Composition notebook 2.Scotch tape 3.Pencils 4.Notebook paper 5.Highlighters Highly recommended: 1.Scissors 2.Glue Stick 3.Colored Pencils 4.Markers

10 Homework  Please purchase a composition notebook by this Friday August 5 th We will set up our notebooks this Friday, so it is very important that you are prepared.

11 Forgetting supplies  What happens if I forget my supplies in my locker or at home? –You will be sent to your locker to retrieve your items. –You will be marked TARDY and must sign into the tardy log. –You will receive a demerit for being unprepared for class. –If there is homework due that day, you will receive a late grade.

12 Take Out A Sheet Of Paper  Label the top of your page “Teacher”  Answer the following questions:  Where was I born? Where am I from?  How many brothers and/or sisters do I have -- if any?,  Where did I go to college?  What is my favorite genre of music?  Who is my favorite singer?  What is my favorite color?  What is my favorite book?  Did I play sports in high school? If so, what sports did I play?

13 About Me  I was born in Columbus, Ohio. I lived in Ohio my entire life, before moving to Clarksville, Tennessee in 2014, where I taught science. I moved to Georgia this summer with my fiancé, his two dogs and my two cats.  I have one brother who is five years older and one sister who is 2 years younger.  In high school, I was involved in: Cross Country, Softball, Newspaper, National Honors Society, Honors Band  I went to The Ohio State University for my Bachelors Degree and Masters Degree. I was a member of the Health Science Scholars Program.  My favorite genre of music is Country  My favorite artist is Miranda Lambert  My favorite color is Red  My favorite book series is Harry Potter

14 Mrs. McFarlane Education/experience  Graduated from KSU & UGA  This is my 14 th year teaching  2 nd career for me (went into teaching later in life)  Before teaching sold computer equipment & was a social worker Family/interests  Married 19 years  3 children- 15, 12, 9  Love football

15 Lockers  When will we get lockers? –Friday or Monday  When do we go to lockers –Before first period (grab items for 1 st and 2 nd ) –After 2 nd period (grab items for 3 rd, 4 th, and 5 th ) –After 5 th (grab items for 6 th period) –After 6 th (put away items that you don’t need for homework)

16 Rules 1.Be on TIME. 2.Be PREPARED with daily materials. 1.What happens if I leave my materials in my locker? You will be marked TARDY 3.Be RESPECTFUL of yourself, your peers, and the teachers. 4.Raise your HAND for permission to speak or stand up.  Brainstorm: think of an example of an appropriate and inappropriate behavior for each rule.

17 Additional Expectations  Be an active participant  No tapping on the desk  No drawing on the desk  No throwing materials  If you have trash on your desk, wait until the END of class to throw it away (unless Ms. Griggs or Ms. McFarlane tell you otherwise)

18 Bathroom Expectations  No bathroom unless you are using your emergency bathroom pass.  Once they are used up, NO MORE BATHROOM.  If you leave your passes in your locker, or lose them, NO BATHROOM.  If you leave the room for any reason you must sign in/out on the sheet

19 Procedures 1.Line up outside of the classroom. 2.Come into class quietly 3.Grab your Interactive Notebook from the basket –It is up to you if you want to store your notebook in the classroom, your locker, or take it home. If you are not in your seat before the bell rings you are TARDY. 4.Sit in your ASSIGNED seat. This will be your seat until Ms. Griggs or Ms. McFarlane tells you otherwise. –What happens if I sit in the wrong seat when Ms. Griggs or Ms. McFarlane take attendance?

20 Procedures continued 5. Pull out any homework that is due and have it ready on your desk for Ms. Griggs or Ms. McFarlane to check. If you do not have it out and ready, it is a ZERO, even if you find it after Ms. Griggs or Ms. McFarlane have passed your desk. 6. Copy the I Can statement from the Smart Board in your composition notebook. 7. Copy the Bellringer EXACTLY as it appears on the projector screen and answer the question. Sit quietly in your seat and wait for further instructions.

21 Procedures Continued 8. When the bell rings, wait in your seat until Ms. Griggs or Ms. McFarlane dismiss you. The bell does not dismiss you! (This may happen if we are working on a project and you do not clean up your work area) 9. Remember to walk on the right side of the hallway! –This is a school-wide policy and will be enforced by all teachers and administration.

22 Lab Procedures  When your group number is called, line up quietly!  Walk across the hall quietly and sit at your table.  At the end of the lab, sit quietly until your table is called and walk back across the hall quietly to the classroom.

23 Behavior Consequences  Students will receive demerits on their behavior log for infractions-listed in student agenda (get out your agenda)  1 st Demerit: Warning  2 nd Demerit: Parent contact and 1 silent lunch or 1 lunch detention  3 rd Demerit : Parent/team conference, 2 silent lunches, or 2 detentions per demerit  4 th Demerit : parent contact and administrative referral  *Higher level infractions will result in more severe consequences*

24 Paragraphs  Paragraph #1: unprepared  Paragraph #2: tardy  Paragraph #3: disruptive  Paragraph #4: hallway/horseplay  Paragraph #5: sagging  Paragraph #6: book

25 Ms. Griggs and Ms. McFarlane’s Incentives  Each class period will be sorted into a house.  Each house will establish three goals every week (or as determined by the teachers and students) and copy these into their interactive notebooks.  Classes can earn up to 5 marbles per goal every day if they meet their goal. Once the class fills up their jar, they will receive a special prize at the end of the week (cookies, pencils, erasers, etc.) *Stones will be added or removed based on behavior and completion of class work. –Don’t be that kid who ruins it for everyone!

26 Any Questions? *Remember to follow the rules when you are asking or answering a question.

27 School-Wide Incentives  Maverick Money-School store

28 Informational notecard  Take a notecard  Write your first and last name  Answer the following questions: 1.List the name(s) of your guardian(s) at home, as well as their relationship to you. 2.What is the best way to contact your guardian(s)? 3.Do you have internet at home? 4.What is your greatest strength in school? 5.What will you need the most support with?

29 Important Papers  School packet.  Syllabus  Lab safety sheet.  ALL papers are due back by MONDAY!

30 Let’s work together to have a great school year!

31 Rules Quiz  1. Directions: In the blanks below, write the four rules that Ms. Griggs discussed in class on Tuesday. Write them EXACTLY as they were written on the board. You may use your notes (this is why it’s always a good idea to pay attention and take notes in class).. –A –B –C –D  2. Where do you have to be to be considered on time?  3. Bonus: What is your favorite Mythological Creature?

32 4 Corner Name Card  Fold the card in half  Write your first and last name in the middle of the card  On the upper left-hand corner write your favorite school subject  On the upper right-hand corner write something you like to do  On the lower left-hand corner write your favorite food  On the lower right-hand corner, write your favorite place in the world

33 Name Game!  Rules: Say your name and the name of a geographical location (you can pick a city, state, country, or continent). Each person who goes after you must say their own name and location, in addition to the proceeding peers’ information.

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