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Rules for data release Background documents. Decision 1998/4 on guidelines and procedures for data release 1.The objective of the effect-oriented activities.

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Presentation on theme: "Rules for data release Background documents. Decision 1998/4 on guidelines and procedures for data release 1.The objective of the effect-oriented activities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rules for data release Background documents

2 Decision 1998/4 on guidelines and procedures for data release 1.The objective of the effect-oriented activities is to supply the best available data to Parties for the negotiations in a transparent way. 2.Data used in the negotiations of the multi-pollutant/multi-effect protocol, including related scenario analyses, can be obtained by interested Parties subject to available resources. The critical loads data used in integrated assessment modelling are available electronically from the Coordination Center for Effects. 3.Further data requests should be submitted to the secretariat, which will forward the request to the appropriate national focal centre or data centre and inform the relevant subsidiary body accordingly. 4.The Parties and their national focal centres/data centres are encouraged to facilitate the availability of data. This facilitation might imply a need for additional financing or programme meetings.

3 Decision 2006/1 Data availability under the convension 1.Decides that scientific and technical data submitted by Parties or their national focal centres shall be publicly available at programme centres, unless: 1.A Party or one of its national focal centres provides a reason why data release is delayed; or 2.The Executive Body or one of its main subsidiary bodies decides that it is not timely to release the data; 2.Invites any Party, national focal point or Convention body that indicates data release should be delayed, to indicate what it considers an appropriate time for the data’s release; 3.Recognizes that when a programme centre is requested to provide certain data sets or data formats that are not readily available, it may need to charge the recipient for preparing the data; 4.Requests that programme centres make efforts to ensure that data users give due acknowledgement to the Convention and/or its bodies as well as, where appropriate, to providers of original data.

4 The UNECE Aarhus Convention on access to information Obligation on public authorities to respond to public requests for information Obligation relating to providing environmental information Broad definition of environmental information Exemptions are possible but regulated Internet access “Progressively” make environmental information publicly available

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