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Pre-school Learning Alliance Organising, Operating and Delivering the service at Queens Park Children’s Centre.

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Presentation on theme: "Pre-school Learning Alliance Organising, Operating and Delivering the service at Queens Park Children’s Centre."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pre-school Learning Alliance Organising, Operating and Delivering the service at Queens Park Children’s Centre

2 Once Tender is awarded Organising the Service: A strategic, financial and operational plan in place and agreed with the Advisory Board, based on BCC outcomes framework and Ofsted requirements A Cross Sector Advisory Board with a regular meeting schedule and including parent representatives A Delivery Plan of activities based on consultation with parents/professionals Appropriate staffing to deliver the centre’s programme An Outreach Plan for engaging families in greatest need of support and a programme of suitable interventions A Marketing Plan to ensure the centre’s high profile in the community and with partners Partnerships in place with local child care providers, Health and Social Care professionals, Job Centre + and other agencies working in the Queens Park CC area An Assessment process for early identification of families needs A Monitoring and Evaluation process in place Data collection process Outcomes and Impact evidence collection systems

3 Once Tender is awarded Organisation Strategic Plans Operational Plans Advisory Board And Partnerships Activities and Interventions Assessment and Outcomes Queens Park Children’s Centre

4 Once Tender is awarded Operating the Service: Operational plan in place A Delivery Plan of activities based on consultation with parents/professionals Appropriate staffing to deliver the centre’s programme An Outreach Plan for engaging families in greatest need of support and a programme of suitable interventions A Marketing Plan to ensure the centre’s high profile in the community and with partners Partnerships in place with local child care providers, Health and Social Care professionals, Job Centre + and other agencies working in the Queens Park CC area An Assessment process for early identification of families needs A Monitoring and Evaluation process in place Data collection process Outcomes and Impact evidence collection systems

5 Outreach Strategy 4 levels 1. Market the centre 2. Provide Universal Services 3. Targeted Services 4. One to one support Family assessment Monitor Outcomes For the child

6 Once Tender is awarded Delivering the Service: Universal Services – open to everyone to attend and providing opportunities for parents and children to attend activities at the centre or another venue which improve learning outcomes, improve parenting skills, provide adult learning and training opportunities, provide information to improve safety, safeguarding and healthy lifestyle choices Targeted Services – for specific purposes not open to everyone to drop in but providing support and interventions for those families who have been identified in most need through the assessment and referral process One to one support – additional support for parents in vulnerable groups who will benefit from a planned approach generally delivered in their home Marketing the centre – to reach all parents in the Queens Park CC area to ensure they are aware the centre is there, and the sort of information, services and support it offers them

7 Delivering Outreach Universal services Information Group sessions Training and learning Targeted services Starting point Assessment Planning tools Increased parenting skills One to one Intervention Focused improvement plan Improves safeguarding

8 Once Tender is awarded Quality Counts Monitoring Cycle Quarter one Access Quarter two Quality Quarter three Leadership and Management Quarter four UVF visit

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