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Spoke Cavities developments in Europe CNRS/IN2P3/ IPN– Paris-Sud University Sébastien Bousson On behalf of the IPNO team.

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1 Spoke Cavities developments in Europe CNRS/IN2P3/ IPN– Paris-Sud University Sébastien Bousson On behalf of the IPNO team

2 S. Bousson – TTC Meeting – 5 to 8 Nov. 2012- JLab  Outlook R&D on spoke cavities for Eurisol Spoke Developments for ESS Spoke for MYRRHA (ADS) Conclusion

3 S. Bousson – TTC Meeting – 5 to 8 Nov. 2012- JLab  352 Driver Post-Accelerator Beam preparation RIB production Spoke cavities for EURISOL (1)

4 S. Bousson – TTC Meeting – 5 to 8 Nov. 2012- JLab   =0.35  =0.15 Spoke resonators Two prototypes @ 352 MHz (  0.15 and  0.35) fabricated and tested. Cryogenic cold box Spoke cavity Cold tuning system Power coupler Horizontal cryostat Adapted to spoke cavities for 4K and 2K tests Spoke cavities for EURISOL (2)

5 S. Bousson – TTC Meeting – 5 to 8 Nov. 2012- JLab  A triple spoke cavity has been designed during the Eurisol DS. The cavity fabrication has been launched and achieved in sept. 2011. After a first surface preparation (chemical etching and high pressure rinsing), a first cryogenic test was performed in the beginning of 2012. First result in vertical cryostat: Maximum achieved Eacc was 3.5 MV/m, limited by a quench -> a new BCP will be done Spoke cavities for EURISOL (3)

6 S. Bousson – TTC Meeting – 5 to 8 Nov. 2012- JLab  In the meantime, adaptation of the CMO horizontal cryostat is in progress to integrate the fully equipped triple spoke. This experiment will allow to test a new type of tuning system: a niobium plunger inside the cavity volume (as developed by IPNO for Spiral-2), for the first time implemented on a spoke cavity. Spoke cavities for EURISOL (4)

7 S. Bousson – TTC Meeting – 5 to 8 Nov. 2012- JLab  - 7 - ESS Linac: High power proton accelerator, 5 MW - Pulse 2.86 ms - Rep. rate: 14 Hz - Protons (H+) - Low loss - High reliability >95% - Modular design for future upgrade Investment cost: 1478 M€ over ~ 10 years Operation cost:106 M€ / year Dismounting :346 M€ (2008 costs) ESS (European Spallation Source)

8 S. Bousson – TTC Meeting – 5 to 8 Nov. 2012- JLab  - 8 - ESS (European Spallation Source)

9 S. Bousson – TTC Meeting – 5 to 8 Nov. 2012- JLab  Spoke development for ESS (IPNO) DOUBLE-SPOKE CAVITY SPECIFICATIONS Beam modePulsed (4% duty cycle) Frequency [MHz]352.2 Beta_optimal0.50 Temperature (K)2 Bpk [mT]70 (max) Epk [MV/m]35 (max) Gradient Eacc [MV/m]8 Lacc (=beta optimal x nb of gaps x λ /2 ) [m] 0.639 Bpk/Eacc [mT/MV/m]< 8.75 Epk/Eacc< 4.38 Beam tube diameter [mm]50 (min) P max [kW]300 (max) Specs from beam dynamics

10 S. Bousson – TTC Meeting – 5 to 8 Nov. 2012- JLab  Spoke development for ESS (IPNO) Hspokebase Lcav Liris-to-iris Htop Hbottom Wcenter Rspokebase rtop1 rtop2 Hspokecenter Dspoke rtop3 Rbeamtube The main parameters to play with…

11 S. Bousson – TTC Meeting – 5 to 8 Nov. 2012- JLab  Spoke development for ESS (IPNO) One example: beam tube aperture Rbeamtube : Variation from 15 to 35 mm. 28mm Epk/Eac c Bpk/Eacc Ratios increase from 28mm 25mm Vacc @ beta0.50

12 S. Bousson – TTC Meeting – 5 to 8 Nov. 2012- JLab  Spoke development for ESS (IPNO) Spoke bar base diameter and cavity length Rspokebase (=radius of the spoke base) and Lcav (=overall length of the cavity from end-caps) Calculation n°1: Calculation n°1: Rspokebase varies (  d from 0 to 40 mm) and Lcav is fixed (=Lacc=639mm) Calculation n°2: Calculation n°2: Lcav varies : Rspokebase is fixed (=Lcav/8=80mm) and Lcav varies from 639 to 839 mm (  Lcav1 from 0 to 200 mm) Lcav=3*beta*lambda/2+Lcav1 Rspokebase= (Lcav/8)+d)

13 S. Bousson – TTC Meeting – 5 to 8 Nov. 2012- JLab  Spoke development for ESS (IPNO) Results on case 1 (R_spoke_base): Epk/Eacc ratio is not sensitive to Rspokebase variation whereas Bpk/Eacc decreased continuously and was lowered by 17%.

14 S. Bousson – TTC Meeting – 5 to 8 Nov. 2012- JLab  Spoke development for ESS (IPNO) Results on case 2 (cavity lenght): Epk/Eacc ratio is increasing continously whereas Bpk/Eacc decreased down to a minimum. Bpk/Eacc

15 S. Bousson – TTC Meeting – 5 to 8 Nov. 2012- JLab  Spoke development for ESS (IPNO) Feedback from the two Single-Spoke resonators and Triple-Spoke resonator fabrication (EURISOL) Base (H field area): no racetrack shape  3D weld seams are not easy (Spoke bar-to-cavity body connection) no cylindrical shape  Hpk too high Conical shape is chosen Center (E field area): racetrack shape is ok

16 S. Bousson – TTC Meeting – 5 to 8 Nov. 2012- JLab  Spoke development for ESS (IPNO) Mesh type Hexahedral (1.2 millions) Tetrahedral (650000) Beta optimal0.50  Epk/Ea4.964.47  Bpk/Ea [mT/MV/m]7.036.74  G [Ohm]133  r/Q [Ohm]428427  E field H field E field H field Hexahedral mesh Tetrahedral mesh Final RF results:

17 S. Bousson – TTC Meeting – 5 to 8 Nov. 2012- JLab  Spoke development for ESS (IPNO) o Design: Spoke 3-gap cavity defined by RF analysis o Material: niobium o Thickness: 4 mm o Stiffeners: 2 Donut ribs 2 Ring ribs o Ports: 1xCoupler  int =100, 2xPick-up  int =28, 4x  int 28 HPR o 1 Bellows Cavity final configuration Donut ribs (left and right side) 2 Ring ribs Beam tubes 4 HPR Ports Coupler port Coupler collar Coupler Flange Bellows 2 Pick-up Ports Total weight: 77 Kg  int 480 994 mm 787 mm  int 56

18 S. Bousson – TTC Meeting – 5 to 8 Nov. 2012- JLab  Spoke development for ESS (IPNO) o Material: titanium grade 2 o Thickness: 3 mm o 8 Stiffeners (handling tools and cold tuning system) o Helium Ports (cooling and filling) o 8 Supports for rods (proposal for the supporting within the cryomodule) Helium vessel Total weight: 29 Kg Helium ports Stiffeners Support for rod Helium port  ext 550 888 mm 690 mm

19 S. Bousson – TTC Meeting – 5 to 8 Nov. 2012- JLab  Spoke development for ESS (IPNO) As the thermal expansions of the niobium and titanium from 300K to 2K are similar, rigid connections are possible.  Improvement of the stiffness of the cavity Rigid connections : o Ring ribs o HPR ports o Pick-up ports o Coupler port o Flange between a beam tube and the helium vessel Ring rib Pick-up flange Bellows Flange Coupler collar HPR flange Cavity + He vessel Assembly View 2: View 1 View 2 Total weight: 109 Kg View 1:

20 S. Bousson – TTC Meeting – 5 to 8 Nov. 2012- JLab  Spoke development for ESS (IPNO) Umax = 0,24mm TEST IN CRYOMODULE 37 MPa Mecanical behaviour: Test in the cryomodule Loads: VACUUM in the cavity  Pext cavity = Pcryo VACUUM in the cryomodule  Pint helium vessel = Pcryo GRAVITY Boundary conditions: Helium vessel maintained by 8 rods Tuner not taken into account Criteria:  max < Re(Niobium at 20°C) 0 0 Pcryo Conclusion:  max > Re(Niobium at 20°C) for Pcryo > 0,15 MPa

21 S. Bousson – TTC Meeting – 5 to 8 Nov. 2012- JLab  Spoke development for ESS (IPNO) Mechanical characteristics Stiffness of the cavity with its helium vessel Kcav [kN/mm]20. Tuning sensitivity  f/  z [kHz/mm]: Cavity and helium vessel with the supports of cold tuning system fixed330. 1mm imposed Supports fixed RF sensitivity due to the detuning Boundary conditions :

22 S. Bousson – TTC Meeting – 5 to 8 Nov. 2012- JLab  Spoke development for ESS (IPNO) RF sensitivity due to helium pressure fluctuation Mechanical characteristics Cavity with a part of the end cups of the helium vessel Sensitivity to He pressure K P [Hz/mbar] (free ends)120. Sensitivity to He pressure K P [Hz/mbar] (fixed ends) 40. Static results of the simplified model (1/4) are verified on the entire model: (mm) Entire model (Mechanical Ansys) One free end:Fixed ends: (m) 1/4 model (Mechanical APDL - Ansys) 0.48mm 0.14mm

23 S. Bousson – TTC Meeting – 5 to 8 Nov. 2012- JLab  Spoke development for ESS (IPNO) Lorentz Factor: K L =  f / E²acc Cavity with helium vessel For 8MV/m K L [Hz/(MV/m) 2 ] (one free end)K L =-5.3  f = 340 Hz K L [Hz/(MV/m) 2 ] (fixed ends)K L =-2.8  f = 180 Hz RF frequency change due to Lorentz detuning Lorentz pressure: P = ¼ (µ 0 H² -  0 E²) calculated from RF analysis (ANSYS) Distribution of the pressure on cavity walls: Boundary conditions: one free end Boundary conditions: fixed ends For Eacc = 8 MV/m Pmax = 619 Pa (Push out) Pmin = -2500 Pa (Pull in) (mPa) Configuration type cryomodule 0,95µm Remark: Bandwith  f = 1355 Hz

24 S. Bousson – TTC Meeting – 5 to 8 Nov. 2012- JLab  Spoke development for ESS (IPNO) CTS data Mechanical resolution (1/20 bandwidth) 68Hz Expected Stiffness 200kN/mm Cavity sensitivity (CTS stiffness taken in account) 300kHz/mm LHe pressure coefficient (CTS stiffness taken in account) 47Hz/mbar Lorentz forces coefficient (CTS stiffness taken in account) 3.21Hz/(MV/m)² Lorentz forces detuning 205Hz CTS stroke 1.25mm Max tuning range 375kHz Max strength 25kN

25 S. Bousson – TTC Meeting – 5 to 8 Nov. 2012- JLab  Spoke development for ESS (IPNO) Spoke Cryomodule (conceptual) for ESS

26 S. Bousson – TTC Meeting – 5 to 8 Nov. 2012- JLab  Spoke development for ESS (IPNO) ESS SPOKE PROTOTYPE CRYOMODULE 2012201320142015 T1T2T3T4T1T2T3T4T1T2T3T4T1T2T3T4 PRODUCTION Spoke Cavity Fabrication Nb production for 3 cavities IPNO 3 cavities production ESS-Bilbao 2 cavities production Ancillaries Fabrication Power couplers production Cold tuning systems production Cryomodule parts production PARTS TESTING Vertical Test of the 3 IPNO Cavities Vertical Test of the 2 ESS-Bilbao Cavities Power coupler conditionning CTS tests CRYOMODULE ASSEMBLY CRYOMODULE TESTING Low power test at IPNO High Power tests at UPPSALA

27 S. Bousson – TTC Meeting – 5 to 8 Nov. 2012- JLab  Spoke development for ADS (IPNO) SPECIFICATIONSESSMYRRHA Double-spokeSingle-Spoke Beam modePulsedCW Frequency [MHz]352 Beta optimal0.500.37 Bpk [mT]7050 to 70 Epk [MV/m]3525 to 35 Temperature (K)22 Nominal gradient Ea [MV/m]85 to 6 Beam tube diameter [mm]50 (min) 50 (min) to 60 (ideal) P max [kW]300 (450 upgrade)<10 Lacc (=beta optimal x nb of gaps x c / f) [m] 0.6390.158

28 S. Bousson – TTC Meeting – 5 to 8 Nov. 2012- JLab  Spoke development for ADS (IPNO) Spoke Cryomodule (conceptual) for MYRRHA One spoke cavity will be ordered in january 2013 A complete MYRRHA soke cryomodule will be constructed and tested in 2015.

29 S. Bousson – TTC Meeting – 5 to 8 Nov. 2012- JLab  Many thanks to my colleagues from IPN Orsay contributing to this work: G.Olry, P. Duchesne, D. Reynet, N. Gandolfo, P.Duthil, F. Leseigneur, E. Rampnoux

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