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Extended Mast Terminal for Lightning Protection System Improvement on transmission Lines in Indonesia Prof.Dr. Reynaldo Zoro Lightning Research Center.

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Presentation on theme: "Extended Mast Terminal for Lightning Protection System Improvement on transmission Lines in Indonesia Prof.Dr. Reynaldo Zoro Lightning Research Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 Extended Mast Terminal for Lightning Protection System Improvement on transmission Lines in Indonesia Prof.Dr. Reynaldo Zoro Lightning Research Center School for Electrical Engineering and Informatics Institut Teknologi Bandung – ITB Bandung - Indonesia

2 Content Introduction Lightning Data Lightning Protection System
Experience on Improvement of LPS for HV and EHV lines

3 Indonesia; Maritime Continent
St. Petersburg, Rusia

4 Java Island & Bali East Java Bali Island

5 Overvoltage due to Lighnting at Transmission Lines

6 Improvement of LPS Grounding System Ground Wire Insulators
Conventional Grounding System Ground Wire Insulators Surge Arrester & Transmission LineArrester

7 Grounding System….

8 Natural Grounding Using the additional iron bar inside the fondation structure According to IEC – 1 / 2006



11 Overhead Ground Wire….

12 THREE OHGW 275 kV Lines

13 Insulators….


15 TOWER Backflashover voltage : Vin = R.i + L.di/dt
Tipycal Configuration of EHV 275 kV Lines

16 Removed and installation of tower insulator at
Tower 130 L1 & 2 (20 disc) on 25 & 26 June 2002

17 Insulators Deterioration
SGLNG – BDSLN 1 tower 10 SGLNG – BDSLN 2 tower 21

18 TOWER no. 103 at 500 kV line Sub. Kediri – Sub. Paiton

19 Installation of TLA with MOA at 150 kV Line

20 PROTECTION DISTANCE SURGEARRESTER;. L = (Ut – Ua). v. 2. ( x di/dt) L
PROTECTION DISTANCE SURGEARRESTER; L = (Ut – Ua). v ( x di/dt) L (meter) Ut BIL Transformer (kV) Ua Voltage Discharge SA (kV) du/dt =  x di/dt (kV/us) di/dt Steepness of impuls current (kA/us)  Surge Impedance (ohm)

21 Protection Distance of Arrester at HV 150 kV Substations
Ltotal = L1 + L2 L1 L2


23 EHV Lines 500 kV JAVA - BALI

24 Lightning Flash Density di Java Island
Recorded by Indonesian LDN

25 Statistic of Lightning Current in Tropical and Sub-Tropical Area
Europe by Karl Berger, measured at Mt San Salvatore, Switzerland : (1) petir pertama total, (2) petir negatif, (3) petir positif. Indonesia by Reynaldo Zoro, measured at Mt Tangkuban Perahu : (4) petir negatif, (5) petir positif

26 Statistic of steepness of lightning current in tropical dan sub-tropical area
(1) Europe by Karl Berger, measured at Mt San Salvatore, Switzerland. (2) Indonesia by Reynaldo Zoro, measured at Mt Tangkuban Perahu

27 Summary of lightning characteristic in Indonesia
Negative Polarity Positive Polarity Peak Current ( i ) Maximum T. Perahu 280 kA 298 kA Jawa Barat 335 kA 392 kA Probability 50 % 40 kA 18 kA Average 41 kA 30 kA Steepness Maximum (kA/s) 119 120 (di/dt) Probability 50 % (kA/s) 30 20 Flash Density (strikes/km2/year) 4,1 – 12,4 1,5 – 3,8 Flash Density total (strikes/km2/year) 7,9 – 15,5


Vin = R.i + L.di/dt


31 Lightning Strikes around EHV lines 500 kV Paiton Kediri (square : higher lightning density) & location of research towers. Figure 1. Lightning Strikes around EHV lines 500 kV Paiton Kediri (square : higher lightning density) & location of research towers. TOWER 353 TOWER 103

32 EMT on 500 kV Paiton-Kediri (as extended mast)

33 Proteksi Tower 500 kV dengan EMT



36 Result of Magnetic Tape Peak Current Measurement
Tape Type I II Chrom IV Ferro T erased (s) 0.74 0.667 S erased (cm) 3.552 Peak Current (kA) 8.23 12.656 7.77 4/28/2017 courtessy of Dr. Ir. Reynaldo Zoro

37 Result of Measurement (temporary results)
NO DATE CURRENT (kA) 1 6 February 2007 26 2 12 February 2007 38 3 15 March 2007 28 4 14 November 2007 54 5 16 December 2007 46 6 8 January 2008 22 7 28 February 2008 8 19 November 2008 33

38 Insulator Broken Data compare to Severity Index

39 Lightning Rod Isolated from the Tower
Bordes for Measuring & Maintenance H = 376 m Double shielded down conductor 1 x 70 mm² Foundation Grouding & Counterpoise

40 Conclusion Lightning Protection System using Extended Mast Terminal is a new innovation compared to the conventional protection used used at transmission lines. Lightning strike on Extended Mast Terminal will prevent lightning current parameter to “read” the towers parameters. The lightning current will only flow inside double shielded down conductor cable which has very low inductance value ( < microHenry/meter) and it will reduce the tower voltages due to the steepness of the lightning current and reduce also the voltage stress accros the insulators and prevent back flashover. Installation of Extended Mast Terminal at tower 353 and 103 on 500 kV EHV lines Paiton-Kediri prevent back flashover that lead to the insualtors damages. No broken insulators were found after installing the EMT on tower 353 and 103 since early 2007. Lightning strikes data collected during period of indicate that the installation of EMT have protected the tower from lightning direct strikes.

41 Thank You….

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