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Gateway Pointe 2016-2017.  8:10 – 9:101 st Period Soc. Studies/Science  9:15 – 10:552 nd Period E.L.A./Math  11:05 – 12:053 rd Period Science/Soc.

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Presentation on theme: "Gateway Pointe 2016-2017.  8:10 – 9:101 st Period Soc. Studies/Science  9:15 – 10:552 nd Period E.L.A./Math  11:05 – 12:053 rd Period Science/Soc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gateway Pointe 2016-2017

2  8:10 – 9:101 st Period Soc. Studies/Science  9:15 – 10:552 nd Period E.L.A./Math  11:05 – 12:053 rd Period Science/Soc. Studies  12:10 – 12:40Recess/Lunch  12:45 – 2:154 th Period Math/E.L.A.  2:20 – 3:055 th Period Specials

3  Agendas are to be filled out by students daily at the beginning of each class with class Learning Target and/or “Homework.”

4  Students should not carry more than they need.  Papers need to be organized in a folder  Teachers have collected donated classroom supplies from students. Thank you for your generous donations !


6  Dividing Fractions  Rational Numbers  Ratios  Unit Rates  Multi-Digit computation, common factors and multiples  Coordinate planes  Expressions and Equations  Algebraic Expressions  Equations and Inequalities  Problem Solving with Area in 2-D shapes  Surface Area  Statistics  Focus Standards ◦ These will include any standards that need to be reinforced or reviewed

7  Not a text book-based class.  Notes, homework, and any resources will be placed into their interactive notebooks.  Homework is not assigned daily. Students will be given class time to start homework assignments.  There will be tutoring offered after school by appointment only. Transportation needs to be arranged prior to the day of tutoring. Parents must send me written confirmation/email of how your student will be getting home.

8  Language Arts covers ◦ Reading ◦ Writing ◦ Language ◦ Speaking and Listening  Reading Texts ◦ Class novels through Engage New York, “Scope Magazine”, supplemental texts and passages  Writing ◦ Write for the Future and Beyond ◦ Document Based Questions (DBQ’s)  Language and vocabulary ◦ Language of Literature series ◦ Greek and Latin Root words

9  Each quarter we read a variety of literature genres with a focus each quarter on: ◦ Qtr 1: Fiction ◦ Qtr 2: Non Fiction ◦ Qtr 3: Non Fiction ◦ Qtr 4: Fiction  WRITING ◦ Qtr 1: Narrative ◦ Qtr 2: Informative/ Explanatory ◦ Qtr 3: Argumentative ◦ Qtr 4: Explanatory Integrating writing across curriculum in science, social studies, and math.

10  Students in our school district participate in a supplemental Accelerated Reading (AR) program; this program allows students to choose from hundreds of books in their reading level to read, while also assessing comprehension through computer- generated tests for each of the books.  Extra help will be every Tuesday morning before school. Once the campus opens students can go to Room 405.  Extra help can be arranged by appointment other days before or after school. Written or email confirmation will be needed for after school.


12 1 st Quarter  Plants  Skeletal/Muscular Systems 2 nd Quarter  Respiratory/Circula tory Systems  Digestive/Excretory Systems 3 rd Quarter  Water on Earth  Weather & Climate  Atmosphere 4 th Quarter  Energy  Environment

13  If class work is not completed, it is homework.

14 First Quarter:  Paleolithic/Neolithic, Mesopotamia, Greece Second Quarter:  Egypt, China, India Third Quarter:  Rome, Mesoamerica Fourth Quarter:  Middle Ages, Renaissance and Reformation, World in Transition Focus: The Ancient World through Reformation

15 All grades are based on the number of points possible for any given assignment. The following scale determines the letter grade associated with a student’s percentage grade. A = 90% - 100% B = 80% - 89% C = 70% - 79% D = 60% - 69% F = 59% or below

16  Studying for a test is expected the first time that test is given.  Retake opportunities should not be used as an excuse to not study.  Students can retake a test at the discretion of the teacher.  If allowed, students are responsible to fill out and hand in a retake form within one week of receiving their original test grade. The form must be signed by a parent and teacher.

17  School paperwork went home last week. Please read, sign and return to homeroom teacher if you haven’t already done so.

18 Organization Please check that your student’s folders are organized and their back packs are cleaned out weekly. Homework/Agendas Homework is expected to be turned in on the assigned due date. Please help your child set a nightly routine of checking their agendas for assignments that need to be completed. Absences Please allow 24 hours advanced notice to compile work; one week for extended absences. Grades/Missing Assignments Every Monday, your child will receive a weekly progress report. Please discuss any missing assignments or low scores with your child, sign and return the next day. ALSO, grades can be accessed online through parentvue

19  Please visit the teacher’s web pages for important information and resources. ◦, Schools, Gateway Pointe, Teacher Pages Jenna Carpenter: 480-279-7754 Megan Chlarson: 480-279-7867 Please feel free to contact any time. Email is the fastest method of communication.

20  Thank you for coming to Curriculum Night! We appreciate your support.

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