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The Importance of Art in Education. The Arts furthering academic excellence Strengthens student problem solving and critical thinking skills adding to.

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Presentation on theme: "The Importance of Art in Education. The Arts furthering academic excellence Strengthens student problem solving and critical thinking skills adding to."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Importance of Art in Education

2 The Arts furthering academic excellence Strengthens student problem solving and critical thinking skills adding to overall academic achievement and school success. Helps children develop the mind and body by encouraging reflection and higher level thinking as well as active learning. Helps stimulate and develop the imagination and refine cognitive and creative skills as well as critical thinking. Improves basic skills including the 3 R’s ( R eading, W r iting, & A r ithmetic).

3 The Arts improve standardized testing Students who participate in the Arts score higher on CSAP tests regardless of socio-economic status. CSAP scores of students who were involved in the arts for 4 or more years scored over 50 points higher on the math and verbal portions of the test. The arts prepare students to “think outside the box” a skill most important on the CSAP test.

4 The Arts develop skills needed in the workplace Researchers have confirmed that young people can be better prepared for the future through quality learning experiences in and through the arts. In the modern business environment, the ability to communicate, adapt, diagnose problems, and find creative solutions is more important than ever; theses attributes are nurtured and honed through the arts. Those with an art background have a better chance of finding more creative and innovative solutions to problems than those who have not studied art.

5 The Arts support troubled youth Art programs are an effective intervention strategy for troubled youth who have failed to respond to more traditional educational programs. Arts learning experiences can alter the attitudes young people have about themselves and learning. Studies show, troubled students involved in art organizations felt better about themselves than less troubled students. “young people who are involved in making something beautiful today are less likely to turn to acts of violence and destruction tomorrow.” - Janet Reno

6 Facts in support of the importance of the arts in education for K-12 students The arts engage all students in education, from those who already considered successful and are in need of greater challenges, to those who would otherwise remain disconnected and be at risk of not being able to realize their own potential for success. Through exercising their imaginations, the arts help students to make new connections, transcend previous limitations and think “outside the box”. Expression in the arts helps students to develop cognitive and physical skills.

7 Facts continued……. The arts provide an avenue for students to be able to express themselves and connect with their peers through personal growth and cooperative learning experiences. The arts are a strong motivator for students to develop self discipline and social skills. The arts encourage self-directed learning, helping to develop the capacity of students to strive for greater success. Each art form brings special ways of perceiving the world and mentally organizing and retrieving information, utilizing critical thinking and problem solving skills.

8 More Facts … Art criticism helps students develop observation, analysis, interpretation and evaluation skills that can be transferred to other area of study (the 3 R’s). The arts are essential to an understanding of personal, local, national and global cultures, past and present. A strong sequential arts education program in schools promotes cultural literacy in our society.

9 Art Education Resources Arts Education Partnership Americans For The Arts National Arts Education Public Awareness Campaign Colorado Alliance for Arts Education Center for the Arts & Public Policy

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