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 Middle Ages  feudalism  monastery  Convent.

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2  Middle Ages

3  feudalism

4  monastery

5  Convent

6  Mayor of the Palace

7  Carolingian Dynasty

8  monks

9  nuns

10  The Pope

11  Local priests

12  Canon law

13  Lay investiture

14  Papal Curia

15  The Crusades

16  Saladin

17  1. Fall of Rome  2. Invasions  3. Early Plague

18  1. Germanic Kingdoms Emerge  2. Rise of feudalism  3. Church power grows  4. Europe becomes rural  5. no emphasis on learning  6. new languages are formed  7. signs of modern European countries appear

19  1. becomes leader of the Franks  2. brings Christianity to the region  3. Unites the Franks under 1 Kingdom

20  If the battle had been lost, Europe might have fallen under the control of Muslim’s, this would have altered World History

21  1. wins battles against Muslims, spreads Christianity  2. reunites Western Europe  3. Crowned Emperor by the Pope

22  The church became involved in politics(crowning emperors), used tax money to raise armies, build roads and help the poor

23  Lay investiture – the appointing of church officials by emperors, kings and nobles

24  900 AD  Local priest began to marry against church law, simony – bishops selling church offices, Lay investiture

25  Social: the Knights were fighting each other and causing chaos in Europe, this gave them an opponent and brought some peace to the area  Economic: Crusades gave younger sons a chance to go a find wealth since they would not inherit it, merchants financed the Crusades, made money off the interest

26  Political: The Pope would gain territory instead of the Byzantine Empire gaining it  Spiritual: The opportunity to kill Muslims which would secure your entrance to heaven

27  1 st – Urban ordered the Crusade, began in 1903, on July 15 th 1099 Jerusalem was recaptured  2 nd – The Europeans attempted to capture the city of Edessa, while this attempt was being made Saladin led the Muslims to recapture Jerusalem  3 rd – 3 Monarchs led this crusade, eventual truce was signed, Muslims keep holy lands, Christians can visit them freely

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