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Name: _______________________ Date: ____ CP: ___ Speed Lab Hypothesis: What does a graph of an object that is speeding up, slowing down, or at a constant.

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Presentation on theme: "Name: _______________________ Date: ____ CP: ___ Speed Lab Hypothesis: What does a graph of an object that is speeding up, slowing down, or at a constant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Name: _______________________ Date: ____ CP: ___ Speed Lab Hypothesis: What does a graph of an object that is speeding up, slowing down, or at a constant speed look like? Materials: Meter stick, cars, timer, and anything else you can think of to make ramps (if needed). Procedure: 1.Set up a ramp and complete Hot Wheels on a Ramp Chart. Use a stopwatch to determine time, and use measures on the meter stick for distance. 2.Use a flat surface to complete Hot Wheels on a Flat Surface Chart. Use a stopwatch to determine time, and measures on the meter stick to measure distance. Data Collection: After collecting data, create a graph for each data set on the back. Graph distance and average time. Hot Wheels on a Ramp Distance (Meters) Time Trials and Average (Seconds)Speed (S=D/T).25 meter Tr. #1Tr.#2Tr.#3Average.50 meter Tr. #1Tr.#2Tr.#3Average.75 meter Tr. #1Tr.#2Tr.#3Average 1 meterTr. #1Tr.#2Tr.#3Average Hot Wheels on a Flat Surface... Distance (Meters) Time Trials and Average (Seconds)Speed (S=D/T).25 meter Tr. #1Tr.#2Tr.#3Average.50 meter Tr. #1Tr.#2Tr.#3Average.75 meter Tr. #1Tr.#2Tr.#3Average 1 meterTr. #1Tr.#2Tr.#3Average

2 Name: _______________________ Date: ____ CP: ___ Speed Lab Conclusion: Plot the distance and time on the Distance Versus Time Graph for both ramp and flat surface on the paper proved. Connect each point to create a line graph. 1. Explain the slope of the line for each distance versus time graph and the motion of the car: a.Ramp Slope = _______________________________________________________ Motion of Car = ______________________________________________________ b. Flat Slope = _________________________________________________________ Motion of Car = _______________________________________________________ Plot the speed and time on the Speed Versus Time Graph for both ramp and flat surface on the paper proved. Connect each point to create a line graph. 2. Explain the slope of the line for each Speed Versus Time Graph and the motion of the car: a.Ramp Slope = _______________________________________________________ Motion of Car = ______________________________________________________ b. Flat Slope = _________________________________________________________ Motion of Car = _______________________________________________________ 3. Out of the 4 graphs, which graph has the steepest slope? Why? 4. Out of the 4 graphs, which graph has the flattest slope? Why?

3 Distance Versus Time on a Ramp! Distance Versus Time Graph on a Flat Surface! Time Distance Time Distance

4 Speed Versus Time of a Ramp! Speed Versus Time on a Flat Surface! Time Speed Time Speed

5 Distance Versus Time Graph #1 Distance Versus Time Graph #2 Conclusion: Graph the following: 1. Caitlin walked down the hall at a constant rate, moving 1 meter per second for 2 seconds. Then she stopped to say hello to a friend. This took 3 seconds. As she approached Mrs. Grine’s class she slowed down, moving.5 of a meter every second for 2 seconds. 2. Allison left Mrs. Grine’s room and walked down the hall at a constant rate, moving 1 meter per second for 2 seconds. Then she slowed down, she walked.5 meters per second for 2 seconds. Then she stopped to say hello to a friend. This took 2 seconds. Then she realized she forgot something. She walked back to Mrs. Grine’s room moving 2 meters per second for 1.5 seconds. Time Distance Time Distance

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