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The partitive and the definite article DE LA, DES, DU, DE L LE, LA, LES, L PAS DE.

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2 The partitive and the definite article DE LA, DES, DU, DE L LE, LA, LES, L PAS DE

3 LIKES AND DISLIKES When you are talking about what you like and dont like, use – LE, LA, LES, L Because then it will mean that you like or dont like that thing, in general.

4 For Example: If I say: – Je naime pas les haricots verts. What Im saying is that I dont like green beans, in general. If I say: – Jadore les crevettes. Im letting you know that Iike shrimp, in general

5 Some In order to get across the idea of some, use the partitive – this is adding de DU, DE LA, DES OR DE L You use this when talking about what you will buy, eat, order, etc. where you dont want all of it in the whole world, just SOME of it.

6 For Example If I tell you: – Je vais acheter du pain. You know Im buying SOME bread – not all the bread in the whole world – because I used du (de + le) instead of just le. And Passe-moi du poulet tells you to pass me some chicken, not all of it.

7 Just de Use just DE after a pas (except when talking about liking and disliking). – Je ne veux pas de lait. – I dont want ANY milk. Or after a quantity. – Je voudrais un litre de fromage and une livre de fromage.

8 Try some! But be careful. If you get one wrong, you have to start all over!

9 Je naime pas ________ yaourt. ledude

10 Je ne voudrais pas ______ glace. deDe lala

11 Jachète un kilo ____ pommes les de des

12 Je vais acheter _____ oeufs. les de des

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