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21st Century Disposition for Leading Change and Increasing Achievement Mark Wasicsko, NKU Dean and Bank of Kentucky Chair in Educational Leadership Lu.

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Presentation on theme: "21st Century Disposition for Leading Change and Increasing Achievement Mark Wasicsko, NKU Dean and Bank of Kentucky Chair in Educational Leadership Lu."— Presentation transcript:

1 21st Century Disposition for Leading Change and Increasing Achievement Mark Wasicsko, NKU Dean and Bank of Kentucky Chair in Educational Leadership Lu Young, Superintendent, Jessamine County Schools Michael Chirichello, NKU Visiting Professor of Leadership Randy Poe, Boone County Schools Dot Perkins, Gallatin County Schools Lisa James, Carroll County Schools Tommy Floyd, Madison County Schools Jim Flynn, Simpson County Schools Northern Kentucky University *

2 Reflection What has been the most positively impactful feedback you have received recently? How has it informed and improved your practice? The “strength-based” model: your most positive traits *

3 What if the factor carrying the greatest potential for accomplishing transformational change in schools and increasing students’ college and career readiness had little or nothing to do with content knowledge or methodology? *

4 Transformational Leaders Facilitates above average performance and growth in others Improves the quality of life for colleagues, families, and society in general Uses inner resources, self-knowledge and emotional presence as the foundation of leadership style *

5 Characteristics Impacting Transformational Change knowledge, punctuality, appearance people skills, assessment strategies, technology infusion dispositions: caring, enthusiastic, responsible, committed, energetic, positive, enjoyable, humorous, accepting easier to change difficult to change Transformational impact Low High *

6 Dispositions of Effective Leaders dispositions toward one self: is upbeat, non self- centered, empathic dispositions toward others: sees others as able, worthy, and dependable dispositions about purpose: sees the big picture general frame of reference: puts people/relationships first *

7 Ten Strength-Based Strategies For Growth and Change *

8 Improve Dispositions Toward Self Pick frequent “personal development projects.” Balance work and play. Learn the difference between pain and suffering. Laugh a lot, be abundantly human. *

9 #1 Be Human, Laugh a Lot  It’s okay to be imperfect and to show people that you can make mistakes and not take yourself too seriously.  Show people that you can laugh at yourself and allow them to laugh at you too! *

10 #2 HAVE FUN AT WORK Being a leader is more than a job but less than a life. Celebrate often, keep a sense of humor “Having a job that’s fun is worth holding onto; people are more likely to accept ownership of their responsibilities, and much more inclined to go the extra mile and do whatever it takes.” *

11 #3 “It’s Not About You.” It’s about empowering those who touch the students. Balancing Ego with Service Learn to use the inclusive “WE” *

12 Improve Dispositions Toward Others Find something you like about everyone. See the world “through their shoes” Take the time to listen. *

13 #4 Choose your colleagues carefully The most important leadership decision is choosing the right people. If you make the wrong hiring decision, make the tough decision and say good-bye. Find mentors and critical friends to keep you grounded and on the right path. *

14 #5 Offer a Hand of Reconciliation  It is always the place of the person in authority to ensure that folks feel needed, respected, listened to, and, when a disagreements takes place, to be the first to offer the hand of reconciliation.  Most Powerful Words: I was wrong. I’m sorry. *

15 #7 Have Reasonable Work Expectations –It’s your job to ensure that folks have room for a life in addition to a job. –Lead by example; go home and have a life. *

16 Dispositions About Purpose: the Long View How will what I do today make the district better three years from now? How will what I do today impact the growth, development, and learning of the people, organization, and me? *

17 #8 Select Priorities Carefully If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing but only important things are worth doing well. There is only so much time in a day and energy to burn. Use both on important rather than just urgent things. *

18 #9 Share the Credit Better yet, give it away You’ll be amazed at what can be accomplished when you don’t care who gets the credit. *

19 #10 Communicate, communicate, … –High frequency, low impact communications is best –Short, action-oriented meetings with as few people as possible –The best leaders spend much time out of their offices, walking around talking to people in order to build working relationships. *

20 Want to know more about DISPOSITIONS? Visit: Become a trained dispositions rater Attend the Eighth Symposium on Educator Dispositions, NOVEMBER 15 & 16, 2012, METS Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport * New Superintendents Program 29

21 21st Century Disposition for Leading Change and Increasing Achievement Mark Wasicsko, NKU Dean and Bank of Kentucky Chair in Educational Leadership Lu Young, Superintendent, Jessamine County Schools Michael Chirichello, NKU Visiting Professor of Leadership Randy Poe, Superintendent, Boone County Schools Dot Perkins, Superintendent, Gallatin County Schools Lisa James, Superintendent, Carroll County Schools Tommy Floyd, Superintendent, Madison County Schools Jim Flynn, Superintendent, Simpson County Schools Northern Kentucky University *

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