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1 ASD(SO/LIC) SO-CT Personnel Recovery Policy Unclassified Presenters: Lt Col Glen Frazier & Mr Dan Baumgartner Personnel Recovery Policy Office of the.

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Presentation on theme: "1 ASD(SO/LIC) SO-CT Personnel Recovery Policy Unclassified Presenters: Lt Col Glen Frazier & Mr Dan Baumgartner Personnel Recovery Policy Office of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 ASD(SO/LIC) SO-CT Personnel Recovery Policy Unclassified Presenters: Lt Col Glen Frazier & Mr Dan Baumgartner Personnel Recovery Policy Office of the ASD(SO/LIC) SO-CT “The United States is committed to securing the safe recovery of U.S. nationals held hostage abroad and deterring future hostage-takings by denying hostage-takers any benefits from their actions....” Executive Order, June 24, 2015 SO-CT Policy Lesson 25 Feb 2016 v1

2 2 Personnel Recovery in the Law Title 10 Section 1501 - 1513 Section 1501 … Subject to the authority, direction, and control of the Secretary of Defense, the responsibilities of the office shall include­­  (A) policy, control, and oversight within the Department of Defense of the entire process for investigation and recovery related to missing persons (including matters related to search, rescue, escape, and evasion); and  (B) coordination for the Department of Defense with other departments and agencies of the United States on all matters concerning missing persons. The Official designated … shall be responsible for the coordination for such purposes within DoD among the military departments, the Joint Staff, and the commanders of the combatant commands. The office shall establish policies, which shall apply uniformly throughout DoD, for personnel recovery (including search, rescue, escape, and evasion). Will be amended for the FY17 NDAA to transfer authorities to ASD(SO/LIC) NOTE: DepSecDef memo transferred PRP to SOLIC Sep 2014; FY16 NDAA moved NAR Oct 2015, FY17 NDAA removes PR from this law

3 National Personnel Recovery Policy ● Prevention  Counter and Diminish Hostage-taking globally  Decrease Vulnerability of U.S. Personnel Abroad ● Preparation  Prepare at risk U.S. Government personnel for isolating events  Prepare agencies and institutions for isolating events ● Response  Improve United States capability to respond  Improve post-incident response 3 National & International Effort with Global Capacity COMMON GOAL Preparation Response Prevention UNITY OF EFFORT Diplomatic Informational Military Economic Financial Intelligence Law Enforcement MEANS

4 4 ● Policy, Strategy, and Oversight for….  Personnel Recovery  DoD Support to Civil Search and Rescue  Focus Areas: ■Development of U.S. and DoD policy and strategy relating to personnel recovery –DoDD 3002.01 PR, DoDIs 3002.02 Reintegration, 3002.03, 3002.04, (Training) ■Policy, Control, &Oversight of DoD’s efforts on the application of policy –PRCWG, CCMD PR Conferences, HRFC, Exercises ■Incorporation and synchronization with Interagency efforts –HRFC, HRG, Exercises, Schools ■International cooperation on personnel recovery activities and capabilities –NATO PR, International SAR ■DoD Support to Civil Search and Rescue –National Response Framework, ESF-9 SAR (DoD, DOS, DOI, DHS, FEMA) –National SAR Plan, National SAR Committee (NSARC) –International Aeronautical and Maritime SAR treaty, guide, and manual PR Roles & Responsibilities

5 Current Personnel Recovery Policy Efforts ● Presidential Policy Directive-30 (PPD-30), “U.S. Nationals Taken Hostage Abroad and Personnel Recovery Efforts”  NSPD-12 and the Annex 1 superseded ■Implemented by Executive Order (EO-HRA-20150624-U) – Hostage Recovery Activities ■PPD-30 – also doing protocol development on notification/information, event management, sharing, reintegration, and family support  Cooperative efforts with DOS, IC, and IA partners to synchronize policy initiatives ■Case management and implementation issues handled by Hostage Recovery Fusion Cell (HRFC) O-6/GS15 and one star/SES Levels ■Oversight provided by the Hostage Recovery Group (HRG) ASD/USD levels  New constructs: ■The Special Presidential Envoy for Hostage Affairs-reports to the Secretary of State, leads diplomatic engagement on U.S. hostage policy/coordiantes all diplomatic engagements ■The HRFC, through the Family Engagement Coordinator, shall ensure that all interactions with a hostage's family occur in a coordinated fashion and that the family receives consistent and accurate information 5

6 Current Personnel Recovery Policy Efforts ● NAR CONOPS Development, Reporting and the CQ, Congressional interactions  Congressional Reports  CQ and NDAA development  Congressional interaction for CQ questions and NDAA advocacy  CONOP approval process (14 and counting) ● Reintegration versus PISA  The “new” reintegration and PISA rules  Differences  How agencies should request PISA  Reporting PISA – When and to whom  Current requests for Ukraine, Moldova, Canada, State Dept ● Multiple MOAs with interagency and international partners  Update DOJ, Develop State, DHS, USMS  US-UK MOU 6

7 Current Personnel Recovery Policy Efforts ● DoD PR Policy Development and Coordination; new cycle of changes with move to ASD(SO/LIC)  DoDD 5111.1 USD(P) Charter (PR and DoD Support to Civil SAR)  DoDD 5111.10 ASD(SOLIC) Charter ■Page 7, Paragraph 4.26. Serve as the DoD policy proponent for personnel recovery. In this capacity, the ASD(SO/LIC) shall, in coordination with the Director of Operations, Joint Staff (on behalf of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff) and designated executive agents, integrate and deconflict DoD personnel recovery policy.  DoDD 3002.01, Personnel Recovery in DoD in rewrite (5 year cycle)  DoDI 3003.01 DoD Support to Civil SAR in rewrite (5 year cycle)  DoDI 3002.02 Change 1 complete  DoDD 3002.03 Change 1 complete  DoDI 3002.04, Change 1 complete 7

8 Current Personnel Recovery Policy Efforts ● DoD Support to Civil Search and Rescue  Rewrite of the National SAR Plan (NSP)  Rewrite of the national addendum to IAMSAR  UAS addendum to the NSP 8

9 Questions Contact Info ● Lt Col Glen Frazier – 703.692.2179 ● Mr. Dan Baumgartner – 703.697.8893 9

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