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AIAA Undergraduate Engine Design Competition SciTech 2015 January 5th – 9th, 2015 Dan Jensen

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1 AIAA Undergraduate Engine Design Competition SciTech 2015 January 5th – 9th, 2015 Dan Jensen

2 Undergraduate Engine Design Competition 2 Established more than twenty years ago by Jack Mattingly to support Universities in maintaining ABET accreditation Coordinated annually by the Air Breathing Propulsion Group of Technical Committees (Gas Turbine Engines, High Speed Air Breathing Propulsion and Air Breathing Propulsion Systems Integration) Topic changes annually to cover remit of Air Breathing Propulsion This Competition is different than other AIAA Design Competitions. The letter of intent is due earlier, and the competition is run in a two step process. Reports will be due 1 April. A review committee will evaluate all of the submitted proposals, and the top three will be invited to a conference session to make an oral presentation. This oral presentation will be scored and combined with the evaluations from the technical report. The combined scores will determine final 1st - 3rd rankings.

3 Example of the Engine Design Competition Schedule 3 ActivityDate Submission of Design Competition topic & abstractOctober 15,2010 Design topic approved by Student Activities CommitteeJanuary 25, 2011 RFP written, checked & forwarded to Student Activities CommitteeJune 1, 2011 RFP approved by Student Activities CommitteeJune 10, 2011 RFP made available on AIAA/IGTI websitesJuly 15, 2011 Students submit Letters of IntentNovember 1, 2011 Students submit design proposalsApril 1, 2012 Judging panel receives proposalsApril 8, 2012 Proposal evaluations completedApril 30, 2012 Oral presentations at JPC or TurboExpo & announcement of resultsJune or July, 2012

4 2013 – 2014 Status “Candidate Engines for a Supersonic Business Jet”

5 2013– 2014 Status 5 12 letters of intent were received from: Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (3) Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India Institut Teknologi, Bandung, Indonesia (2) University of Economics & Technology, Ankara, Turkey University of Istanbul, Turkey (2) University of Kansas (2) Western Michigan University The response is 4 higher than last year 7 proposals were submitted

6 Going forward ……. 6 A Graduate Competition? For several years there have been requests for a graduate division in the Engine Design Competition Discussed in 2014 with a number of faulty members and received very positive responses Graduate teams from the following universities were eager to participate:  Embry Riddle Aeronautical University (2)  University of Kansas (1)  Cranfield University, UK (2)  University of Delft, Netherlands (3)  University of Economics & Technology, Ankara, Turkey (1)

7 Feedback Requested 7 The Undergraduate Engine Design Competition organizers would appreciated feedback on the following: Is this competition a useful resource to aerospace engineering departments? If not, how can we make it more useful to you? Is the typical schedule acceptable? If not, what should we change? How important are financial awards and travel stipends? Should we pursue a graduate competition as well?

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