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Last year we talked about TERRORISM in “Communication without words”. This year we want to recall one of the most important problems in the World.

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Presentation on theme: "Last year we talked about TERRORISM in “Communication without words”. This year we want to recall one of the most important problems in the World."— Presentation transcript:


2 Last year we talked about TERRORISM in “Communication without words”. This year we want to recall one of the most important problems in the World.

3 A single state can’t do anything against “Terrorism”. European Union decide to join the forces to fight Terrorism. After Madrid E.U. acted in many ways; for example in transports, telecommunications, about passport and more..

4 Following the Madrid attacks, the European Commission issued an “action paper in response to the terrorist attacks on Madrid.” The paper included a “Declaration on Solidarity Against Terrorism”..

5 ..and called for “Better implementation of existing legislative instruments […] adoption of draft measures against terrorist financing, and enhanced operational coordination and cooperation.”


7 For many, especially the youngest children, war is a distant event, and they don’t pay attention to it. Many others are likely to be C CC CONFUSED. They see parents being deployed and leaving their children behind.


9 If they hear about death of soldiers they may become especially worried. Older children may be confused when they hear differing opinions and recommendations. Many words are being used that are n nn not familiar to children.

10 For children whose parents are being deployed, there are special pressures. They need to deal with secrecy, uncertainty, separation, and major changes in their lifestyle.

11 Most children are likely to be confused by the current events. Their confusion may vary depending on their age. Younger children will hear a number of unfamiliar words and may not understand what they mean.


13 Many children may confuse Afghanistan, Iraq, and Iran. They may confuse Osama bin Laden with Sadaam Hussein and other leaders. They also may have a hard time understanding why people are still dying if the war was said to be over.



16 Children, especially younger ones, also confuse f ff fantasy with r rr reality and historic events and figures with current ones. They may be more sensitized to war and violence in general after the events of Sept. 11, 2001; March 11,2004..


18 Most parents do not include war in their daily conversations with children. Some never talk about it. Researchers at Purdue University (USA) conducted interviews with children and parents..

19 Almost 25% of parents reported that they never talked to their children about war. Over 40% of children reported that they hadn’t had such conversations with their parents.



22 Some parents may need to discuss this topic with their children for the first time, and others may need to repeat some things they have said before.


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