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Doing Assessment as if Deep Learning Matters Most Assessing and Promoting High-Impact Practices Tom Angelo Inaugural Conference on Learning and Assessment.

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Presentation on theme: "Doing Assessment as if Deep Learning Matters Most Assessing and Promoting High-Impact Practices Tom Angelo Inaugural Conference on Learning and Assessment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Doing Assessment as if Deep Learning Matters Most Assessing and Promoting High-Impact Practices Tom Angelo Inaugural Conference on Learning and Assessment Drexel University 10 September 2014

2 Why Assess Learning? Summative purposes To compare learners against each other To compare learning against criteria To certify competency To award qualifications To ration resources To provide accountability

3 Why Assess Learning? Formative purposes To focus learners’ attention To illuminate and undermine misconceptions To increase motivation to learn To provide learners with feedback To improve performance To promote self-assessment & monitoring To develop independent, lifelong learning

4 To do assessment as if learning matters most, we must privilege the formative purposes.

5 1.Build shared TRUST 2.Build shared LANGUAGE & CONCEPTS 3.Build shared GOALS & MOTIVATION Three Key Building Blocks for Doing Assessment as if Deep Learning Matters Most

6 Page 1 Values Which of your core educational and/or professional values motivated you to participate in this conference?

7 Applications Card – p. 6 Interesting Possible IDEAS/TECHNIQUES APPLICATIONS

8 Page 1 Goal Ranking & Matching Exercise Your Learning Goals for this Conference? _________________________________________

9 Your Learning Goals for this conference? Practical tools for assessment % Strategies for engaging other faculty % Strategies for engaging students % Better ways to assess learning % When’s the Reception?%

10 My Draft Teaching Objectives for this Session By the end of this session, I will have: 1.Reviewed seven (7) research-based guidelines 2.Demonstrated several simple assessment strategies to engage faculty and students and improve learning on their campuses 3.Shared useful resources and/or references for follow up

11 My Revised Intended Learning Outcomes for this Session By the end of this session, I participants will have: 1.Reviewed seven (7) identified at least two (2) research-based guidelines to adapt and apply to their own work 2.Demonstrated several simple assessment strategies to engage faculty and students and improve learning on their campuses 2. Prepared to adapt and try out at least two or three (2-3) simple assessment strategies/techniques to engage faculty and students and improve learning on their campuses 3. Shared Identified at least two (2) useful resources and/or references for follow up

12 12 A “Balcony” Question If you participated actively: What differences do you note between the “teaching objectives” and the “intended learning outcomes”? (How consequential are those differences?)

13 1.Build shared trust 2.Build shared language and concepts 3.Build shared goals and motivations 4.Design backward and work forward 5.Think and act systematically 6.Take a scholarly approach 7.Don’t assume, ask Seven Transformative Guidelines for Doing Assessment as if Deep Learning Matters Most Page 4

14 14 A 2 nd “Balcony” Question If you participated actively: Can you imagine ways in which assessing values and/or goals might help you and your colleagues better achieve them?

15 15 Applications Card – p. 6 Interesting Possible IDEAS/TECHNIQUES APPLICATIONS

16 Page 2 Background Knowledge Probe Please answer each question regarding the USA, the Ukraine, and Syria. Guessing is encouraged!

17 OK, you can turn your gadgets on again. Quickly Google 1 or 2 items that most intrigue or bother you. Feeling better already?

18 10.Which of the questions above, if any, can be answered accurately simply by Googling? 11.Which, if any, invite or require critical thinking? 12.Which, if any, might provoke strong emotions in some students? 13.What does this exercise suggest to you re: diagnostic assessment in your context? Additional Questions Page 2

19 A 3 rd “Balcony” Question If you participated actively: Are you more interested in finding out the answers to the questions on p.2 than you were a few minutes ago?

20 1.Build shared trust 2.Build shared language and concepts 3.Build shared goals and motivations 4.Design backward and work forward 5.Think and act systematically 6.Take a scholarly approach 7.Don’t assume, ask Seven Transformative Guidelines for Doing Assessment as if Deep Learning Matters Most Page 4

21 21 Page 3 Six Dimensions of Higher Learning Outcomes % Then?% In Future? ____Factual Learning _____ ____Conceptual Learning _____ ____Procedural Learning _____ ____Conditional Learning _____ ____Reflective Learning _____ ____Metacognitive Learning _____ 100% 100%

22 Which of those six dimensions needs and deserves the most focus if we aim to foster: Critical thinking? Problem-solving? Professional practice?

23 1.Build shared trust 2.Build shared language and concepts 3.Build shared goals and motivations 4.Design backward and work forward 5.Think and act systematically 6.Take a scholarly approach 7.Don’t assume, ask Seven Transformative Guidelines for Doing Assessment as if Learning Matters Most Page 4

24 Page 4 Seven Transformative Guidelines Please mark each item on the list with a plus sign, minus sign, or question mark Use the plus ( + ) if you agree with it Use the minus ( – ) if you do not agree Use the question mark (?) if you’re unsure what it means

25 25 HOT HIPs! H igher O rder T hinking can be promoted effectively through H igh- I mpact P ractices

26 HIPs – High-Impact Educational Practices First-Year Seminars and Experiences Common Intellectual Experiences Learning Communities Writing-Intensive Courses Collaborative Assignments and Projects Undergraduate Research Diversity/Global Learning Service Learning/Community-based/Internships Capstone Courses and Projects

27 What makes these HIPs so HOT? High expectations Explicit direct instruction Metacognitive scaffolding Effective feedback Deliberate practice Focused collaboration

28 1.Build shared trust 2.Build shared language and concepts 3.Build shared goals and motivations 4.Design backward and work forward 5.Think and act systematically 6.Take a scholarly approach 7.Don’t assume, ask Seven Transformative Guidelines for Doing Assessment as if Learning Matters Most Page 4

29 Page 5 Assessing Teaching as if Deep Learning matters most

30 “The effectiveness of teaching is best evaluated by what the students do when the teacher is not present.”

31 1.Build shared trust 2.Build shared language and concepts 3.Build shared goals and motivations 4.Design backward and work forward 5.Think and act systematically 6.Take a scholarly approach 7.Don’t assume, ask Seven Transformative Guidelines for Doing Assessment as if Learning Matters Most Page 6

32 1.Build shared trust 2.Build shared language and concepts 3.Build shared goals and motivations 4.Design backward and work forward 5.Think and act systematically 6.Take a scholarly approach 7.Don’t assume, ask Seven Transformative Guidelines for Doing Assessment as if Learning Matters Most

33 Applications Card – p. 6 Interesting Possible IDEAS/TECHNIQUES APPLICATIONS

34 34 The Parking Lot Test Choose one of your possible applications. Prepare to answer the three questions below about that specific application: What is it? Why do you think it might be useful? How do you think you might use it?

35 Does deep learning really matter most? Or is it how and how well we use that learning?

36 36 For more information

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