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Opportunities for Guidance in the Skills Agenda N ATIONAL F ORUM ON G UIDANCE W EDNESDAY 25 TH M AY 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Opportunities for Guidance in the Skills Agenda N ATIONAL F ORUM ON G UIDANCE W EDNESDAY 25 TH M AY 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Opportunities for Guidance in the Skills Agenda N ATIONAL F ORUM ON G UIDANCE W EDNESDAY 25 TH M AY 2016

2 Opportunities for Guidance in the Skills Agenda Welcome and Updates N ATIONAL F ORUM ON G UIDANCE W EDNESDAY 25 TH M AY 2016 J ENNIFER M C K ENZIE D IRECTOR NCGE

3 Brief Recap Updates on Guidance Developments Set the Context for our Theme Invited Speakers – IBEC, DES, SOLAS Group Discussions

4 Brief Recap National Forum on Guidance – focus on co- operation and collaboration Survey end 2015: “Contributing and networking” “Information, networking“ “Awareness of current developments and contribute to the discussion” “networking and access to new developments and policy”

5 Survey Responses Working group on Quality Assurance in Guidance – individuals and organisations have indicated a wish to be involved 90.91 % said there is a future for the National Forum on Guidance What is the real purpose? – “…it should avoid being a 'talking shop' for those of us who generally agree - we need to influence the Gov. departments who dictate how budgets are decided, and the DSP who are hugely significant to the lives clients for example…”

6 Brief Updates ELGPN “Guidelines for Policies and Systems Development for Lifelong Guidance” (ELGPN 2015) DES – Programme Recognition Framework (March 2016) FET Strategy – Guidance Section 10 - ETBI and NCGE - Draft Framework for an Integrated FET Guidance Strategy NCCA ‘Draft Guidelines on Wellbeing in Junior Cycle’ – includes clarified role for guidance

7 N ational Skills Strategy 2025 “the effective use of skills to support economic and social prosperity and to enhance the well-being of our country” Objective 4: People across Ireland will engage more in lifelong learning Action 4.4 Career guidance will be strengthened significantly with the aid of employer engagement Action 4.4 Carry out a review of guidance services, tools and careers information for school students and adults; and recommend changes to improve the services available

8 DES Consultation 23 rd May 2016 Call for consultation on Statement of Strategy 2016-2018 1.Prioritising Early Years 2.Tackling Disadvantage 3.Diversity and Choice for Parents 4.Promoting Excellence and Innovation in Schools 5.Promoting Creativity and Entrepreneurial Capacity in Students 6.Making Better use of Educational Assets within Communities 7.Special Needs Education 8.Meeting the Skills Needs of the Future

9 Definition Guidance facilitates people throughout their lives to manage their own educational, training, occupational, personal, social and life choices so that they reach their full potential and contribute to the development of a better society (NGF 2007).

10 Career Guidance EU Council Resolution 2008 Guidance covers a range of individual and collective activities relating to information-giving, counselling, competence assessment, support and the teaching of decision-making and career management skills. Career management skills include the following, particularly during periods of transition: learning about the economic environment, businesses and occupations; being able to evaluate oneself, knowing oneself and being able to describe the competences one has acquired in formal, informal and non- formal education settings; understanding education, training and qualifications systems.

11 Activities EU Council Resolution 2008 Examples of such activities include information and advice giving, counselling, competence assessment, mentoring, advocacy, teaching decision-making and career management skills. In order to avoid ambiguity, since a variety of terms are used in Member States to describe services engaged in these activities, including educational, vocational or career guidance, guidance counselling, occupational guidance/counselling services, etc., the term 'guidance' is used throughout this text to identify any or all of these forms of provision and Member States should interpret the term as referring to the appropriate provision in their own countries.

12 Glossary of Terms in Guidance Career counselling Careers education Career guidance Career development Employability Employment counselling Employment guidance Occupational guidance Vocational guidance Work based learning Job search training Career management skills

13 Glossary contd.. Educational guidance Educational counselling Entrepreneurship guidance Personal action planning Counselling in guidance Teaching and Learning Advocating Mentoring Coaching E-guidance Group guidance 1-1 guidance

14 Opportunities for Guidance in the Skills Agenda Time to look at all the activities of guidance…. …to contribute to …..the effective use of skills to support economic and social prosperity and to enhance the well-being of our country. Our Theme Today

15 Thank You Go raibh Maith agaibh Jennifer McKenzie, Director NCGE

16 Group Discussions What should guidance practitioners do or consider to ensure they incorporate skills into their guidance service provision? What could the role of guidance be in the Regional Skills agenda discussions? What can Guidance do to support apprenticeships? What does the Forum believe could be done at a national level? What message would the NFG suggest to DES, IBEC & the Regional Skills Fora?


18 So What’s Next? Quality Guidelines Working Group – invite representation from relevant groups: IGC, AHECS, AEGAI, NAPD, SOLAS, Youth Information, etc. Continue with National Forum on Guidance 2 meetings per year - formal representation

19 Useful Links guidelines-for-policies-and-systems-development-for-lifelong- guidance guidelines-for-policies-and-systems-development-for-lifelong- guidance nnerImages/2014/Wellbeing-Guidelines-for-consultation- FINAL.pdf nnerImages/2014/Wellbeing-Guidelines-for-consultation- FINAL.pdf Strategy-2016-2018/ Strategy-2016-2018/


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