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The Five Themes of Geography modified by Mrs. Jones - FMMS.

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Presentation on theme: "The Five Themes of Geography modified by Mrs. Jones - FMMS."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Five Themes of Geography modified by Mrs. Jones - FMMS

2 Let’s Review! SEVENWhat are the SEVEN CONTINENTS?? Asia Europe Africa Australia Antarctica North America South America FOURWhat are the FOUR OCEANS?? Pacific Ocean Atlantic Ocean Arctic Ocean Indian Ocean

3 Why Study Geography? It affects where people live. It affects how people live. It affects the outcome of major events.

4 The 5 Themes of Geography 1. Location 2. Movement 3. Region 4. Place 5. Human/ Environment Interaction

5 Theme # 1: Location Where is it??

6 Location: There are two types of LOCATION!! AbsoluteAbsolute RelativeRelative

7 Absolute Location: Absolute Location is found by using… Two specific line types LatitudeLatitude LongitudeLongitude

8 Absolute Location: Latitude Lines AKA Parallels Latitude lines are drawn from: East to West Latitude lines measure: North to South

9 The Major Line of LATITUDE is the: EquatorEquator It splits the Earth into:It splits the Earth into: the Northern andthe Northern and Southern Hemispheres Absolute Location:

10 Define Hemisphere: Half of a globeHalf of a globe (in our case the Earth) (in our case the Earth)

11 Longitude Lines AKA Meridians Longitude lines are drawn from: North to South Longitude lines measure: East to West Absolute Location:

12 The Major Line of LONGITUDE is the: Prime MeridianPrime Meridian It splits the Earth into:It splits the Earth into: the Eastern andthe Eastern and Western Hemispheres Absolute Location:

13 Theme # 2: Movement How are people linked together?How are people linked together?

14 Movement: Movement describes how…Movement describes how… How people in one area contact people in other areasHow people in one area contact people in other areas



17 Movement: Through movement we connect all of our world together. globalization!This is called globalization! When we are interdependent on each other for our economy, culture, politics, socialization, and technology.

18 Theme # 3: Region What does it have in common?What does it have in common?

19 Region: A region describes: Areas that have something in common Regions can be:BIG orsmall

20 Region: There are two types of Regions FormalFormal FunctionalFunctional

21 Region: A Formal Region is an... throughout Area in which a certain characteristic is found throughout the area Example: City, State, Country, Continent

22 Region: Functional Regions Have one central place and is surrounded by the areas it affects Example: Hershey, PA

23 Theme # 4: Place What is it like? What is it like?

24 Place: What is it like? What is it like?

25 Place: What is it like? What is it like?

26 Place: What is it like?

27 Place: Each PLACE on Earth has it own : DISTINCT CHARACTERISTICS Two types: HumanOrPhysical (something that makes it different than any other place in the world)

28 Place: Physical Features include the landforms and bodies of water found on the earth


30 How do we interact with our environment?How do we interact with our environment? Human/Environment Interaction:

31 HEI: Human/Environment Interaction explains how people use and change their environment.

32 Does the environment affect where we do these activities?

33 HEI: Changes to the environment can be » Good » Bad, or » Both!

34 Remembering the Five Themes Use the term MR. HELP M = Movement R = Region HE = Human Environment (Interaction) L = Location P = Place

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