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Chapter 1 A Geographer's World. Bell work 8-15-2016Studying Geography page# 2 Answer the following question with a paragraph (5-7 sentences) How does.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 1 A Geographer's World. Bell work 8-15-2016Studying Geography page# 2 Answer the following question with a paragraph (5-7 sentences) How does."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 1 A Geographer's World

2 Bell work 8-15-2016Studying Geography page# 2 Answer the following question with a paragraph (5-7 sentences) How does studying geography help us learn more about our world? (Think about people, plants, animals, climate, food, etc.,)

3 Essential Questions How does geography help us understand our world? Why do we study geography? How does geography impact the development of society, economy, government, and history?

4 What is Geography? Geography is the study of the world, its people, and the landscapes they create Study the world, Study people, and study the landscapes they make (build)

5 What is geography?

6 What is Landscape? All the human and physical features that make a place unique Examples of Physical features (land forms): Mountains, hills, deserts, plateaus, islands, rivers, volcanoes, wetlands, plains, valleys, glaciers, lakes, deltas, oceans, seas, etc.,

7 Landforms

8 The Earth What is the shape of the earth? What is the relationship of the earth to the sun? How do we measure distance/find locations on the earth?

9 The Earth’s Shape The earth has spherical shape What does spherical mean? Yes! That’s correct, the earth is round, in shape What does this mean for us? Is it better for the earth to be flat or round? Why?

10 The Earth’s movement In what way or ways does the earth move? What relationship does this movement have with the sun? What relationship does it have with time? What relationship does it have with seasonal changes?

11 Earth’s Movement Displayed Pay attention to each of the two demonstrations Rotation Revolution

12 What is rotation? Rotation is when the earth turns on its own axis; it is one complete turn or spin of the earth How long does it take? 24 hours or 1 day

13 What is a revolution? A revolution is when the earth makes one trip around the sun How long does it take? 365-1/4 days

14 Measuring distance / finding place Latitude – imaginary lines that runs horizontal, they measure North or South using degrees Longitude = imaginary lines that run vertically. they measure East or West using degrees


16 09-05-2016Landforms & Water CornellP# Go to your notes section and update it with the above information Title the notes Landforms & Bodies of Water YOU WILL NEED A SECTION FOR A SUMMARY

17 FIRST TERM= LANDFORMS Landforms are the shapes on earth’s or another planet’s surface. Landforms make up the natural landscapes that surround us everywhere we go or look Earth’s surface is covered with landforms of many different shapes and sizes. Some examples are: Mountains (land that rises higher than 2,000 ft),Valleys (low land between mountains), Plains (long stretches of flat grassy land) islands, peninsulas (land with water surrounding on 3 sides)

18 Second Term = How Landforms Form Earth is made up of 3 layers: 1. A solid inner core, 2. A Liquid Layer (mantle), 3. Solid outer layer called the crust. **The earth’s continents are part of the earth’s crust** Plate Theory suggests the earth’s surface is made up of 12 or so plates that move. When plates move, collide, separate, new land forms are created. Example: When 2 ocean plates collide, one goes under the other one forming a trench in the ocean. When a continental plate collides with an ocean plate, the ocean plate goes under and land crumples up mountains are formed

19 How Landforms Form (Continued) Plates Separate, too, not just collide When plates separate, they leave a gap between the 2 plates and this allows magma or lava to rise from the earth’s interior to escape When this happens in the oceans, the magma cools and forms underwater mountains. EX: Mid-Atlantic Ridge. If the ridges rise high enough, they can rise above the water and become volcanic islands, Like the country Iceland

20 How they form Pictures

21 Landforms

22 Third Term=Weathering Weathering is the process by which rock is broken into smaller pieces over long periods of time Several Factors cause Weathering: 1. heating & cooling of rocks causes cracks to form 2. Ice can cause rocks to expand and break apart. 3. Tree roots can pry rocks apart

23 4 th Term= Erosion A natural force that helps change landscapes & landforms Erosion is the movement of sediment from one location to another Erosion is caused by: wind, rain, snow, and ice Glaciers can cause erosion because they move slowly, as they move they carve away the land

24 5 th Term = How landforms influence Human lives Landforms affect human settlements & culture Some people choose to settle near some landforms to help them. Also some people avoid landforms that are hard to live in/near EX 1: People live near fertile river valleys that are good for farming EX 2: First urban Civilization was in the valley between the Tigris River & Euphrates River Some landforms like deserts and mountains are extremely hard for settling so people avoid them EX: Sahara desert & Himalaya Mts.

25 Next Term: Cultural effects of Landforms Landforms influence what jobs people do EX: fishermen, trade ports, ship building near large waterways EX 2: Mining jobs near mineral deposits (silver, salts, gold) They need mining tools, clothes, rail transportation, dynamite, etc., Landforms can influence how people build things EX: Near forests people may use wood from trees. In deserts they may use sand or clay to make bricks, or find stones

26 Cultural Effects of Landforms (Continued) Landforms influence languages, too EX: Where there are high mountains travel is difficult, so many languages are spoken. Also islands make languages isolated EX: Asian Island countries with many mountains have 100’s of different languages because landforms made travel hard Land forms can influence religious customs and practices. EX: Lake Titicaca is important to Native Religions, in North America certain lands or rivers are holy to them

27 The Earth’s Water The Earth is mostly covered by water. Around 71% of the earth We can’t use most of it. Why not? Nearly 97% of the water found on earth is salt water

28 Salt Water

29 Makes up 97% of the Earth’s water Found in oceans, seas, gulfs, straits, and a few lakes (Great Salt Lake in Utah) Contains high levels of salt and other minerals. It is unsafe to drink

30 Fresh Water Freshwater is water that DOES NOT have salt Makes up ONLY 3% of the water found on earth Much of the Freshwater on Earth is frozen in ***glaciers*** Scientists say glaciers are melting because of global warming Uses of freshwater include: farming, drinking, showering, cooking, cleaning,

31 Glaciers

32 Surface Water A form of freshwater that is found in the Earth’s streams, rivers, and lakes Only a VERY tiny amount of the earth’s total water is from surface water: 1%

33 Precipitation Water that falls to earth’s surface in the form of rain, snow, sleet, or hail Precipitation helps keep the earth’s surface water supply stocked **Precipitation also falls to the ground and seeps (goes) below rocks and soil and is stored as groundwater** Too much precipitation can cause damage from flooding, snow, or hail

34 Groundwater Water found below the ground is called groundwater. Precipitation, (Rain, snow, sleet, ice, hail) help keep groundwater stocked (full) Usually ground water is found by digging wells deep into the ground or it bubbles up from a spring below the ground

35 Problems with water Some poor countries do not have access to freshwater, sea levels rising can cause coastal flooding, and chemicals can make fresh water dirty

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