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Curriculum enrichment takes place on a Thursday and Friday in July. During these days we are off of school timetable (no lessons). We do different activities.

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Presentation on theme: "Curriculum enrichment takes place on a Thursday and Friday in July. During these days we are off of school timetable (no lessons). We do different activities."— Presentation transcript:


2 Curriculum enrichment takes place on a Thursday and Friday in July. During these days we are off of school timetable (no lessons). We do different activities ranging from skiing and going abroad to just staying at school writing magazines and doing art activities. In this PowerPoint you will find out what we did last year what we will do this year some interviews and more activities we do in depth.

3 Things on offer in 2004’s Enrichment days. A trip to London for ‘Les Miserables’,’ We will rock you’ and dance and drama workshops. A trip to see the sights of Paris and spend the day at Parc Asterix. A visit to Dieppe and Rouen. A visit to Cadbury world. A day at Bristol Zoo. A visit to Tate modern. A day at Longleat A bike ride to Bradford on Avon A two day fishing trip A two day surfing trip Karting and paintballing Basketball, cricket, Volleyball and badminton.

4 We interviewed four pupils with these questions. 1.Which trip did you go on last year? Cadbury World, Tate Modern, Gliding x2 2. Did you enjoy the trip? Yes x4 3. Would you go on it again? Probably, no chance, no, yes 4. Which other trips would you like to go on? Germany/Tate, nothing, any thing else on the list x2

5 We interviewed a language teacher and asked what trip they went on last year and which one they would like to go on this year. Last year which trip did you go on? Dieppe What trip are you planning on doing this year? Köln/Cologne Is everyone good on your trips? yes How long does it take to organise your trip? Twelve months How many people go on your trip? 40-42 How many teachers go on your trip? 5

6 Here is an interview with an English teacher. Last year what trip did you do? Paris What trip are you planning or wanting to do this year? Something to do with drama like a fashion show Is everyone good on your trips? Yes but we did have some problems like mobile phones and getting lost. How long does it take you to organise your trip/ 6 hours How many children go on your trip? 50 children-coach load How many teachers go on your trip? 4

7 We asked our class if you had to organise a trip what would it be? Here are their results:- Alton towers Pineapple studios x2 London x4 Paintballing Cheese factory x2 Amazon rainforest Taking back Sunday gig x2 Bristol zoo New York shopping Italy for a week or so Trip to America Trip to Spain


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