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OLOW School Association: Page 1 and … for coming along and supporting all the School Association events last year. The new tablets are up and running,

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Presentation on theme: "OLOW School Association: Page 1 and … for coming along and supporting all the School Association events last year. The new tablets are up and running,"— Presentation transcript:

1 OLOW School Association: Page 1 and … for coming along and supporting all the School Association events last year. The new tablets are up and running, and we have a lovely pot of money, TBA at the AGM! ready to start the work on the Early Phase outdoor classroom. A truly successful year. Our Lady of the Wayside School Association OLOW School Association includes all staff and parents with children in the school. A lovely bunch!! However, the core committee only consists of a handful of parents. If you would like to be more involved, the Association would love to see you. We meet on the first Wednesday evening of every month, we are fun and friendly. The next meeting will be the AGM, OCTOBER 5 TH, 7.00pm followed by the committee meeting at 8.00pm. Come along and get the full picture. Be in it To win it! Look out for the entry forms, it is just £10 a term with a draw every ½ term. DEADLINE Oct 7 th. IT COULD BE YOU!! See the next page for more….. Friends of Wayside Wall It is our intention to start putting up the permanent wall display as soon as possible. Do not worry if you have not secured your brick, it is not going away! The wall is here to stay. A great fundraiser, but also a fabulous way to commemorate the families and friends of Wayside. Mr Taylor has selected the very best section of wall in the school, (by the studio hall), for this special display. For your place on this historic display pick up a form from reception. OLOW Association AGM OCTOBER 5 th 7.00pm School Hall October 15 th 7.30pm Get the date in the diary! Tickets on sale soon!

2 Page 2 Some key diary dates Oct. 15 th : Ladies night, 7.30pm Half term: Get your Christmas card designs done! Nov. 2 nd : Aim to have your online Christmas card order in. Christmas Fair count down:- Nov. 11 th : Toys/books DVD Nov. 18 th : bottles Nov. 25 th : Treasure Jar Dec. 2 nd; : Chocolate and cakes Dec. 3 rd : 12 to 3pm Christmas Fair Dec. 13 th : Boutique Always great fun. Come and meet Santa, live music, Turkey Baps, Licensed bar, Tombola, Crafts, stalls. Don’t miss it!! December 3rd It is always great to have some personalised Christmas cards. This year we are trialling it online. This should hopefully eliminate errors, make the process simpler and quicker, with a return date by the end of November. A great half term project to get a personal design ready to order in the first week of November. Idea for the little ones Christmas Cards OLOW Within our community there are 100’s of great recipes, with tales to accompany them. Some are way too essential to live without, some secret gems, some not to be missed out of any celebration. We will be looking to harvest your very best to create our own cook book no kitchen should be without. The last one was in 2004, it was so popular it had to be reprinted and is still talked about today. Get your best in print. WATCH OUT FOR DETAILS!! HELP We are now tendering for the nursery refurbishment. The area needs to be slabbed by or during October half term. Please contact Mr Taylor if you are able to help with this !!

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