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Metropolia Project Ownership Policy. Two cases Student will get the credit units – Student may have a training contract, but no salary – Student has the.

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Presentation on theme: "Metropolia Project Ownership Policy. Two cases Student will get the credit units – Student may have a training contract, but no salary – Student has the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Metropolia Project Ownership Policy

2 Two cases Student will get the credit units – Student may have a training contract, but no salary – Student has the ownership of the results that he/she has produced Student hired to work on project – Student will have a employment contract with a ”decent” salary – Student will be asked to sign Metropolia’s ”ownership transfer” aggreement which will transfer the ”ownership” of results to Metropolia. – Salary is considered as a pre-payment for the rights. If Metropolia will receive income based on the results then the net income will be split between student(s) (60%) and Metropolia (40%).

3 ADP-course Student will get the credit units – By default: Student has the ownership of the results that he/she has produced – However, if a student and a company decide to agree otherwise related to ownership then it is up to these two parties – Metropolia has no role.

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