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Seesion1 summary Unwanted Beam Workshop (UBW 2012) 17.-18.12 2012 Dark Current Issues for Energy Recovery Linacs.

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Presentation on theme: "Seesion1 summary Unwanted Beam Workshop (UBW 2012) 17.-18.12 2012 Dark Current Issues for Energy Recovery Linacs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Seesion1 summary Unwanted Beam Workshop (UBW 2012) 17.-18.12 2012 Dark Current Issues for Energy Recovery Linacs

2 2 BERLinPro: Berlin Energy Recovery Project funding decision late 2010, start of project 2011 extensive gun development: Gun0.1 (2011), Gun0.2 (2012) and Gunlab 2015: first electrons from Gun2 & Booster  6 MeV 2017: merger 2018: 50 MeV recirculation

3 MEASURES AT DESIGN STAGE TO MINIMIZE EFFECT OF DARK CURRENT @ BERLINPRO 3 Do not plan to operate at ultimate gradients Collimation is an issue Protect potentially weak places (water cooling of vacuum chambers) Diagnostics to control the unwanted beam losses Do the modeling … but do not believe it…

4 JLab IR/UV Upgrade E beam 135 MeV Bunch charge:60 pC – UV FEL 135 pC – IR FEL Rep. rate up to 74.85 MHz 25 μJ/pulse in 250–700 nm UV-VIS 120 μJ/pulse in 1-10 μm IR

5 Conclusion / Summary  JLab FEL (IR/UV Upgrade)  RF gradients in LINAC always require attention, set radiation background level (FE)  HV-DC gun very tricky to process (new gun should improve it a lot) “Catch-22”  Drive Laser transport if made very carefully, seems to be not a problem  Drive Laser rep. rate control (EO cells) always need attention (extinction ration drifts)  Cathode suffers when conditioning and from breakdowns, still makes beam as needed, but scatters DL light – generates some halo  Non-linear beam dynamics is responsible for some fraction of the halo. When setting up for high current operation, a lot of effort and time goes in to “fitting” the halo through the recirculator, such that peak beam brightness does not suffer.  Radiation monitors, BLMs and vacuum are used as tuning diagnostics  CEBAF  NP detectors (background) require essentially no beam halo  Large statistics of cavity performance and its evolution (FE)  Direct effects of FE – RF trip rate, reduction of max. possible energy  Vacuum events related to beam loss (both high and very low current)

6 Lasing (1) Lasing (4) Lasing (2) groups of undulators and IR FELs (under construction and fabrication) One track in vertical plane (terahertz FEL) Common for all FELs accelerator system 6 Two tracks in a horizontal plane (IR FEL) Four tracks in a horizontal plane Full scale Novosibirsk FEL 6

7 Conclusion Unwanted beam losses can exist due to low-energy effects, lasing, and insufficiently flexibility of system in multipass mode. Protection system is working well in regular mode, should be changed for tuning and adjusting mode. Present status: at this time, in Novosibirsk FEL based on one-turn ERL operates with the highest power in terahertz region; FEL, based on the first in the world two-passes ERL, operates in infrared region; 95% energy recovery efficiency and 1 mA current are achieved at the four- pass ERL. 7

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