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En Español Myth #1: In America and most of the world, we speak ENGLISH. Me fail English? That’s unpossible!

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Presentation on theme: "En Español Myth #1: In America and most of the world, we speak ENGLISH. Me fail English? That’s unpossible!"— Presentation transcript:


2 En Español

3 Myth #1: In America and most of the world, we speak ENGLISH. Me fail English? That’s unpossible!

4 There is no national language in the United States There are more than 41 million Spanish speakers in the U.S alone. This is more than the Spanish speakers in all of SPAIN! Worldwide, there are approximately 400 million Spanish speakers, with Spanish being the fourth most commonly spoken language in the world. Spanish is an official language on four continents and is the mother tongue in 21 countries

5 Myth #1: In America, and in most of the world, we speak ENGLISH.

6 Myth #2: It’s pointless to learn a language if you’re never going to travel

7 (TV shows, news, music, movies, books, internet, restaurants, stores, commercials, clothing labels, instructions for assembly, brochures, friends, food labels, newspaper, airport, signs, Rockband…) Without even leaving Buffalo (or sometimes your house), you WILL come across Spanish, no matter how you try to avoid it. EXPERIMENT:Take a moment with a partner and brainstorm all of the times you come across Spanish (language or culture) outside of the classroom.

8 Myth #2: It’s pointless to learn a language if you’re never going to travel

9 Will return after this message.


11 Myth #3: Spanish is BORING.

12 Okay, we admit…there are a lot of verbs to learn. But aside from that, what OTHER class have you taken that REQUIRES and ENCOURAGES you to… Dance Listen to popular music Watch movies/TV shows Learn about and taste exotic foods Talk to your friends Watch a tomato fight Make papel picado, sugar skulls, marigolds, poinsettas, Christmas cards, piñatas, etc. Create skits, talk shows, QUACK videos or commercials Play games and sing songs to help memorize vocabulary and verb endings Solve murder mysteries, write to pen pals, put on a fashion show…

13 Learning Spanish helps your brain functions! Learning a language enhances mental abilities in both children and older adults Studies show that it can improve your memory and show age- related decline in mental activity. It also helps your critical thinking skills, as you learn to view things through a different lens

14 Learning all of that grammar in Spanish helps you to understand it better in your own language, which is something you don’t even learn in your ENGLISH class ! Spanish makes you SMARTER Learning a language like Spanish makes learning another language MUCH easier, such as French, Portuguese or Italian Ex: Door (Portal) Spanish: Puerta French: Porte Italian: Porta

15 Myth #3: Spanish is BORING.

16 Myth #4: You’ll NEVER use Spanish in the future

17 You NEVER know who you’re going to meet…what if the person you move next door to, befriend or even MARRY speaks Spanish??? You NEVER know what the future will hold…what if you decide to travel abroad? What if your job REQUIRES you to travel abroad?

18 It PAYS to know Spanish! Experiment: With your partner, brainstorm a list of all of the occupations you can think of, as well as how knowing Spanish would be beneficial.

19 Did you mention… Flight attendant journalist psychologist Police officer Hair stylist server Pro athlete teacher Doctor lawyer plumber Computer technician veterinarian salesperson actor nurse Customs agent firefighter mechanic engineer author Hotel manager chefcoach Personal trainer translator linguist politician accountant Administrative assistant repairman Bank teller Business owner military

20 It PAYS to speak another language!! Having foreign language skills on a résumé makes you more marketable-- employers will be more likely to hire someone that can communicate with a variety of clients Many professions (specifically military and law enforcement) will pay a higher salary to people who speak another language.

21 Myth #4: You’ll NEVER use Spanish in the future

22 Commercial Break: Should've taken a foreign language

23 There are currently over 41 million Spanish speakers in the US alone, with over 40% of the population growth being among the Hispanic people. It’s everywhere-- TV, internet, stores, music, movies, sports, news, etc…there’s no escaping it! In the future, jobs and colleges will DEMAND knowledge of a foreign language to remain competitive in the global economy It’s so fun and interesting…you’d be stupid NOT to!

24 Why should WE learn Spanish??? …y despues, fumios al parque, lo que fue SUPER divertido e interesante…¿te gusta ir al parque? A mi me gusta, porque me encantan loos perros y a mirar los… Huh???

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