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Fastest Animal On Land !!!!!!!! Ethan, John, Michael 5/20/16 Clinton Middle School 6 th grade Science Mrs. Miller.

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Presentation on theme: "Fastest Animal On Land !!!!!!!! Ethan, John, Michael 5/20/16 Clinton Middle School 6 th grade Science Mrs. Miller."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fastest Animal On Land !!!!!!!! Ethan, John, Michael 5/20/16 Clinton Middle School 6 th grade Science Mrs. Miller

2 Classification for a Cheetah Kingdom Anomalies Phylum Chordates Class Mammalians Order Carnivores Family Felidae Genus Acinonyx Species Acinonyx jubatus

3 A Cheetah’s Characteristic Structures  It is a mammal, It has:  -fur  -hair  -lungs  -birth live offspring  -feed young with milk

4 Cheetahs Basic Functions  Eats gazelles, spring box, impalas, wilder beasts, zebras, and, hares  Depends on speed, claws, and teeth for defense  Moves move usually by walking, to catch prey or avoid danger they will run  Resources include is food, water, and oxygen

5 Cheetahs Responding to the Environment IIt is endothermic(warm- blooded) IIts body temperature stays at 98.6 IIt pants when it is to hot IIt shivers when it is cold

6 Cheetahs Physical Response to Environmental Stimuli  My animal:  -blinks  -shivers  -pants

7 What do Cheetahs do when cope in changes in their environment  It tries to find a new habitat or just dies  It does not hibernate or migrate  They use camouflage to blend in with the grass plains

8 A Cheetah’s Internal Stimuli  If it is hungry goes and hunt  If it is thirsty it goes and get water  If it is sleepy then it goes to sleep

9 Cheetahs behaviors  It uses speed, and great hunting skills  They might learn how to capture an animal  They have their feline hunter instincts and at the same time they learn by seeing their mothers

10 Interesting Facts  Run up to 70 mph in sprints of less than one minute  They have tawny fur with black spots over the entire body except the throat and stomach, which are white TThey are 4.5 feet their tails add another 30 inches TThe average weight is 80 to 140 pounds

11 References TThe Cheetah (by: Lisa Harkrader) h d=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=gooo h MMrs. Miller

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