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Welcome to Mr. Steve S. Reed 2016-2017 STEM Exploration/Engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Mr. Steve S. Reed 2016-2017 STEM Exploration/Engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Mr. Steve S. Reed 2016-2017 STEM Exploration/Engineering

2 Getting to Know Me Raised and educated in Iowa 28 th year of teaching in Kyrene Have been at Akimel A-al since it opened, was at Kyrene Middle School for 2 years prior to that Taught Industrial Technology for 16 years Taught 7 th grade science for 11 years Coach baseball and basketball

3 STEM Exploration/Engineering Program I s an INTEGRATED, INTERDISCIPLINARY curriculum Involves students in tackling REAL WORLD ISSUES/CHALLENGES through EXPLORATION, INQUIRY, and PROBLEM SOLVING experiences. Regularly requires CRITICAL THINKING, CREATIVITY, effective COLLABORATION, RESEARCH SKILLS, and COMMUNICATION. Puts heavy emphasis on an ENGINERING DESIGN PROCESS – an organized method of approaching and solving problems. Is an evolving and expanding program (we are only in year one)

4 STEM Exploration/Engineering Program 6 th grade = 9 weeks 7 th grade = 18 weeks 8 th grade = 18 weeks The goal of this course is to inspire student interest and passion for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) career paths and to foster creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration in a project-based format. Students will engage in engineering investigations to identify the effectiveness, efficiency, and durability of designs under different conditions. This is a hands-on and technology-rich course.

5 STEM Exploration/Engineering Program Engineering (Disciplines) –Chemical –Civil –Electrical –Mechanical * Note: There are hundreds of different types of engineers overall

6 STEM Exploration/Engineering Program Engineering Design Process – Ask – What are the problems? What are the constraints? – Imagine – Brainstorm Ideas, Choose the Best One – Plan – Draw a Diagram, Gather Needed Materials – Create – Follow the Plan, Test it Out – Improve – Discuss What Can Work Better, Repeat Steps 1-5 to Make Changes

7 STEM Exploration/Engineering Program Careers Safety Materials & Processes

8 STEM Exploration/Engineering Program Engineering Design Challenges – Simple Machines –Simple Machines The Claw ( _activity1.xml ) _activity1.xml Simple Machines ( mp_machines/cub_simp_machines_curricularunit.xml ) mp_machines/cub_simp_machines_curricularunit.xml Engineering Ups and Downs ( ) Reverse Engineer A Camera ( ) Break It Down: Reverse Engineering ( ) Lift and Pull ( )

9 STEM Exploration/Engineering Program Engineering Design Challenges - Rocketry Pop Rockets ( ockets_lesson04_activity3.xml ) ockets_lesson04_activity3.xml Learn to Build A Rocket in Five Days or Your Money Back ( ets_lesson05.xml ) ets_lesson05.xml Water Rocket Construction ( WaterRocket_C3.pdf ) WaterRocket_C3.pdf Water Rocket Launch ( ) Project X-51 ( ) Slingshot Rockets ( ) A Roundabout Way to Mars ( _navigation_lesson10_activity1.xml ) _navigation_lesson10_activity1.xml

10 STEM Exploration/Engineering Program Engineering Design Challenges – Buoyancy Fun With Speedboats ( ) Life Vest Challenge ( ) Sail Away ( ) What Floats Your Boat? ( duk_float_mary_less.xml ) duk_float_mary_less.xml

11 STEM Exploration/Engineering Program Engineering Design Challenges - Energy of Motion Wind Powered Sail Cars ( ailcars_activity1.xml ) ailcars_activity1.xml Spool Racer Design & Competition ( ergy_lesson01_activity1.xml ) ergy_lesson01_activity1.xml Spaghetti Soapbox Derby ( by_activity1.xml ) by_activity1.xml Physics of Roller Coasters ( sic_less/duk_rollercoaster_music_less.xml ) sic_less/duk_rollercoaster_music_less.xml Amusement Park Ride: Ups and Downs in Design ( k_ride/wpi_amusement_park_ride.xml ) k_ride/wpi_amusement_park_ride.xml

12 STEM Exploration/Engineering Program Engineering Design Challenges – Energy of Motion Touchdown Lander ( ) Make A Balloon Powered Nanorover ( ) Moon Rovers (Rubber Band Powered) ( ) Rubber Band Racers ( ) Propeller Powered Car ( ) Marble Roller Coaster ( ) On Target Challenge ( )

13 STEM Exploration/Engineering Program Engineering Design Challenges - Flight Building Tetrahedral Kites ( dral_kites/tetrahedral_kites.xml ) dral_kites/tetrahedral_kites.xml Balsa Glider Competition ( airplanes_lesson09_activity1.xml ) airplanes_lesson09_activity1.xml Take Off With Paper Airplanes ( planes_lesson06.xml ) planes_lesson06.xml Better By Design ( airplanes_lesson07_activity1.xml airplanes_lesson07_activity1.xml

14 STEM Exploration/Engineering Program Engineering Design Challenges – Newton’s Laws of Motion Newton Rocket Car ( ockets_lesson02_activity1.xml ) ockets_lesson02_activity1.xml Hover Craft Racers ( _mechanics_lesson05_activity1.xml ) _mechanics_lesson05_activity1.xml Crash Test Cars ( ) Vehicle Safety: Egg Cars

15 STEM Exploration/Engineering Program Engineering Design Challenges – Architecture/Structures Bridge Building ( d/cub_brid_curricularunit.xml ) d/cub_brid_curricularunit.xml Straw Bridges ( sson01_activity2.xml ) sson01_activity2.xml Leaning Tower of Pasta ( mechanics_lesson10_activity1.xml ) mechanics_lesson10_activity1.xml Spaghetti Anyone? Building With Pasta ( ) Tall Tower Challenge ( ) Popsicle Bridge ( )

16 STEM Exploration/Engineering Program Engineering Design Challenges – Architecture/Structures Critical Load ( ) Shake It Up! Engineering for Seismic Waves ( eismicw_lesson01_activity1.xml ) eismicw_lesson01_activity1.xml Paper Table ( )

17 STEM Exploration/Engineering Program Engineering Design Challenges - Robotics Simple Pneumatic Machine ( ) Hydraulic Judo Bots ( ) Mechanical Hand ( ) Mars Rover Races ( ) Syringe Robots

18 STEM Exploration/Engineering Program Engineering Design Challenges – 3D Printing Engineering Design Challenges – Electronics Engineering Design Challenges – Aerodynamics Engineering Design Challenges – Heat Transfer

19 Partnerships & Support There are MANY ways to help, individually or your company: 1.Tax credits designated for use by the program 2.Donations (materials, gift cards) 3.Time (guest speakers, classroom support, etc.) 4.Business Partnerships/Sponsorships (Ted Gonzalez)SponsorshipsTed Gonzalez

20 Partnerships & Support Consumable Donations ConsumableSupplyDonations Straws Popsicle Sticks Masking Tape Packing Tape Duct Tape ‘Scotch’ Tape Two Liter Bottles ‘Pringles’ Cans Metal Coat Hangers Dowell Rods Plastic Cups Round Lids (wheels) Hot Melt Glue Sticks Soft Wood (balsa, pine) Index Cards (all sizes) Rubber bands (all sizes) Toilet Paper Rolls Paper Towel Rolls Graph Paper Toothpicks String Shoe Boxes Wax Coated Milk/Juice Cartons Spaghetti Zip Loc Bags (sandwich or snack size) Marshmellows (small and large) Note: About ANYTHING that you throw away could probably be used in One way or another in designing and building for this program.

21 Homework STEM Exploration/Engineering Website

22 Grades A = Outstanding Progress, represents mastery of the Kyrene District curriculum targets at a minimum of 90%. B = Significant Progress, represents mastery of the Kyrene District curriculum targets at a minimum of 80%. C = Satisfactory Progress, represents mastery of the Kyrene District curriculum targets at a minimum of 70%. D = Limited Progress, represents limited mastery of the Kyrene District curriculum targets at a minimum of 60%. F = Failing, represents a failure to master the Kyrene District curriculum targets at a minimum of 50%. I = Incomplete, represents a lack of evidence of mastery of target outcomes to evaluate student performance for grading period. P = Passing, represents special cases where a student has been absent from instruction due to extraordinary circumstances. NG = No Grade, represents special cases where a student has been absent from instruction due to extraordinary circumstances

23 Grades Grades are weighted school wide: – 6 th grade = 70% assessment, 30% practice – 7 th grade = 80% assessment, 20% practice – 8 th grade = 90% assessment, 10% practice

24 Online Grade Access Access from Kyrene School District webpage and clicking on the Parents tab and then ParentVUEParentVUE Will allow for one stop shopping for grades Updated instantly as teachers enter a grade

25 Grade Reports First Quarter ends: September 29, 2016 Second Quarter ends: December 15, 2016 Third Quarter ends: March 3, 2017 Fourth Quarter ends: May 23, 2017 Fall Parent Conferences : Oct. 21-22? Spring Parent Conferences: Feb. 24-25? Between the fourth and sixth week of each quarter, parents will be notified if their student is in danger of failing. Students are encouraged to keep track of their progress in each class via StudentVue.StudentVue

26 Learning Lab Starts Monday, August 8? 7:30 – 8:30 a.m. Before school tutoring will be available on Monday - Friday Students may sign-up on their own or be recommended by teachers Students to provide their own means of transportation to school Must be at front gate at 7:30 a.m. sharp

27 Homework Club (Lunch time) There will be a classroom and teacher during each grade level lunch period where a student could be assigned if they did not complete their homework. Students who purchase school lunch will be given a ‘Front of the Line’ pass to go purchase their lunch and then return with that lunch to work through lunch.

28 Attendance When students miss school, we miss them! Regular attendance impacts student achievement. We appreciate it when appointments and vacations are scheduled outside of school times. Students are expected to complete all assignments missed during an absence. Homework assignments may be requested ahead of time and/or during student absences.

29 Discipline The Refocus Program (Time to Teach) is: – A proactive not reactive approach to discipline – Prompt attention to the “little stuff” often prevents the “big stuff”. – Students are given 1 verbal warning to correct their behavior – If the behavior continues, the student is asked to leave the room to fill out a refocus form which helps them reflect on the behavior and what their corrected behavior should be when they return to class.


31 Discipline Progressive Discipline –Students are allowed one(1) refocus a day. If a second issue occurs the same day a student will be sent to ISI. –Students are allowed only (2) refocuses a week. If a third issue happens during the same week students will be sent to ISI. –Students will be given only six (6) refocuses per school year.

32 Discipline The “Big Stuff” –After six (6) refocuses, students will be sent directly to ISI and will follow the schools progressive disciplinary plan 3 time-outs to I.S.I.1 full day of I.S.I. 6 time-outs to I.S.I.2 full days of I.S.I. 9 time-outs to I.S.I. 3 full days of I.S.I. 12 time-outs to I.S.I.1 day of Off Campus Suspension

33 Communicating With Me E-mail Address Voicemail 480-541-5966

34 Thanks for Coming! Let’s work together to achieve our common goals

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