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Q UALITATIVE R ESEARCH AND A UDIENCES. O VERVIEW Define qualitative research Examine the process of qualitative research Discuss methods of data collection.

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2 O VERVIEW Define qualitative research Examine the process of qualitative research Discuss methods of data collection Understand how to use qualitative research tools in the study of audiences.

3 What is qualitative research?

4 W HAT IS QUALITATIVE RESEARCH ? “Qualitative research is interdisciplinary, interpretative, political, and theoretical in nature. Using language to understand concepts based on people’s experience, it attempts to create a sense of the larger realm of human relationships.” ---Bonnie S. Brennan

5 I NTERDISCIPLINARY Encompasses many areas of study Mass Communication qualitative research often borrows from Political Science and Women and Gender studies and vice versa. Commonly used in social sciences and market research

6 T HEORETICAL Grounded in theory Set of principles or an idea about a phenomenon or human behavior guides research Uses theory to help explain research subjects Example: Cultural studies, feminist, Marxist theories

7 P OLITICAL Ideology influences how qualitative research is approached Ideology influences what issues are dealt with, and how they are treated in qualitative research Example: Ideological beliefs about vaccinations may influence what types of questions are asked.

8 I NTERPRETATIVE Qualitative research makes meaning out of numbers and statistical data Qualitative research makes meaning out of language Sometimes thought of as subjective Always analytical

9 W HAT ’ S THE PROCESS OF QUALITATIVE RESEARCH ? 1. Have an idea 2. Develop a research question 3. Collect Data 4. Analyze Data 5. Report Findings

10 T HE I DEA Observations Interests Current phenomenon Current event Past phenomenon Past event An issue that you want to solve (market research)

11 R ESEARCH QUESTION NOT A HYPOTHESIS Like a theory, research questions guide your research. Specific query to be answered through research and analysis

12 R ESEARCH Q UESTION Suppose you are interested in understanding people who read romantic novels. What research questions could you develop about this topic?

13 R ESEARCH Q UESTION Janice Radway Reading the Romance (1984) Reader-response Focus groups Guided by this basic, specific question: What do avid romance readers like about romance novels?

14 C OLLECTING D ATA OR EVIDENCE Methods include: Interviews Focus Groups Textual Analysis Ethnography

15 I NTERVIEWS Typically consist of one-on-one conversation Short or in-depth Multiple sessions or a single session Conducted in person, phone, video messaging, instant messaging, or email Recorded and transcribed A good interviewer employs sensitivity and skill

16 I NTERVIEW T ECHNIQUES Probing questions Follow-up questions Segue Pausing Giving the interviewee space to think Listening Avoiding leading questions Asking open-ended questions Expounding on closed- ended questions

17 F OCUS G ROUPS A group of 4 to 10 people come together to discuss a specific topic Duration: >30 but <2 hours Moderator asks questions as it relates to the topic of interest Questions are typically open-ended 10 to 15 questions prepared Online or In-person Recorded and transcribed

18 T EXTUAL A NALYSIS What’s a text? Anything with a message can be analyzed. A food wrapper, a book, a newspaper article, or a movie can provide a text for analysis. Thorough break down of the sum of its parts

19 E THNOGRAPHY Have you ever people watched? Descriptive study of people and customs Embedding yourself in a subject of study by either observing or being a part of it. (Participant Observation). Human activity is the focus Ethnography is interested in what people do, their rituals, customs, and daily lives

20 E THNOGRAPHY Suppose you were interested in understanding how teachers incorporate hands- on learning in their classrooms. How could you conduct an ethnographic study in this area?

21 H OW ARE THESE TOOLS USED IN AUDIENCE RESEARCH ? Filmmakers use focus groups and interviews in test screenings for movies Sony Screenings Advertisers use focus groups to message test their commercials. Food companies use focus groups and interviews in taste tests for their products. Pepsi Challenge

22 H OW ARE THESE TOOLS USED IN AUDIENCE RESEARCH ? Intel (1995) used ethnographic research to understand how baby boomers used PCs in their daily lives An academia, ethnography is often used in understanding media use and fan communities.

23 H OW ARE THESE TOOLS USED IN AUDIENCE RESEARCH ? Textual Analysis is used to a lesser extent in market research. Parents Television Council uses textual analysis in reports and blogs about inappropriate content for children. TV networks send screeners to media critics who often perform versions of a textual analysis in reviews.

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