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CAMAS Virtual Machine (CAMAS VM): Multimodal Sensor data stream Querying, Analysis, and Transformation Infrastructure.

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Presentation on theme: "CAMAS Virtual Machine (CAMAS VM): Multimodal Sensor data stream Querying, Analysis, and Transformation Infrastructure."— Presentation transcript:

1 CAMAS Virtual Machine (CAMAS VM): Multimodal Sensor data stream Querying, Analysis, and Transformation Infrastructure

2 CAMASVMResponsphere infrastructure



5 Computing, visualization, and datasets ● RAID storage server ● multi-tile visualization display ● 8-32-bit-processor IBM server ● 8-64-bit-processor Sun server ● Datasets: drill, 911 calls, 9-11, CAD, GIS, people counter logs, LDC TDT4, disasters, KDD, UCI facilities CAMASVMResponsphere infrastructure

6 Augmented drill Real drill Simulated drill Emergency response –Situation Awareness (e.g., QUASAR + SAMI) –Customized dissemination Security surveillance –Surveillance –Privacy-preserving surveillance IT testing –Augmenting a drill with virtual people, hazards, and technology CAMASVMResponsphere infrastructure Applications

7 Provide general software infrastructure that allows to Collect, transform, and analyze real-time data from an heterogeneous sensing infrastructure CAMASVMProblem

8 Multi-modality streams –Raw media, structured data, and event streams Abstraction –Abstraction from sensors access protocols, sensors stream data format, synchronization -> high-level language + virtual sensors Processing –Different applications are a formed by intersecting sets of operators: Analysis, transformation, querying, event detection, synchronization, etc -> reuse of operators (code and execution) Scalability –Scalable in terms of number of sensors, volume of data, processing power needs, and network bandwidth availability -> distributed computation + optimization and adaptation Extensibility –Different sensor types, querying and transformation operators, and stream data types -> centralized configuration manager –Failure of nodes and changing availability of processing nodes CAMASVMRequirements

9 Privacy –Obfuscation of sensor data, Privacy policy management and enforcement, Non-derivility by observation Power-awareness –Sensors and processing nodes might be power-limited. –Different operators have different power consumption –Mobility CAMASVMRequirements

10 RunTime Deployer SATLite CQL Other query transf lang... Sensor infrastructure User Heterogeneous sensors Distributed Reflexive Mobile-agent based Deployment optimization Deployment (topology) description High-level query languages Application CAMASVMArchitecture

11 Deployer SATLite CQ L... Sensor RunTim e Processi ng node Processi ng node RunTim e MAMA MAMA Sensor stream MAMA RunTime Infrastructure directory CAMASVM snapshot, configurations, operators repository RunTi me CAMASVMArchitecture User Applicati on MAMA MAMA

12 CAMASVMSATLite cam1 = Create(Cam_humanoid, M1); cam2 = Create(Cam_humanoid); union = Create(Union); alert = Create(Alert, M3); cam_stream1 = Read_cam(C1); cam_stream2 = Read_cam(C2); event_stream1 = cam1(cam_stream1); event_stream2 = cam2(cam_stream2); event_stream3 = union(event_stream1, event_stream2); alert(event_stream3); cam_stream1 event_stream1 (C1)------------->[cam1]-------------------| | cam_stream2 event_stream2 V event_stream3 (C2)------------->[cam2]--------------->[union]-------------->[alert] --------------- MoveTo(cam1, M3); MoveTo(cam2, M3);

13 CAMASVMDeployer Deployer Query XML file Deployed operators Snapshot

14 CAMASVMInfrastructure Directory

15 0.- Sensor: Internet WebCam located at the kitchen. 1.- Data acquisition sensor: gets video stream from sensor and transforms it into a stream of JPEG frames. 2.- Basic event detection: transforms a stream of JPEGs into a stream of events that indicate if the coffee pot is on the burner. 3.- Basic event detection: transforms a stream of JPEGs into a stream of events that indicate the coffee level in the coffee pot (level=0 means coffee pot empty). 4.- Basic event detection: transforms a stream of JPEGs into a stream of events that indicate if the burner is on. 5.- Basic event detection: transforms a stream of JPEGs into a stream of events that indicate if coffee is flowing into the pot. 6.- Temporal synchronizer. 7.- Higher event detection: transforms a stream of synchronized basic events into a stream of events that indicate the risk of the coffee pot exploding: if coffee pot is left empty on the burner with the burner on and no coffee is flowing into the burner. 8.- Visualization: GUI that indicates if there is a risk of the coffee pot exploding. 9.- Visualization: GUI that displays JPEG frames. 7 3 2 61 4 5 08 9 CAMASVMSample Application

16 Privacy-preserving application –Obfuscation of sensor data unless rule is violated (e.g., coffee-pot not in place)

17 CAMAS Virtual Machine (CAMAS VM): Multimodal Sensor data stream Querying, Analysis, and Transformation Infrastructure Thank you

18 Extra slides

19 stream MAMA Sensor Deployer SATLite CQ L... Sensor RunTim e Sensor Volunte er machin e Sensor RunTim e MAMA MAMA MAMA MAMA Sensor stream MAMA MAMA MAMA MAMA... RunTime Infrastructure directory CAMASVM snapshot, configurations, operators repository RunTi me CAMASVMArchitecture User Applicati on

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