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Geography January 25 and 26, 2016 Russia Early History.

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1 Geography January 25 and 26, 2016 Russia Early History

2 Announcements 1.Re-Emphasis of Classroom Rules  Cellphones Away when Class Begins. This is common sense. I shouldn’t have to tell you this Every. Single. Day.  Excessive gum chewing will result in a phone call home and a disciplinary essay.  Having more than 3 tardies will result in a phone call home and after school detention.  Food Allowed: Water, coffee, tea. Cheetos AWAY 2.Grading & Late work Policy  All late work during Semester 2 is grades 50% off in addition to incorrect / incomplete answers.  Unless there is a situation beyond your control, in which case I need a note and signature of some kind as to the reason of your absence.  Example: 20 points = 10 points. 1.Re-Emphasis of Classroom Rules  Cellphones Away when Class Begins. This is common sense. I shouldn’t have to tell you this Every. Single. Day.  Excessive gum chewing will result in a phone call home and a disciplinary essay.  Having more than 3 tardies will result in a phone call home and after school detention.  Food Allowed: Water, coffee, tea. Cheetos AWAY 2.Grading & Late work Policy  All late work during Semester 2 is grades 50% off in addition to incorrect / incomplete answers.  Unless there is a situation beyond your control, in which case I need a note and signature of some kind as to the reason of your absence.  Example: 20 points = 10 points.

3 Russia Early History Objective: o Analyze the history and geography of Russia Essential Question: o What is the cultural history of Russia? o What kinds of peoples live in Eurasia o How does a region’s physical geography influence its cultural heritage? Objective: o Analyze the history and geography of Russia Essential Question: o What is the cultural history of Russia? o What kinds of peoples live in Eurasia o How does a region’s physical geography influence its cultural heritage?

4 Warm-up: CNN Student News  Write a ONE SENTENCE summary on TWO news stories from CNN Student News.  After the video you will have 5 minutes to write your 2 summaries.  Summary: “A brief statement or account of the main points of something.  Discussion to follow: What do you think?  Write a ONE SENTENCE summary on TWO news stories from CNN Student News.  After the video you will have 5 minutes to write your 2 summaries.  Summary: “A brief statement or account of the main points of something.  Discussion to follow: What do you think?

5 Geography December 10 and 11, 2015 Southern Europe: Physical Geography

6 The roots of the nation lie in the steppe. For thousands of years, people moved across the grassy plains bringing various cultural elements. A.D. 800’s Viking traders and Slavic peoples shape the first Russian state calling themselves Rus. Missionaries begin bringing Orthodox Christianity and a form of the Greek alphabet to the area. 1200’s Mongol invaders conquered the area adding much of the region to their empire. Early Russia

7 After winning control from the Mongols in the 1400’s, a local leader named Ivan the Terrible (IV) declares himself czar. Over 300 years, future czars expand the empire stretching it from the Baltic Sea to the Pacific. By the 1800’s, Russia had colonies along the west coast of N. America in Alaska and California In the early 1900’s their empire weakened immensely due to food shortage, economic problems, and defeat in war. 1917, during WWI, the czar gave up his throne. The Russian Empire

8 Through the Russian Revolution, the Bolshevik Party led by Vladimir Lenin, took power of the government. The Bolsheviks, or Communists, set up the Soviet Union in 1922. The communists took control over all industries and farms, as well as limited religious choice, and political parties. After an initial spark in economy, industries and farms fail under government control. The Soviet Union










18 Activity 1.Eurasia Vocabulary Tripods and History 2.Write vocabulary IN NOTEBOOKS Vocabulary Tripods Word: Define An Example Use in a sentence Example – Strait: A narrow passageway that connects two bodies of water. [Define] Tierra del Fuego [Example] Magellan was looking for a strait when sailing around the world that connected the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. [Sentence]

19 Activity With your shoulder-partner, create a chart with two columns, one labeled “Russia Today” and the other “United States” Using your textbook on pages 358-360, select a fact about life in Russia and write it in the first column. Then compare or contrast that fact with life in the United States in the second column. Be sure to include, government, economy, and culture in the charts

20 Closure: Brainstorm 4 occupations (jobs) in Eurasia that depend on the listed physical features and resources from the activity / notes. Example: Taiga Forest – Wood – Lumberjack Oil Shale – Oil - Engineer

21 Closure: The U.S. and USSR were bitter enemies for many years after WWII. What are reasons why the Cold War never exploded into World War III?

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