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An Introduction to Hypnosis Society of Psychological Hypnosis Division 30 – American Psychological Association.

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1 An Introduction to Hypnosis Society of Psychological Hypnosis Division 30 – American Psychological Association

2 2 An Introduction to Hypnosis An Introduction to Hypnosis I.What is Hypnosis ? II.Common Myths about Hypnosis III.Theories of Hypnotic Responding IV.Key Theoretical Controversies in Hypnosis IV.Hypnotic Suggestibility VI.Hypnosis as a Clinical Tool

3 3 I. What is Hypnosis ? A. Defining Hypnosis B. Components of a Hypnotic Procedure

4 I. A. Defining Hypnosis Definition of Hypnosis: Hypnosis is a state of inner absorption, concentration and focused attention. When our minds are concentrated and focused, we are able to use our minds more powerfully. Because hypnosis allows people to use more of their potential, learning self-hypnosis is the ultimate act of self-control. b 4

5 I. A. Defining Hypnosis b Some individuals seem to have higher native hypnotic talent and capacity that may allow them to benefit more readily from hypnosis. It is important to keep in mind that hypnosis is like any other therapeutic modality: it is of major benefit to some patients with some problems, and it is helpful with many other patients, but individual responses vary. b Some individuals seem to have higher native hypnotic talent and capacity that may allow them to benefit more readily from hypnosis. It is important to keep in mind that hypnosis is like any other therapeutic modality: it is of major benefit to some patients with some problems, and it is helpful with many other patients, but individual responses vary. 5

6 6 B. Two Components of a Hypnotic Procedure It is useful to think of a hypnotic procedure as consisting of two phases or components: It is useful to think of a hypnotic procedure as consisting of two phases or components: Hypnotic InductionHypnotic Induction Hypnotic SuggestionsHypnotic Suggestions

7 7 What is a Hypnotic Induction ? A hypnotic induction is a method to present ideas or suggestions to the patient. In a state of concentrated attention, ideas and suggestions that are compatible with what the patient wants seem to have a more powerful impact on the mind. A hypnotic induction is a method to present ideas or suggestions to the patient. In a state of concentrated attention, ideas and suggestions that are compatible with what the patient wants seem to have a more powerful impact on the mind. The subject is guided through suggestion to relax, concentrate, and/or to focus his or her attention on some particular thing. The subject is guided through suggestion to relax, concentrate, and/or to focus his or her attention on some particular thing.

8 8 What is a Hypnotic Suggestion ? Hypnotic suggestion is a method that encourages the use of imagination. Mental imagery is very powerful, especially in a focused state of attention. The mind seems capable of using imagery, even if it is only symbolic, to assist us in bringing about the things we are imagining. Example: patient with ulcerative colitis may be asked to imagine her colon changing to a healthy one. Hypnotic suggestion is a method that encourages the use of imagination. Mental imagery is very powerful, especially in a focused state of attention. The mind seems capable of using imagery, even if it is only symbolic, to assist us in bringing about the things we are imagining. Example: patient with ulcerative colitis may be asked to imagine her colon changing to a healthy one.

9 9 II. Common Myths about Hypnosis People in hypnosis lose control and can be made to say or do whatever the hypnotist wants. People in hypnosis lose control and can be made to say or do whatever the hypnotist wants. People may not be able to come out of hypnosis. People may not be able to come out of hypnosis. Hypnosis only affects weak-willed or gullible people. Hypnosis only affects weak-willed or gullible people. Hypnosis reliably enhances the accuracy of memory. Hypnosis reliably enhances the accuracy of memory. Hypnosis enables people to re-experience a past life. Hypnosis enables people to re-experience a past life. Hypnosis depends primarily on the skill of the hypnotist. Hypnosis depends primarily on the skill of the hypnotist. NONE OF THESE ARE TRUE NONE OF THESE ARE TRUE

10 10 IV. Two Key Theoretical Controversies in Hypnosis A. The State Controversy B. The Trait Controversy

11 11 A. The State Controversy Do people enter an altered state of consciousness during hypnosis ? Do people enter an altered state of consciousness during hypnosis ? Some professionals who study and use hypnosis believe there are strong cognitive and interpersonal components that affect an individual's response to hypnotic environments and suggestions. Some professionals who study and use hypnosis believe there are strong cognitive and interpersonal components that affect an individual's response to hypnotic environments and suggestions.

12 12 B. The Trait Controversy Is there a trait that accounts for how much or how little people respond to hypnosis ? Is there a trait that accounts for how much or how little people respond to hypnosis ? Some researchers believe that hypnosis can be used by individuals to the degree they possess a hypnotic trait, much as they have traits associated with height, body size, hair color, etc. Some researchers believe that hypnosis can be used by individuals to the degree they possess a hypnotic trait, much as they have traits associated with height, body size, hair color, etc. The research evidence strongly suggests that there is a trait that explains how much people respond to hypnosis. The research evidence strongly suggests that there is a trait that explains how much people respond to hypnosis.

13 Conclusions: State or Trait No conclusion as to which is correct: state or trait Recent research supports the view that hypnotic communication and suggestions effectively changes aspects of the persons physiological and neurological functions. 13

14 14 V. Hypnotic Suggestibility – The Individual Difference Variable Hypnotic suggestibility is the general tendency to respond to hypnotic suggestions. Hypnotic suggestibility is the general tendency to respond to hypnotic suggestions. It can be measured with scales typically consisting of a hypnotic induction and a series of behavioral test suggestions. It can be measured with scales typically consisting of a hypnotic induction and a series of behavioral test suggestions. It is a trait-like, individual difference variable – people differ in terms of how high or low they fall on suggestibility. Scores in the population are arrayed in a bell-shaped curve. It is a trait-like, individual difference variable – people differ in terms of how high or low they fall on suggestibility. Scores in the population are arrayed in a bell-shaped curve. Suggestibility tends to be very stable over time – some researchers found that scores taken 25 years apart were correlated at r =.71. Suggestibility tends to be very stable over time – some researchers found that scores taken 25 years apart were correlated at r =.71.

15 15 VII. Hypnosis as a Clinical Tool Hypnosis is generally used in two ways as a clinical tool:Hypnosis is generally used in two ways as a clinical tool: A.Making Direct Suggestions for Symptom Reduction B.Using hypnosis as an adjunct to other forms of psychotherapy (e.g., CBT). C.Unconscious exploration

16 16 A. Making Direct Suggestions for Symptom Reduction Example – A hypnotist suggests to a patient undergoing a painful medical procedure (e.g., surgery, a lumbar puncture, spinal tap) that the affected body part (i.e., the back) is numb and insensitive to pain.Example – A hypnotist suggests to a patient undergoing a painful medical procedure (e.g., surgery, a lumbar puncture, spinal tap) that the affected body part (i.e., the back) is numb and insensitive to pain. This is a classic use of hypnosis. This is a classic use of hypnosis.

17 Example: Hypnotic Analgesia Hypnosis can alter and eliminate the psychological experience of pain and also the brain’s neurophysiological processing of pain. Hypnosis can alter and eliminate the psychological experience of pain and also the brain’s neurophysiological processing of pain. Data indicates that the sensory aspect of pain is diminished at the somatosensory cortex. Data indicates that the sensory aspect of pain is diminished at the somatosensory cortex. The meaning or suffering component of pain is diminished at the anterior cingulate cortex. The meaning or suffering component of pain is diminished at the anterior cingulate cortex.

18 18 B. Presenting Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy plus Hypnosis Research suggests that using a combination of hypnosis and CBT improves outcomes for about 70% of patients relative to using CBT alone (Kirsch et al., 1995). Research suggests that using a combination of hypnosis and CBT improves outcomes for about 70% of patients relative to using CBT alone (Kirsch et al., 1995). Additionally, standard CBT techniques can be presented in a hypnotic context by preceding the CBT technique with a hypnotic induction, delivered with the unique tone and cadence of hypnosis, and described as being hypnotic in nature. Additionally, standard CBT techniques can be presented in a hypnotic context by preceding the CBT technique with a hypnotic induction, delivered with the unique tone and cadence of hypnosis, and described as being hypnotic in nature. Examples: Examples: Progressive Muscle Relaxation becomes hypnotic relaxation.Progressive Muscle Relaxation becomes hypnotic relaxation. Guided Imagery becomes hypnotic imagery.Guided Imagery becomes hypnotic imagery. Systematic Desensitization becomes hypnotic desensitization.Systematic Desensitization becomes hypnotic desensitization. Coping self-statements become coping self-suggestions.Coping self-statements become coping self-suggestions.

19 19 Some Clinical Problems Thought to Be Responsive to Hypnosis Acute and Chronic PainAcute and Chronic Pain PhobiasPhobias Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Acute Stress DisorderPost Traumatic Stress Disorder and Acute Stress Disorder Performance AnxietyPerformance Anxiety DepressionDepression Eating DisordersEating Disorders Dissociative Identity DisorderDissociative Identity Disorder SmokingSmoking ObesityObesity

20 C. Unconscious Exploration b Hypnosis may be used for unconscious exploration, to better understand underlying motivations or identify whether past events or experiences are associated with causing a problem. Hypnosis bypasses the critical censor and interference of the conscious mind, which often defeats what we know to be in our best interests. Examples: repressed memories; amnesia 20

21 21 Conclusion Once associated with fringe psychology and the supernatural, hypnosis is now accepted as the valid subject of scientific research and as a useful clinical tool. Once associated with fringe psychology and the supernatural, hypnosis is now accepted as the valid subject of scientific research and as a useful clinical tool. Psychologists hold a wide variety of opinions on how to define hypnosis and on how hypnosis works. Psychologists hold a wide variety of opinions on how to define hypnosis and on how hypnosis works. Research strongly suggests that hypnotic suggestibility is a trait that accounts for a portion of how much or how little people respond to hypnosis. However, research strongly indicates that the vast majority of people can benefit from hypnosis interventions. Research strongly suggests that hypnotic suggestibility is a trait that accounts for a portion of how much or how little people respond to hypnosis. However, research strongly indicates that the vast majority of people can benefit from hypnosis interventions. Research indicates that hypnosis is very effective for treating a wide range of clinical problems and symptoms, including pain, anxiety, depression, obesity, and smoking. Research indicates that hypnosis is very effective for treating a wide range of clinical problems and symptoms, including pain, anxiety, depression, obesity, and smoking.

22 Training Requirements b Requirements for Certification in Clinical Hypnosis The requirements for Certification in Clinical Hypnosis from the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis are: b Requirements for Certification in Clinical Hypnosis The requirements for Certification in Clinical Hypnosis from the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis are: Hold at least a masters degree in a health care discipline considered appropriate by the Society and have licensure/certification in the state/province which they practice;Hold at least a masters degree in a health care discipline considered appropriate by the Society and have licensure/certification in the state/province which they practice; 22

23 Training Requirements Membership in a professional society consistent with degree;Membership in a professional society consistent with degree; Licensure or Certification by the state of province in which you practice;Licensure or Certification by the state of province in which you practice; Minimum of 40 hours of ASCH approved workshop training (20 hours each of beginning and intermediate workshops);Minimum of 40 hours of ASCH approved workshop training (20 hours each of beginning and intermediate workshops); 23

24 Training Requirements Minimum of 20 hours of individualized training/consultation with an ASCH Approved Consultant;Minimum of 20 hours of individualized training/consultation with an ASCH Approved Consultant; Minimum of two years of independent practice utilizing clinical hypnosisMinimum of two years of independent practice utilizing clinical hypnosis 24

25 More Information b Hypnosis/FAQsAboutHypnosis/tabid/161/D efault.aspx 25

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