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Software Defects. What leads to what? ERROR FAULT FAILURE Observed by Introduced by.

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Presentation on theme: "Software Defects. What leads to what? ERROR FAULT FAILURE Observed by Introduced by."— Presentation transcript:

1 Software Defects

2 What leads to what? ERROR FAULT FAILURE Observed by Introduced by

3 Product defects Defect = Fault or Failure i.e. Defect is either the cause of failure or the failure itself (as the effect of the fault)

4 What constitutes failure 1.Failing product deadlines 2.Failing product budget (cost) 3.Failing product quality

5 Defect removal costs (taken and adapted from software development data in Germany in the 90s) 40% 50% 25% KLm90 KLm50 KLm25 Lm200 10% Fault Source Fault Detection Per fault Cost 3% 5% 7% 10% Require- ments DesignCoding Component testing Integration testing System use

6 Availability Availability is the probability of getting system service at any given point in time. Availability = sys_uptime/(sys_uptime + sys_downtime) -or- Failure_hazard/(failure_hazard + repair_hazard) -or- z(t)/(z(t) + r(t))

7 Reliability Many defs… Musa et al.: “The probability that a system, or a capability of a system, functions without failure for a specific time or number of natural units” Sommerville: “The probability of failure- free operation for a specified environment for a given purpose”

8 Reliability facts 1.The more failures are observed and corrected the more reliability improves  System usage must be clearly modelled 2.Reliability depends on how a system is used  Reliability growth must be modelled 3.System failures occur randomly  Failure must be modelled probabilistically

9 H/W vs S/W Failure Rates Failure rate time Failure rate

10 Zero-Failure Testing (Motorola™) [ln(failures/(0.5 + failures))] * (hours-to-last-failure) ln[(0.5 + failures)/(test-failures + failures)] Based on the Brettschneider failure rate function (1989) [ ae -bt ]

11 Some measures MTTF: Mean time to failure The time between the system starts and failures MTTR: Mean time to repair The time a system is in repair MTBF: Mean time between failures The time between subsequent system failures

12 Diagrammatically x1x1 x2x2 x3x3 x4x4 x5x5 y1y1 y2y2 y3y3 y4y4 y4y4 z1z1 z2z2 z3z3 z4z4 MTTF = avg(x n )MTBF = MTTF + MTTR MTTR = avg(y n )A = MTBF/(1 - MTBF) MTBF = avg(z n )M = 1/(1 + MTTR) R = MTTF/(1 + MTTF)

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