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Monitoring Asterisk with Icinga2

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Presentation on theme: "Monitoring Asterisk with Icinga2"— Presentation transcript:

1 Monitoring Asterisk with Icinga2

2 Main What is Icinga? How it works? Monitoring agents.
Existing Plugins. Create custom plugins. Preference Data from plugins.

3 Icinga is… Icinga 2 is an open source monitoring system which checks the availability of your network resources. Icinga both sends queries to devices/services and receives status updates. Icinga 1 is a Nagios fork and it is compatible with Nagios Plugins. Icinga 2 is rewritten from scratch and is still compatible Nagios Plugins. Icinga is very flexible and extensible. Multithreaded and scalable for small embedded systems as well as large scale environments. A lot of plugins already exists and it is very simple to create your custom plugin.

4 Icinga 2 Packages Debian Upstream, DebMon, Icinga Repository Ubuntu
Upstream, Icinga PPA, Icinga Repository RHEL/CentOS Icinga Repository OpenSUSE Icinga Repository, Server Monitoring Repository SLES Gentoo Upstream FreeBSD ArchLinux

5 Icinga UI. Three kind of UI exist today. Classic UI. Icinga Web.

6 How it works? Icinga server and Modules. Agent less plugins.
Compatible with Icinga 2 check agents. Plugins. Nagios plugins and custom plugins.

7 Icinga 2 Multithreaded and scalable for small embedded systems as well as large scale environments. Real-time monitoring capabilities. Can run checks every second. Modularity just enable or disable module and run reload. Live Status add-on . You can query Icinga to get info. DB IDO Module (Database Icinga Data Output).

8 Icinga Checks Agent less checks. Http, Ping, SSH and more. (Usually every check that uses known protocol). Agent Based Checks. Plugins on remote host that can’t use protocol, use Agents.

9 Icinga Compatible Agents
NRPE (Nagios Remote Plugin Executor). NSClient++ (For Windows and Linux). SNMP daemon (Cisco routers, not only). SSH can use ssh automatic connection to fetch information from plugins on remote host. Icinga 2 Agent under development now. There are more (can be found in Icinga 2 docs).

10 Check by ssh check_by_ssh plugin Asterisk inbound Asterisk outbound
Icinga2 server Asterisk outbound Nagios Plugins ssh server ssh server CheckCommand “by_ssh” Nagios Plugins ssh automatic connection ssh automatic connection check_by_ssh plugin ssh automatic connection ssh server Nagios plugins Asterisk ss7

11 CheckCommand “by_nrpe”
Check by nrpe CheckCommand “nrpe” Asterisk inbound Asterisk outbound Icinga 2 server Nagios plugins CheckCommand “by_nrpe” Nagios plugins Nrpe server xinetd Nrpe server xinetd Nrpe check Nrpe check check_nrpe plugin

12 Icinga Plugins Nagios Plugins Icinga Plugins
Icinga Plugins There are also Custom Plugins.

13 Custom Plugins. Plugin Directory. Usually is /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/ on remote host. Plugin in directory “check_mycheck”. Command inside /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg (on remote host). NRPE agent (could be other agents).

14 Custom Plugin If(UNKNOWN STATE){
echo “UNKNOWN: Unknown alert or command| ‘unknownt‘=-1 'curcalls‘ = ?”; exit(3); }else If (CRITICAL STATE){ echo "CRITICAL: Current calls 60 and critical alert is 55 | 'critlimit‘=55 'curcalls‘ = 60” ; exit(2); } else If (WARNING STATE){ echo “WARNING: Current calls 45 and warning alert is 40 | ‘warnlimit‘=40 'curcalls‘ = 45” ; exit(1); }else { echo "OK - Current calls 15 | 'calls'= 15”; exit(0); }

15 Performance Data Icinga2-enable-future prefdata.
Spool Dir /var/spool/icinga2/prefdata/ File name for host data: host- perfdata.<timestamp> File name for Service data : service- perfdata.<timestamp> Plugins pass performance data to Icinga server this data can be saved in files and can be red by some Add-ons to presenting it as stats and graphs. In the example above all data that comes after “|” pipe is performance data.

16 Graphing Add-ons Performance data can be used for statistic and
graphic presentations. Icinga 2 needs additional modules for saving this data in files. PNP4nagios uses data written by PrefdataWriter Icinga module. InGraph same (PrefdataWriter ). Graphite (GraphiteWriter Icinga 2 Module).

17 The End David Bereslavich DevOps Engineer

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