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LOGO Supervisor: Mr. Tran Binh Duong Students: 1 4. Nguyen Huong Thanh 5. Pham Thi Bich Thuy 6. Nguyen Thi Thu Huyen Funny Contents Sharing Community 1.

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Presentation on theme: "LOGO Supervisor: Mr. Tran Binh Duong Students: 1 4. Nguyen Huong Thanh 5. Pham Thi Bich Thuy 6. Nguyen Thi Thu Huyen Funny Contents Sharing Community 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 LOGO Supervisor: Mr. Tran Binh Duong Students: 1 4. Nguyen Huong Thanh 5. Pham Thi Bich Thuy 6. Nguyen Thi Thu Huyen Funny Contents Sharing Community 1. Nguyen Anh Quan 2. Tran Minh Duc 3. Dang Tuan Linh

2 Add your company slogan LOGO Introduction 1 Process Management Plan 2 Requirements Specification 3 4 Testing 5 4 5 6 7 Demo & Q/A Implementation

3 Add your company slogan LOGO Products Our Proposal Literature Review Background The People

4 Add your company slogan LOGO Phạm Thị Bích Thủy Mr. Trần Bình Dương Đặng Tuấn Linh Nguyễn Thị Thu Huyền Trần Minh Đức Nguyễn Hương Thanh Nguyễn Anh Quân

5 Add your company slogan LOGO  Smile is indeed important in our everyday life  The most effective and easiest way to have fun is read, view or listen funny contents.  The necessary of sharing funny contents were not evaluated seriously.

6 Add your company slogan LOGO

7 Add your company slogan LOGO Created easily by Facebook users Has effective support from Facebook Owner can’t fully control their page Facebook is banned in Vietnam

8 Add your company slogan LOGO Content’s posted by website’s admin User can’t post, comment or rate content

9 Add your company slogan LOGO Content’s posted by website’s admin User can’t post, comment or rate content Has effective support from Facebook

10 Add your company slogan LOGO Very famous at funny photo sharing network User can post, comment, rate content Inappropriate with Vietnamese

11 Add your company slogan LOGO  Specialized for Vietnamese users.  Contribute from users.  Give more interesting.  Make the system user-friendly.  Have best performance

12 Add your company slogan LOGO The main product of this project is a website:

13 Add your company slogan LOGO Process Environment The proposed system Process Organization Team work Project planning

14 Add your company slogan LOGO Front-end:  Guest : view all contents of any kind  User:  Share contents  Community functions  Integrate well with some other popular networks(Google, Yahoo)

15 Add your company slogan LOGO  Manage users  Manage categories  Manage roles  Manage contents(stories, albums, videos)  Manage reports

16 Add your company slogan LOGO Advertisement Banner Souvenirs(glass, T-shirt…)

17 Add your company slogan LOGO Core 2 Duo 2.0 Ghz 2 GB RAM 120 GB of hard disk Core 2 Duo 2.0 Ghz 3 GB RAM 120 GB of hard disk Development Hardware Server

18 Add your company slogan LOGO

19 Add your company slogan LOGO Iterative Model

20 Add your company slogan LOGO 2 Circles in project plan

21 Add your company slogan LOGO

22 Add your company slogan LOGO  Working 6h/day and 5d/week  Meeting with supervisor 1-2 times a week.  21 meeting minutes.

23 Add your company slogan LOGO  Follow Capstone Project requirements  Buffer: 3 weeks  Using buffer: 2 weeks  Submit all reports before dead-line at least 1 week  Master plan  Details plan.

24 Add your company slogan LOGO Non-functional requirement Functional requirements

25 Add your company slogan LOGO

26 Add your company slogan LOGO Users Admin Approve Report Follow Search

27 Add your company slogan LOGO Guest User Power user

28 Add your company slogan LOGO - Read contents at the website - View other user’s profile - Register account and login into the system - Approve contents - Add categories for contents - Delete contents, comments GuestUserPower User

29 Add your company slogan LOGO  Categories management  Contents management  Reports management  Users management  Roles management  Statistic

30 Add your company slogan LOGO  The contents displayed in home page are approved contents  By power user  By users

31 Add your company slogan LOGO  Bad comments  Bad user  Bad contents

32 Add your company slogan LOGO  Follow users : The followers' contents will be updated in user’s page.

33 Add your company slogan LOGO Other users : search user

34 Add your company slogan LOGO  Use case diagram  Actor  Summary  Goals  Triggers  Preconditions  Post conditions  Success scenarios  Alternative scenarios  Exceptions  Relationship  Business rules  Description  Screen  Data field definitions  Button definitions  Document requirements for each use case  Each includes:

35 Add your company slogan LOGO

36 Add your company slogan LOGO  Usability  Reliability  Availability  Security  Maintainability  Performance

37 Add your company slogan LOGO Database design Detailed design Architecture design

38 Add your company slogan LOGO Overall design

39 Add your company slogan LOGO Multitier architecture

40 Add your company slogan LOGO Components

41 Add your company slogan LOGO Web components

42 Add your company slogan LOGO Data components

43 Add your company slogan LOGO  Design for each use case:  Class diagram  Class explanation  Sequence diagram

44 Add your company slogan LOGO Class diagram example

45 Add your company slogan LOGO Sequence diagram example

46 Add your company slogan LOGO  Business tables  Every table has a primary key named Id which is of type: INT NOT NULL IDENTITY(1, 1)  Max length and nullability strictly follow field definitions

47 Add your company slogan LOGO

48 Add your company slogan LOGO Coding convention Tools Technologies Code review Performance consideration Security consideration Unit test

49 Add your company slogan LOGO

50 Add your company slogan LOGO

51 Add your company slogan LOGO  Follow the general.NET naming convention  FxCop Microsoft naming  Coding style

52 Add your company slogan LOGO  Reviewed by Technical leader  Peer review

53 Add your company slogan LOGO  Mainly for data layer and framework  Unfinished: create NUnit report

54 Add your company slogan LOGO  Caching in 3 layers: database, memory, and output (HTML)  Use SQL Profiler to investigate all data access methods  Minimize requests to the server and database hit  Use AJAX  Compress javascript and css files …

55 Add your company slogan LOGO  Client side and server side validation  No SQL injection  Encrypt sensitive data: password, cookies

56 Add your company slogan LOGO Testing Process Testing Strategy Testing Activities Test Execution Test Report Performance Testing Bugs Report

57 Add your company slogan LOGO Log bug Code Unit test Review code Testing

58 Add your company slogan LOGO AcceptanceSystemIntegrationUnitRequirementsSystem designArchitecture designModule designCoding Developing Testing Plan for

59 Add your company slogan LOGO Test Plan Create TC template Write TC (based on SRS) Review TC Test Execution

60 Add your company slogan LOGO

61 Add your company slogan LOGO Unit test Function test System test Acceptance test Performance test

62 Add your company slogan LOGO

63 Add your company slogan LOGO

64 Add your company slogan LOGO

65 Add your company slogan LOGO

66 Add your company slogan LOGO

67 Add your company slogan LOGO


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