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2 © Mike Jay, 3 4  Test Your Strategy  Tighten up Management  Eliminate Costly Delays  Hold People Accountable  TopGrade Your.

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Presentation on theme: "2 © Mike Jay, 3 4  Test Your Strategy  Tighten up Management  Eliminate Costly Delays  Hold People Accountable  TopGrade Your."— Presentation transcript:


2 2 © Mike Jay,

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5  Test Your Strategy  Tighten up Management  Eliminate Costly Delays  Hold People Accountable  TopGrade Your Company  Reexamine your Leverage Points  Pull the levers  Increase Productivity  Focus on the Right Action  Measure Daily  Take No Prisoners  Champion Innovation  Get Real or Don’t Play 5 © Mike Jay,

6  Has your strategy gotten lose? › What is your core competence? › Have you allowed non-core to creep in? › Is your business model up to date? › What are the key threats to your business model in this macro climate? › Are you able to focus on what’s important or are you being distracted with what’s urgent! 6 © Mike Jay,

7  What are your people doing?  Ask these questions of everyone: › What are the most important things you do everyday? › How are those connected to what’s important overall? › If I ask my people what’s important, will we all agree? › Does what we believe influence our activities daily? 7 © Mike Jay,

8  When is the last time you mapped your business processes?  How often do you compare your current throughput to the original process design?  Have reporting, poor monitoring and delays crept into your processes? 8 © Mike Jay,

9  Track and Monitor Tasking › Are you setting appropriate context for your tasking, or do people wonder what you want, get things wrong frequently, or not perform? › Do you set quantity as well as quality metrics in your tasking? › Are resources available to people to complete the tasks? › Do you time-bound your tasks and track who is able to comply regularly…and do you coach those who don’t? 9 © Mike Jay,

10  TopGrading is simple, just not easy! › Do you know who you’re “A” players are: those people who are in the top 10% of the market value in their jobs? › Do you know who are “B” players; the next 25% of the talent for the pay; and do you coach them? › Do you know who the rest are: “C” players; and are you systematically replacing them with “A” players? 10 © Mike Jay,

11  In EVERY process, there is a point, when something happens, all other things move—this is a leverage point. › Have you reassessed these leverage points? › Have you taken time to consider they may have changed or going to change in the coming crisis? › Does every one of your managers know their leverage points? › Are key leverage points adopted as KPIs? 11 © Mike Jay,

12  How are you allocating resources? › If you have leverage points, are you funding them well? › Are you adding resources and applying capital budgeting to leverage points? › Are you working cross-boundary with others on their leverage points? › Does everyone in the company, know where the levers are in their department and yours? 12 © Mike Jay,

13  There is one clear way to get ahead during a crisis—DO MORE WITH LESS! › Noting other areas in this list, topgrading, tightening up management, etc; › are you aware of how productivity will affect your labor, marginal, operational and net profitability? › Have you systematically looked at specific ways to increase productivity in your processes? 13 © Mike Jay,

14  Right people,  Doing right things,  In right ways,  In the right space,  At the right time,  For the right reasons?  What are those reasons and have they changed due to crisis? 14 © Mike Jay,

15  When in doubt—Measure! › Do people routinely measure? › Are people looking at measuring their activities? › Don’t get bogged down in minutiae— measure big things, but measure! › You don’t drive a car down the street without gauges, why are you spending millions without gauges of your performance? 15 © Mike Jay,

16  Stop pretending, this is the real crisis of the Century!  Get serious about opportunity in the future, by getting serious about how you’re wasting it now!  Don’t let people or costs stay any longer than necessary, lean things up AHEAD of time! 16 © Mike Jay,

17  In times of greatest crisis, there are always seeds of an opportunity waiting?  Step up innovation, ask for ideas.  Dig out the old ideas that you were too busy to consider, reexamine them.  Get people excited about the future by being frank, candid and open.  Be transparent about innovation NOW! 17 © Mike Jay,

18  If you’re a manager, manage!  If you’re a leader, lead.  People need your candid view of the future, and they need you to manage now.  Play baseball, get tough, strike 1, 2, 3, you’re out and keep it that way, be fair, but be relentless about your adherence to the way things are, or are not. 18 © Mike Jay,

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