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DAY 2 DR. SARA MANN.  Review of session #1  Creating an effective culture (and link to strategy and structure of the organization)  Linking culture.

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Presentation on theme: "DAY 2 DR. SARA MANN.  Review of session #1  Creating an effective culture (and link to strategy and structure of the organization)  Linking culture."— Presentation transcript:


2  Review of session #1  Creating an effective culture (and link to strategy and structure of the organization)  Linking culture to the LSI  Engaging and motivating yourself and others: How to increase motivation and performance  Leadership Opportunities within the industry  Skills required to be an effective Board or Committee Member  Presentation by Vice Chair of the Board


4  COMMUNICATION ◦ Everyone perceives things differently ◦ No right or wrong way to communicate – everyone has a preferred style – we need to recognize the preferred style of who we are trying to communicate to ◦ How to be an active listener

5  COMMUNICATION ◦ Disney Exercise: Need to engage everyone in communication (even if they are quiet or introverted – doesn’t mean they don’t have great ideas!) ◦ Importance of providing clear instructions ◦ Teams generally make better decisions than individuals

6  CONFLICT MANAGEMENT/NEGOTIATION ◦ There is not a best way to manage conflict – IT DEPENDS ◦ the importance of taking the other parties’ perspective ◦ the importance of not assuming a fixed-pie bias

7  CONFLICT MANAGEMENT/NEGOTIATION ◦ the importance of not assuming that your interests are incompatible and looking for opportunities that are differentially value ◦ that rather than focusing on finding common ground, the focus should be placed on building credibility, relationships and communication with each other ◦ how framing and persuasion can be used to negotiate more effectively


9  What is the difference between organizational culture and organizational structure?  Organizations range in structure from Mechanistic to Organic

10 10  What influences whether organizations will tend towards an organic or mechanistic structure?  How is structure influenced by: ◦ Organizational goals ◦ Strategy ◦ Size ◦ Technology ◦ Environment

11 11 Structure should follow strategy. What kind of structure would be necessary for the following strategies:  Innovation  Cost leader  Quality leader

12 Mechanistic

13 Organic

14 Front line workers

15  What is the culture of your company (or department)?  What is the structure of your company?  What is the strategy of your company?  Is your approach to supervision aligned with the culture, structure and strategy of your company? ◦ E.g. Westjet

16 ◦ How does your strategy influence your structure? ◦ How does your strategy influence your culture? ◦ How are your culture and structure related?

17  What is the actual culture of your organization?



20  What do you think the IDEAL culture would look like?

21  The cultural norms that you target for change should be those along which you see the greatest gaps (or differences) between current and ideal levels  Define your goals for cultural change in terms of the specific behaviours that your organization’s culture should encourage or discourage


23  Performance management involves evaluating and rewarding your employees (formally and informally)  While it is hard to estimate the ROI for effective performance management, we know that it leads to ◦ Higher levels of motivation ◦ Higher levels of job performance ◦ Higher levels of commitment ◦ Lower levels of turnover

24  Intrinsic Motivation: ◦ e.g. feelings of achievement, accomplishment, challenge, competence, etc.  Extrinsic Motivation: ◦ e.g. pay, fringe benefits, company policies, etc.  Role of individual differences

25  Affective ◦ Because you “want to” (based on identification and involvement with an org)  Continuance ◦ Because you “have to” (based on costs incurred with leaving the org)  Normative ◦ Because you “should” (based on feeling of obligation)

26 Most important motivating factor – DO YOU TREAT YOUR EMPLOYEES FAIRLY??? 1. Distributive justice Perceived fairness of the distribution of the rewards 2. Procedural justice Perceived fairness of the procedure/system used 3. Interactional justice Perceived fairness of the relationships with the rater; concept of understanding; sincerity and logic

27  Are there fair procedures for deciding who gets what?  Are the procedures representative of the thinking of the group?  Are the procedures applied consistently?  Are the procedures ethical?  Is there an appeal system that people can use without fear of retribution?

28  Equally important is that your employees’ perceptions with regards to expectations of performance and rewards are accurate  Make sure your employees feel if they put in effort they will be able to achieve a high level of performance ◦ Increase their self-efficacy ◦ Provide the resources they need ◦ Measure performance fairly and accurately ◦ Make performance goals attainable

29  Make sure there is a reward tied to performance ◦ Define what performance expectations are ◦ Again, make sure the performance is measured fairly and accurately ◦ Make the reward tied to the performance appraisal ◦ Administer the reward in a timely manner  Many orgs offer rewards but don’t tie them to performance ◦ Make sure your employees value the reward !!!

30  Ensure you treat your employees fairly relative to each other because comparisons are always being made  Relative to those both within and outside of the organization  What happens if they don’t think they are being treated fairly?

31  Have your employees set goals that are ◦ Specific ◦ Challenging yet attainable ◦ Proximal and distal ◦ Accepted ◦ Most importantly – provide feedback on the progress of the goals

32  Ensure individuals are satisfied with the design of the job ◦ Is there enough skill variety? ◦ Do they have enough autonomy? ◦ Is the task significant enough? ◦ VERY IMPORTANT - Depends on the individual ◦ Self assessment: Job Motivating Potential

33  Reinforcement as a motivator ◦ Rat example  Mistakes often made by supervisors…. ◦ Confusing rewards with reinforcers  Offer rewards but do not make them contingent on behaviours ◦ Neglecting diversity in preferences for reinforcers  Do not appreciate individual differences ◦ Neglecting important sources of reinforcement  Neglect reinforcers which are administered by coworkers or intrinsic to the job being performed  Importance of performance feedback

34  Based on what we learned on days 1 and 2, lets create a checklist for our own farming operation ◦ Culture ◦ Strategy ◦ Structure ◦ Leadership Style ◦ Communication ◦ Working together as a team ◦ Motivation ◦ Performance



37  AREAS OF CONCERN:  Failure to identify what matters most  Lack of ownership and accountability  Passive behaviour

38  Integrity and personal/professional ethics  Teamwork skills  Impact, influence, coaching and development  Leadership skills  Intellectual curiosity  Capacity to challenge constructively  Conscientiousness, diligence, preparation  MEETING SKILLS – meeting, agenda, flow  COMMUNICATION SKILLS – listening and speaking

39  Aggressive members who try to control the board  An ineffective meeting, agenda or flow  A member who breaches confidentiality  A member who acts out of self-interest  A member who says one thing and does another  A member who doesn’t understand the industry  A member who is not transparent and/or cannot be trusted  Lack of diversity of opinion of members  A member’s behaviour, tone, approach, etc

40  What have you learned in session #1 and session #2 that will help you be a better Board or Committee Member?


42  Why contribute to your industry? What are the benefits and risks? ◦ SWOT analysis of organizational leadership opportunities within the industry ◦ SWOT presentations and discussion



45  Set proximal goals  Set specific goals  Engage in self-talk  Relapse prevention (brainstorm problems and how to overcome them)  Mental imagery (Latham & Seijts)

46 ◦ Day 3 – Government Relations (January 2016) ◦ Day 4 – Media Training (January 2016) ◦ Day 5 – Policy Development, Strategic Thinking and Strategic Planning (February 2016)

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