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FEDEO KO 5B – Workflow and Order, 6 June 2007 Slide 1 FEDEO KO Session 5B : Workflow and Order Frascati, 6 June 2007 Yves Coene, SPACEBEL.

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1 FEDEO KO 5B – Workflow and Order, 6 June 2007 Slide 1 FEDEO KO Session 5B : Workflow and Order Frascati, 6 June 2007 Yves Coene, SPACEBEL

2 FEDEO KO 5B – Workflow and Order, 6 June 2007 Slide 2 Content  Workflow components contributed by ESA.  Discussion about other contributions...

3 FEDEO KO 5B – Workflow and Order, 6 June 2007 Slide 3 1. Workflow Contributions  BPEL workflow environment (SSE)  Composite services (BPEL) Catalogue workflows Processing workflows Programming workflows Integration with other standards

4 FEDEO KO 5B – Workflow and Order, 6 June 2007 Slide 4 1.1. Workflow Environment  SSE SOA implemented using Web services and based on standards Open environment Allows "service providers" to combine services according to a BPEL business process: "orchestration", and publish them.

5 FEDEO KO 5B – Workflow and Order, 6 June 2007 Slide 5 1.1. Workflow Environment  SSE Portal Lists organisations and their services Services are activated from the common Portal Additional services can be deployed on the Portal Applications can "discover" services deployed on the Portal via a registry For end-users and service providers

6 FEDEO KO 5B – Workflow and Order, 6 June 2007 Slide 6 1.1. BPEL Workflow Environment  BPEL (OASIS) Standard to orchestrate Web services into process flows Invoke Web services synchronous / asynchronous Manipulate XML documents (XPath, XSLT) Rich language: if / while / parallel, exceptions, events etc. Expose process flow as Web service Many implementations: SeeBeyond, IBM, Oracle, Intersystems, BPELPower etc.

7 FEDEO KO 5B – Workflow and Order, 6 June 2007 Slide 7 BPEL - Interaction Models  WS-Interoperability ( Request/Response (synchronous) Basic callback (asynchronous)

8 FEDEO KO 5B – Workflow and Order, 6 June 2007 Slide 8 SOAP  SOAP (W3C) message-based (i.e. document-style) Preference for SOAP wrt HTTP Get/Post  Compatibility with ws-addressing  Compatibility with identity mgt solution (SAML, ws-security) Interface is formalised using WSDL  ws-addressing (W3C) asynchronous communication: correlation of messages.

9 FEDEO KO 5B – Workflow and Order, 6 June 2007 Slide 9 SSE Workflow Engine SSE Toolbox

10 FEDEO KO 5B – Workflow and Order, 6 June 2007 Slide 10 SSE Service Registries  Key component of a SOA architecture Loosely coupled services Service discovery and documentation Evolution to also contain policy, governance and security info.  SSE has two service registries: WSIL and UDDI.

11 FEDEO KO 5B – Workflow and Order, 6 June 2007 Slide 11 Service Registry - WSIL  WSIL (IBM, Microsoft) Simple protocol Registry is a single XML file with references residing in fixed place Points to WSDL end-points Limited industry support (IBM, Microsoft, Oracle,...) Some public registries: Xmethods,... Not supported by a standardisation body

12 FEDEO KO 5B – Workflow and Order, 6 June 2007 Slide 12 Service Registry - WSIL  ws-inspection (WSIL) Supported by COTS tools such as Eclipse BPEL Designer to build workflows.

13 FEDEO KO 5B – Workflow and Order, 6 June 2007 Slide 13 Service Registry - OASIS UDDI  Defines protocols for Publishing and searching services registry Controlling access to registry Distributing and delegating to other registries Client UDDI SOAP Request UDDI SOAP Response UDDI Registry Node HTTP Server SOAP Processor UDDI Registry Service Service Directory Create, View, Update, and Delete registrations

14 FEDEO KO 5B – Workflow and Order, 6 June 2007 Slide 14 Service Registry - OASIS UDDI  UDDI (OASIS) Many implementations: JUDDI, Systinet, Infravio, Oracle,... Core WS standard (Gartner) Issue with taxonomies 3 versions

15 FEDEO KO 5B – Workflow and Order, 6 June 2007 Slide 15 businessEntity TB993… European Space Agency “ … is an international organisation.. contacts businessServices identifierBag categoryBag +39.06.78125634 4281 Via Galileo, Frascati, I Peter Smythe businessService Key Name Description BindingTemplates businessService 23T701e54683nf… Products “Cross catalogue search … BindingTemplates BindingTemplate 5E2D412E5-44EE-… tModelInstanceDetails tModelInstanceInfo 4453D6FC-223C-3ED0… /catalogue.wsdl keyedReference DFE-2B… DUNS 45231 keyedReference EE123… NAICS 02417 tModelKeys Service Discovery - UDDI

16 FEDEO KO 5B – Workflow and Order, 6 June 2007 Slide 16 OASIS UDDI  Supported by commercial Web service development tools

17 FEDEO KO 5B – Workflow and Order, 6 June 2007 Slide 17

18 FEDEO KO 5B – Workflow and Order, 6 June 2007 Slide 18 1.2. Composite Services  Scenario in FEDEO RFP  Contributed composite services (BPEL) A) HM catalogue workflows B) Processing workflows C) Programming workflows D) Integration with other standards

19 FEDEO KO 5B – Workflow and Order, 6 June 2007 Slide 19 CFP Scenario

20 FEDEO KO 5B – Workflow and Order, 6 June 2007 Slide 20 a) EO Catalogue Access

21 FEDEO KO 5B – Workflow and Order, 6 June 2007 Slide 21 Distributed search  The SSE distributed search approach is to start a search from the SSE and to search federated catalogues with the same set of attributes (*). Federated catalogues are selected based on collection ID. Client Service Orchestration (SSE) Catalogue (FED_1) Catalogue (FED_2) Catalogue (FED_n) Cumulated resultset SSE distributes query Client formulates a query

22 FEDEO KO 5B – Workflow and Order, 6 June 2007 Slide 22 EO Multi Catalogue Access Mission GS k Mission GS n WSDL HMA ICD WS catalogue Search WSDL HMA ICD Multimission Catalogue Search Existing G/S n systems Existing G/S k systems WS catalogue Search

23 FEDEO KO 5B – Workflow and Order, 6 June 2007 Slide 23 Scenario  Relates to:

24 FEDEO KO 5B – Workflow and Order, 6 June 2007 Slide 24 Catalogue Access  Multi-catalogue BPEL flows generate OGC GML  Integration with Google Earth (via BPEL and KML)

25 FEDEO KO 5B – Workflow and Order, 6 June 2007 Slide 25 Catalogue Access - WMS BPEL workflows give cross catalogue search results back to the client. WMS: catalogue search results shown as map layer on SSE client.

26 FEDEO KO 5B – Workflow and Order, 6 June 2007 Slide 26 A) Catalogue workflows  Cross catalogue search EO datasets (HM catalogue) OGC 06-079 – CSW EO Profile OGC 06-131 - To be implemented Workflows accessed via API (from SSE) or via SOAP (UDDI).  Subscription service for EO datasets "MECS" (Meris: list of daily acquisitions in order list)  SSE Portal automatically generates BPEL for multi- catalogue access via a Wizard.

27 FEDEO KO 5B – Workflow and Order, 6 June 2007 Slide 27 A) Catalogue workflows  SSE Catalogue registration Generates BPEL multi-catalogue workflows and client for CSW EO Profile, ISO Profile r4, OGC 06-131 EO extension package.

28 FEDEO KO 5B – Workflow and Order, 6 June 2007 Slide 28 B) Processing workflow - WCS, WCTS  OWS-3 workflow (Spot Image, Spacebel) OGC 05-140 Chains catalogue, order, WCS, WCTS Made available in BPEL testbed (SSE).

29 FEDEO KO 5B – Workflow and Order, 6 June 2007 Slide 29 B) Processing Workflows Service chaining creates Value-added products … WCS (SPOT Data Raw level) WCTS Spot Image WCS (SPOT Data Ortho Level) Internet Tarifa ESA / DAIL HMA Web Portal

30 FEDEO KO 5B – Workflow and Order, 6 June 2007 Slide 30 C) Programming Workflows  OWS-4 workflow (Spot Image, Spacebel) OGC 07-008 Based on draft of OGC 08-018 EO Profile SPS Chains SPS, WCTS, WCS  GetFeasibility and Submit Developed as part of ESA ESIT project. Made available in BPEL testbed (SSE).

31 FEDEO KO 5B – Workflow and Order, 6 June 2007 Slide 31 c) Programming Workflows GetCapabilities DescribeTasking GetFeasibility Submit GetStatus DescribeResultAccess OGC SPS OGC WCTS OGC WCS "Sensor Planning" & "SWE Controller" BPEL Composite Services (DAIL) HMA Portal User GetFeasibility Submit External Client Spot Image G/S OGC WMS programming processing On-line data access

32 FEDEO KO 5B – Workflow and Order, 6 June 2007 Slide 32  Programming operations GetFeasibity (SPS) Submit (SPS) GetStatus (SPS) DescribeResult Acces (SPS) c) Programming Workflows DescribeCoverage (WCS) Transform (WCTS)

33 FEDEO KO 5B – Workflow and Order, 6 June 2007 Slide 33 Programming Workflows

34 FEDEO KO 5B – Workflow and Order, 6 June 2007 Slide 34 Programming - GetFeasibility Additional Geometric Processing parameter in "SweController" specifies whether the result image is to be processed. The Spotimage SPS will return raw image at level2 via an internal WCTS. The possible options for this parameters are: N/A, Ortho.

35 FEDEO KO 5B – Workflow and Order, 6 June 2007 Slide 35 Programming – Feasibility Results pseudo scenes shown on map. SPS Submit

36 FEDEO KO 5B – Workflow and Order, 6 June 2007 Slide 36 C) Programming Workflows  CoMu workflows ( Spot Image, Spacebel, ASTRIUM-F ) SPS facade for multiple missions/SPS. Will be published in BPEL testbed (SSE).  COPS-B workflows (GIM, Spacebel) Workflows accessing OGC WNS, SOS, SPS, etc. Will be published in BPEL testbed (SSE).

37 FEDEO KO 5B – Workflow and Order, 6 June 2007 Slide 37 C) Programming Workflows – COPS-B  Accessing OGC Web Notification Service and Sensor Planning Service

38 FEDEO KO 5B – Workflow and Order, 6 June 2007 Slide 38 C) Programming Workflows – COPS-B  Access Sensor Observations Service (SOS) and WCS.

39 FEDEO KO 5B – Workflow and Order, 6 June 2007 Slide 39 D) Planned work  Integration of BPEL processes and Identity Management (HMA project)  Based on standards: SAML Ws-security  Protect access between client and workflow engine and between workflow engine and ground segment/service. Policy-based

40 FEDEO KO 5B – Workflow and Order, 6 June 2007 Slide 40 Conclusion  ESA BPEL environment made available for publication of BPEL processes by other parties.  ESA will publish in SSE many BPEL processes developed in a number of past and on-going projects.

41 FEDEO KO 5B – Workflow and Order, 6 June 2007 Slide 41 Workflows  Oracle BPEL implementation issues: Version of SOAP 1.1 versus 1.2 Version of ws-addressing (W3C) No support for SOAP with attachments Ws-security support in BPEL Process Manager not yet available on Jboss/Linux

42 FEDEO KO 5B – Workflow and Order, 6 June 2007 Slide 42 More info on SSE  SSE CD-ROM available from ESA EO Helpdesk SSE and BPEL White Papers SSE User Manuals Software: Toolbox, Eclipse, Oracle BPEL Designer  (Documents section)  BPEL Cookbook,  ESA Publication "STR-252 Service Support Env." 

43 FEDEO KO 5B – Workflow and Order, 6 June 2007 Slide 43 2. Ordering Contributions  Ordering client in SSE (Wizard) Supports 06-141 (old version) Generates BPEL automatically.  Composite services (BPEL) HM ordering workflows (via Portal or SOAP/UDDI)

44 FEDEO KO 5B – Workflow and Order, 6 June 2007 Slide 44 2. Ordering Contributions  OGC 06-141: ESA Envisat [HMA prototype] ASI Cosmo-Skymed [HMA prototype] CSA RadarSat [HMA prototype]  HM Ordering Workflow: HM Ordering: Envisat & Cosmo-Skymed prototype from HMA. BPEL with SOAP I/F and accessible from SSE.

45 FEDEO KO 5B – Workflow and Order, 6 June 2007 Slide 45  Ordering operations: GetRecords (Catalogue) GetOptionsGetQuotation Submit OGC 06-141 Ordering

46 FEDEO KO 5B – Workflow and Order, 6 June 2007 Slide 46  Ordering ICD is supported by SSE Wizard Wizard - OGC 06-141 Ordering

47 FEDEO KO 5B – Workflow and Order, 6 June 2007 Slide 47 OGC 06-141 Ordering - GetRecords

48 FEDEO KO 5B – Workflow and Order, 6 June 2007 Slide 48 HM Ordering  Shopping Cart Envisat and Cosmo-Skymed products

49 FEDEO KO 5B – Workflow and Order, 6 June 2007 Slide 49 HM Ordering - GetOptions

50 FEDEO KO 5B – Workflow and Order, 6 June 2007 Slide 50 3. Other contributions  Ordering Contributions: N/A

51 FEDEO KO 5B – Workflow and Order, 6 June 2007 Slide 51  Workflow Needs: BPEL for EO-1 satellite / polar scenario / polar bears - TBC Regional climate change scenario (models) – TBC Wild fires in Africa – TBC (classification service / hot spots) EPA air quality decision making workflow (Washington University) Thales: oil spills (WIN project)  Other Workflow Contributions: JPL WCTS (TBC) GMU BPEL engine "BPELPower" - portability of scripts ?

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