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 3/21 - DNA: DNA is the ‘instruction manual’ for all of life’s processes. In order for the body to ‘read’ these instructions, each cell must undergo a.

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Presentation on theme: " 3/21 - DNA: DNA is the ‘instruction manual’ for all of life’s processes. In order for the body to ‘read’ these instructions, each cell must undergo a."— Presentation transcript:

1  3/21 - DNA: DNA is the ‘instruction manual’ for all of life’s processes. In order for the body to ‘read’ these instructions, each cell must undergo a process of DNA replication and protein synthesis (transcription and translation). Using the documents provided, describe the process in which the instructions in DNA create proteins.

2  Acid Base Test is THIS WEDNESDAY  Last week’s packet is due Tomorrow!  Gateway is NEXT MONDAY

3  RELAY FOR LIFE COMPETITION!!!!!!!! : ) ◦ We will collect $$$ from all classes everyday this week. ◦ You will get an update each day of totals from all classes. ◦ Winning class receives specialty cupcakes provided by me and class free time. Maybe even a surprise thrown in by Mr. Jefferson too! : )

4  When you glue your indicator paper to your worksheet, use as little glue as possible to make it stick.  Record the color of the pH paper immediately after you take your sample. It will change over time if you wait.  You only need 1 drop when taking our sample.

5  pH scale: measuring pH indicates whether solutions are an acid or base.


7  3/24  In order for an ecosystem to develop, it must undergo certain stages called “succession.” Primary and secondary succession must occur in order to produce a climax community. Using the document provided, describe the process in which an ecosystem changes over time to create a climax community. Write a paragraph about succession.

8  Open up to 3/19  Around the room are pictures. Use these to check the correct boxes for each topic.

9  Test Tomorrow!  Packet 7 moved to Thursday  Study Guide is due Thursday with the packet  pH Lab from yesterday is due THIS FRIDAY.

10 PERIODTOTALS 1$2.36 2$2.00 3$2.02 5$6.59 7$0 (forgot to collect) : (

11 PERIODTOTALS 1$5.73 2$10.50 3$8.49 5$19.76 7$1.90

12  Catalysts ◦ Acid/Base Venn Diagram ◦ Bronsted-Lowry Practice ◦ pH concentration WS ◦ Acids Bases AKS Study Guide

13  Pull out your packets for review and open up to 3/20  We will watch a video for you to answer the questions

14  3/21  3/24  Both of these Gateway preps contain documents. When using a document, you must include outside information, but use the document as a reference if necessary to make connections to the topic.

15 1. A ____________ is a substance that dissolves another substance.  A. solute  B. solvent  C. saturation  D. solution

16 A solution is an example of a…  A. heterogeneous mixture  B. homogeneous mixture  C. suspensions  D. salt

17 Which of the following substances is an ionic compound that dissociates in water?  A. NaCl  B. H 2  C. Cl 2  D. C

18  If you wanted to prepare a 3M solution from an original 6M solution of sugar water, you would…  A. Remove some of the water.  B. Add more solution.  C. Add more sugar.  D. Dilute the solution with water.

19  If solute is added to a solution, what happens to its freezing and boiling points?  A. Freezing and boiling points decrease.  B. Freezing point decreases. Boiling point increases.  C. Freezing and boiling points increase.  D. Freezing point increases. Boiling point decreases.

20 A solution at 10ºC contains 40 grams of KCl.  How would you describe the solution?  A. saturated  B. unsaturated  C. supersaturated  D. nonionized

21  Which substance on the graph has a solubility  curve that is more like a gas than like a solid?  A. NaNO 3  B. Ce 2 (SO 4 ) 2  C. KCl  D. KNO

22  If a solute is added to a saturated solution of that same material at the same temperature, the solute would…  A. dissolve partially  B. dissolve completely  C. sink to the bottom of the test tube

23  In a polar solvent, dissociation occurs when a solute is…  A. covalent.  B. ionic.  C. nonpolar  D. liquid

24  In general, when the temperature of a solvent is increased…  A. Solvent molecules move faster.  B. Less solid solute is able to dissolve.  C. Solute molecules dissolve slower. D. Solvent molecules move slower.

25  We will do the free response together tomorrow during test correction quiz.  STUDY TONIGHT FOR TEST CORRECTION QUIZ!!!

26 PERIODTOTALS 1$9.19 2$14.50 3$13.74 5$19.76 7$2.02

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