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 25 States have outlawed/banned smoking in restaurants and public areas  Effects of Tobacco Use  Many different types of cancers can be caused.

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4  25 States have outlawed/banned smoking in restaurants and public areas  Effects of Tobacco Use  Many different types of cancers can be caused by tobacco use!


6  Behavior problems  Low birth weight  Higher risk of asthma  Increase of Bronchitis

7  Eye Irritation  Middle ear infections in children  Airway irritation

8  Hand out straws  Do activity

9  Misconception fact sheet  Joey’s personal story

10  Say facts about smoking

11  Stats  % of adults, high school, and middle-school age who use smokeless tobacco  Different types of smokeless tobacco  Carcinogens that are found in smokeless tobacco  Effects  Activity on Smokeless tobacoo

12  PRg&feature=related PRg&feature=related

13 PLEASE DO NOT SMOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT KILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And as Joey Says IT STINKS!!!!

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