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Food for Life Eating and Cooking to Beat Diabetes Class 5: Handling Tricky Situations and Stocking the Kitchen.

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Presentation on theme: "Food for Life Eating and Cooking to Beat Diabetes Class 5: Handling Tricky Situations and Stocking the Kitchen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Food for Life Eating and Cooking to Beat Diabetes Class 5: Handling Tricky Situations and Stocking the Kitchen

2 Please continue to help us help this program: Complete an evaluation.

3 Let’s Start Another Weekly Menu Planner

4 How are you doing? Meals or dishes you tried? Successes to share? Challenges you’d like help with?

5 For Today Tricky Situations The Truth About Spam Let’s Cook: Stocking Up by Canning, Freezing, Drying and Sprouting Planning for the last class

6 Review Question Name the four food groups on the Power Plate (no peeking at the front of the manual).

7 Tricky Situation #1 What can I pack for lunch so I can say “No” to quick but potentially life-shortening “Fast Food?” 1. 2. 3. Packed With Plant Power

8 Tricky Situation #2 I get hungry between lunch and dinner. Give me your top 3 ideas for POWER PLATE snacks: 1. 2. 3.

9 Tricky Situation #3 My adult son drives a truck. He wants to eat healthy food while he’s working. What types of restaurants should he look for? What menu items would be good choices? What could he pack to eat?

10 Tricky Situation #4 My sister thinks eating healthfully costs too much. Name two inexpensive ideas for each meal: breakfast, lunch and dinner.

11 Review Question: What’s an “Animal Product”?

12 Tricky Situation #5 I want to see if I can get off insulin by eating Power Plate meals. But my husband and kids are resistant to changing the food they are used to eating. What are some ideas for getting the support I need from my family? How can I tell if I am taking too much insulin (or diabetes pills) and it is time to ask my health care provider about taking less?

13 Tricky Situation #6 I loves sweets - especially cookies, sweet desserts and soda pop. But I’m tired of not being able to see my toes. Provide ideas so I can satisfy my sweet tooth with healthy alternatives. 1. 2. 3 4.

14 Tricky Situation #7 My brother says he doesn't eat breakfast and instead fills a large to-go cup with ice and Pepsi and drinks that in the morning. He complains that he has no energy in the afternoon. He has asked me for some ideas on how to start his day in a better way. What are three breakfast ideas for my brother? 1. 2. 3.

15 Let’s talk about: Why is it risky for people with diabetes to eat foods from animals?

16 Foods from animals are full of Fat Saturated fat Cholesterol Oxidants Which are linked to: Insulin resistance Diabetes Heart disease Kidney disease Many types of cancer


18 The TRUTH about SPAM

19 What’s In Spam? Mostly fat. The label shows how much fat is in one “serving.” How many servings are there in one can? In case it is too hard to read, it says, “6.”

20 Fat in 1 slice of Spam =

21 Amount of cooked beans that have as much fat as 1 slice of Spam (16 cups)

22 Which will fill you up more? This…

23 …Or this?

24 It is not just FAT that makes Spam such a loser. 1 slice of Spam vs. ½ cup of black beans: When you compare Total Fat, Saturated Fat, Cholesterol, Sodium, and Fiber, which is best? And look! You even get a little more protein from the Black Beans. (1/6 th of can)

25 Is there anything good in a can of SPAM? Protein – what other foods have protein besides foods from animals? What other risks are known about processed meat, like hot dogs, bacon, SPAM? –Directly linked to type 2 diabetes –Linked to many types of cancer

26 OK, how about other meats? Compare the fat in a beef burger, turkey burger, and veggie burger: 20 grams 11 grams Less than 1 gram (4 pats (2 pats(Less than 1/5 of butter) of butter) pat of butter)

27 Beans Inexpensive Convenient Lots of protein, none of the fat Improve bowel health Support local farmers Buy in bulk, they will keep for a long time Practically cook themselves!

28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1314 15 1617 18 19 20

29 Review Questions – What’s the missing word? To avoid diabetes and complications of diabetes, eat less foods full of __ __ __. Lard, shortening, butter, margarine, oil are all examples of __ __ __. There is also plenty of this in chicken, beef, mutton, fish, cheese, and other animal products. When __ __ ___ that we eat builds up inside muscle cells, insulin cannot do its job. This leads to high blood sugar and diabetes. Dr. John McDougall likes to say, “The _ _ _ you eat is the _ _ _ you wear.”

30 Inspiration In the Marshall Islands, where half of all adults have diabetes and canned meats are extremely popular, one grocery store owner has decided he will no longer sell this unhealthy food. He has also increased the variety of beans and grains he sells.

31 Let’s Cook!

32 Freezing Individual servings Peak-of-season fruits New Mexico chilis Beans Bean juice Stock Tortillas Tamale Masa

33 Canning Tomato Sauce Tomato sauce

34 Drying Fruit Herbs Corn Chilies Pumpkin

35 Sprouting

36 For Next Week Grow sprouts. Bring a recipe that needs a “make-over.” Bring an idea to share for how you can keep these new habits going after class ends.

37 Thank you for coming! Please fill out a Comments Page See you next week!!

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