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Beavercreek High School BYOD Orientation 2016-2017.

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Presentation on theme: "Beavercreek High School BYOD Orientation 2016-2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 Beavercreek High School BYOD Orientation 2016-2017

2 BYOD BHS and FH students can access digital resources through the district’s Wi-Fi network by utilizing a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) initiative. BYOD allows students the flexibility to decide which type of personal device provides the best means of working on their academic studies.

3 BYOD Students can responsibly use their devices before and after school, between classes and during lunchtime.

4 BYOD Students can also use their devices during class with teacher permission. Each teacher is responsible for creating a BYOD policy for their classroom and informing students of when it is and is not acceptable to use their devices.

5 BYOD Appropriate use of devices during the school day includes: Research Problem solving Word processing Data entry Contacting teachers Collaborating on class projects

6 BYOD Inappropriate use of devices during the school day includes: Taking pictures/video Making phone calls Texting Accessing social media Playing games Viewing non-academic content

7 BYOD Refer to pages 18 and 19 in the student handbook for additional information about the acceptable use of devices during the school day.

8 Responsibility Because BYOD utilizes personal devices, each student is responsible for making sure their device is charged, available when they want it and kept secure during the school day. BCS is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged devices.

9 Wi-Fi Login Locate the BYOD network in your settings under Wi-Fi or by clicking on the W-Fi symbol (if available on your device type).

10 Students will use their BCS username and password to log in to the network. Wi-Fi Login

11 If your device will not log in to the network during your orientation session, troubleshooting tips are available on the BHS website. Additionally, in person help can be obtained during the following times: -BHS IMC M, W, F 7:30am-8:30am -FH IMC T, Th 7:35am-8:30am

12 Authentication Portal Student access to electronic resources while using the BYOD Wi-Fi network is governed by several network filters. To allow your device to function in the normal student filter group, you must authenticate the device by using the authentication portal

13 Authentication Portal Students can access the portal by typing the address below in their device’s web browser URL field Enter your username and password in the appropriate fields and click the Log In button.

14 Resources Each student is provided a free Microsoft 365 account while they are enrolled in Beavercreek City Schools MS 365 accounts include cloud-based file storage, email (in-district contacts only), free installations of MS Office and access to online MS Office applications

15 Resources To log in to MS 365, go to the BHS homepage and access the Microsoft 365 Login link located on the Students tab The login page can also be accessed directly at

16 Resources Your username is your normal BCS network username followed by Your password is your normal BCS network password

17 Resources Additional MS 365 training resources are available at:

18 Resources Chromebook/iPad Checkout A limited number of Chromebooks and iPads are available for checkout from the IMC during the school day. Chromebooks cannot be checked out overnight or for extended periods.

19 Resources Printing from a Device Students can print directly from their personal devices during the school day. Directions for accessing device printing are available at: 5224 5224

20 BYOD Remember, using devices during the school day is a privilege. Use your devices responsibly!

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