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Green & Wood Waste Recycling Neal Road Recycling and Waste Facility Butte County Department of Public Works Division of Waste Management July 26, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Green & Wood Waste Recycling Neal Road Recycling and Waste Facility Butte County Department of Public Works Division of Waste Management July 26, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Green & Wood Waste Recycling Neal Road Recycling and Waste Facility Butte County Department of Public Works Division of Waste Management July 26, 2016 1

2 Green & Wood Waste Sources: Incorporated and unincorporated areas Primarily from “self-haul” customers and commercial landscapers Generally NOT from agricultural sources ACCEPTABLE materials: prunings, pallets, clean dimension lumber NOT ACCEPTABLE: litter, trash, cactus, palm fronds, contaminants 2

3 Current Local Green & Wood Waste Options NRRWF - $5 minimum charge, $12/ton o 7-days a week Chico Compost Site - $5 min o Tuesday thru Saturday Recology (Oroville) - $11.50 min o Monday thru Saturday Northern Recycling (Paradise) - $5 min o Tuesday thru Saturday Earthwork Soil Factory (Neal Road) - $4 min o Tuesday thru Saturday Old Durham Wood (Durham) o Monday thru Friday Ord Ranch Road Transfer Station (Gridley) o Weekends only 3

4 NRRWF Green & Wood Waste Pile June 23, 2016July 21, 2016 4

5 NRRWF’s Market for Processed Green and Wood Waste – Before Recent Events Energy (Biomass Cogeneration) Wood Chips  Transported  Cogeneration ( Source: Covanta Stanislaus ) 5

6 NRRWF’s Operational Considerations: 1) Grind to finer sizes & deliver to compost sites (if they will take it), or… 2) Grind the material for use as Alternative Daily Cover (ADC) ADC (instead of soil) Processed wood grindings in ADC can be used to cover buried garbage (but related organics laws may change) ADC is subject to State Board of Equalization fees ($1.40/ton) ADC does not perform as well as soil to cover garbage ADC is bulkier than soil More processing = higher cost 6

7 ADC used at NRRWF Chipped wood waste (ADC) transported and stored on landfill cell at a cost of $24/ton Height nearly 6 feet tall, area about the size of two football fields 7

8 ADC used at Landfill Working Face “Flagging” = protruding garbage Need to use a lot of passes to reduce flagging and improve compaction 8

9 Impacts of ADC on NRRWF Operations Costly to produce (on-site grinding) Costly to transport to fill areas Bulkier than cover soil to bury garbage Occupies air space (valued at $42.11/ton) Existing NRRWF financial model does not support current strategy for processed wood waste State law may eventually prohibit burial of organics (i.e. ADC) in landfills 9

10 Preferred use of Green and Wood Waste Municipal CompostSoil Amendment/Vermicompost 10

11 Options Considered Discontinue accepting green and wood waste at NRRWF o Direct customers to other facilities (i.e. compost sites) o Composting is a more beneficial use Increase minimum fee from $12/ton to $66.11/ton to process wood grindings and transport them to active fill areas o Cost of processing and grinding = $24/ton o Cost of disposal = $42.11/ton o Total cost = $66.11/ton 11

12 Thank You Questions and Discussion 12

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