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European Unity. Council of Europe: Created in 1948 European federalists hoped Council would quickly evolve into a true European parliament with sovereign.

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1 European Unity

2 Council of Europe: Created in 1948 European federalists hoped Council would quickly evolve into a true European parliament with sovereign rights, but this did not happen. Britain, with its empire and its “special relationship” with U.S., opposed giving any real political power—sovereignty—to the council.

3 Schuman Plan 1950 created the European Coal and Steel Community Put forth by French statesman Jean Monnet and Foreign Minister Robert Schuman. Special international organization to control & integrate European steel and coal production. West Germany, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, & Luxembourg accepted in 1952; Britain refused to enter Immediate economic goal: a single competitive market w/o national tariffs or quotas. "The Six": By 1958 coal and steel moved freely among six nations of the European Coal and Steel Community Far-reaching political goal: bind six member nations so closely together economically that war among them would become unthinkable and virtually impossible.

4 European Economic Community (EEC) Treaty of Rome, 1957 Created European Economic Community (EEC) or the Common Market Signed by same six nations in the Schuman Plan – “the Six” First goal of treaty: Gradual reduction of all tariffs among the Six in order to create a single market almost as large as the U.S. Other goals: Free movement of capital and labor. Common economic policies and institutions. Tariffs were rapidly reduced and regions specialized in what they did best.

5 European Economic Community (EEC) EEC encouraged hopes of political and economic union. Union frustrated in 1960s by resurgence of more traditional nationalism. Euratom (European Atomic Energy Agency) also created by agency. Communist states responded by forming their own economic association--COMECON

6 France Steps Back from European Unity Bitter colonial war in Algeria resulted in the election in 1958 of General De Gaulle who established the Fifth French Republic and ruled as president until 1969. Withdrew France from "US controlled" NATO and developed own nuclear weapons program. De Gaulle twice vetoed application of pro-American British to European Union. Britain did not inter until 1973.

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