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Web Design Company in Pune Discusses 10 Mistakes Your Website Designer Should Avoid

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2 Getting a website for your company is a must in today’s era. Having an online presence helps you win your present and prospective client’s trust and maintain a healthy relationship. However, through this article, as a web designing company in Pune we wish to point out some blunders website designers make. These blunders must be avoided in order to make the most of the website and stand out in the competition.web designing company in Pune Keep reading. Call us - +91 231 2620003 / 9156044824

3 1. New Windows Earlier, opening content in a different window was considered a new thing in web designing. But not anymore! Today this feature annoys the user as it slows down the computer’s response and makes the entire process complicated. However tempting this feature may be, web designer of a website designing company should avoid making this mistake. Your website should be designed in such a way that it allows the user to open links in a new window only if they wish to. Call us - +91 231 2620003 / 9156044824

4 Truth to be told, as a website designing company in Pune, we have experienced that most novice website designers don’t put contact details in obvious places on a website. A web designer must ensure that they add your contact details on every page. This way, people who wish to contact you directly and know more about your products and services can do so. One smart way to do this is to add a ‘Contact Us’ link on every page of your website. This will allow a sort of transparency and real world legitimacy to your business. Some users will also find this arrangement realistic and approach you directly. 2. No phone numbers and addresses at appropriate places Call us - +91 231 2620003 / 9156044824

5 Hyperlinks or links that do not lead you anywhere when clicked or show a ‘404’ errors are a big no! Bad links can make your users not visit your website again. So be careful about it. It is therefore advised that you test your website on a weekly basis to ensure you have no broken links. Also if possible include “Contact the Webmaster “ link in the footer of your web site so that a user can let you know about any broken link at the earliest. It will then be the responsibility of the website design company to fix the errors at the earliest and make your website user friendly. 3. Broken Links Call us - +91 231 2620003 / 9156044824

6 Old, outdated content may not fetch you the much desired result. Your Website Design Company must take responsibility to ensure that the website is updated with fresh and relevant content on a regular basis. Also make sure that you upload accurate and error free content on your website. This will enable you to gain more credibility and get more traffic towards your website as you website is providing new and relevant content. 4. Not uploading updated information Call us - +91 231 2620003 / 9156044824

7 5. Use of different fonts and colours A unified and consistent look on the pages, make it appear much better for the user. However, it has been observed that trainee web designers make use of several fonts and colours on the web page and make it appear tad garish. Therefore, as a rule of thumb, make use of maximum of 2-3 fonts and colours on your page. By doing so, you will win the trust of your users and reassure them of your stability and strength in your products and services. You must also ensure to make your pages look good on all devices such as desktops, tablets and various smart phones. Call us - +91 231 2620003 / 9156044824

8 6. Improper Navigation In today’s internet generation it is all about speed and standing out in the competition. It therefore becomes imperative to ensure that you are able to hold the user’s attention for a long duration. If the user is unable to understand how to go to the next link or page quickly, he may lose interest and move to another site. To avoid this, be sure to use a proper navigation menu either on top or side of your web page so that it is easily visible to the user. As a website designing company in Pune, we ofter think out-of-the-box and come up with newer and innovative ideas to ensure proper navigation of your website. You may also provide your users with an easy find-site map in the navigation bar with a view of every page on your website. Call us - +91 231 2620003 / 9156044824

9 7. No links to your social media pages. You will find a majority of your audience present on social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest etc. Not having your links directing to your social media may cause you to lose credibility on the social platforms. Social media is the future and several companies are making business through these sites. It is therefore important that your website design company link to your social media without fail. Also, make sure that the your website design allows the user to move from one link to another effortlessly. If you are able to achieve this then be assured of getting quality and more traffic to your website. Call us - +91 231 2620003 / 9156044824

10 8. No proper functioning of Back button Ensure your website has proper and functioning Back button. Avoid misleading your viewers as you may lose them in the process. If the back button gets disabled then the users may get annoyed and not return to your website. or Call us - +91 231 2620003 / 9156044824

11 9. Slow server If your website takes a long time to load, it may cause the user to move to another website. To avoid this, web design companies in Pune must ensure that the load time is faster. According to a survey conducted by Akamai Technologies, a user will wait for only 4 seconds for the website to load. It therefore is the onus on the website design company to achieve faster load timing. Call us - +91 231 2620003 / 9156044824

12 10. Improper linking to home page This factor is very important. Link all your pages to the home page. Why? It may happen that users may send a particular link to their friends or colleagues who may want to know more about your business. However, with no proper link to your homepage, they may reach a dead-end. This is not good for your business. Adding a link to the home page will save you the trouble of loosing prospective customers. Call us - +91 231 2620003 / 9156044824

13 Satej Infotech Pvt. Ltd. is a web design company in Puneweb design company in Pune with international project experience in hand. To know how to make your website work for you get in touch with us today! Call us - +91 231 2620003 / 9156044824

14 Contact Us Details Mob. No. : 9156044824 Flat No.5, 2nd Floor, Swami, Sadan Apt.,846, Dhanakwadi, Near Last Bus Stop, Pune 411043 Maharashtra, India

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